Chapter 16 "Bullets and blows"

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"Wake up Madison!"

I feel a light push on my back that causes me to flutter my eyes open as I jump up from the bed. My eyes locking with Luna.

"What are you doing here?," My croaky voice says.

"I know what you did last night," she shakes her head disapprovingly. Last night events comes to my mind as I picture Nina's lifeless body laying on the cold concrete floor surrounded by a pool of blood.

"It's my fault my friend is dead Luna," I screech in pain throwing myself into Luna's arms. At first Luna stays stiff, but then she embraces me into a hug stroking my hair saying, "it's going to be okay."

"How can you say that? Thanks to me, two people are dead," I sigh.

"The guy wasn't your fault and as for your friend well you shouldn't of done that," she sighs too.

"Desperation took over," I sniffle.

"You already made a plan. You need to stick with it Madison. Those steps you took forward with Leo are now erased. This desperate action you took last night took you back to step one," Luna bluntly says pulling away from the hug now looking at me. As much as I don't want to admit it to myself Luna is absolutely right. I messed up big time last night. I don't know why in the world I thought I could get away from Leo. Now thanks to my rash decision, Nina is dead and it's all on me.

"What the fuck is on your neck?," Luna's dark brown eyes widen as she examines purplish bruises on the side of my neck.

"H-he choked me," my voice cracks as I cover my face with my two hands letting it all out.

"I wish I could say I'm shocked, but that's not the case," Luna huffs.

"Why is he such a psycho?," I grumble wiping the wet stains of my tears away from my cheeks.

"His parents made him the way he is," Luna huffs slumping her shoulder down.

"What do you mean?," I furrow my brows interested in his background I know nothing about.

"Get out," Leo suddenly utters causing the both of us to jump back a bit. Luna doesn't say a word and instead gets up from my bed walking out of the room not looking back.

"Get ready, you're getting sold to Cordova," Leo blankly says stepping out of my room locking the door. My emerald green eyes almost bulge out of their sockets as I absorb what Leo just said to me. I scrunch my brows together confused on why Leo ended up selling me to Cordova after he declined, but I guess I must of really pissed him off that now he just wants me out of his life. It's not like Leo has been an ideal of a Prince Charming instead he's been a total nightmare in my life. However, I'm still a prisoner, which is nothing new just the only difference is that I now have a new owner. I guess, I can only hope for is that Cordova isn't a psycho like Leo.


Leo's pov

"I knew she'll be up for sale soon," Cordova calmly says.

"Where's my money?," I bluntly say ignoring his remark.

"Straight to the point... I see, here's for the order and the dama," Cordova responds opening a black suitcase.

Rios grabs the money going through the stacks then nodding at me confirming the full amount is there.

"Montoya go bring Madison," I firmly order.

"So how is she in bed? Any heads up on anything?," Cordova smirks. The thought of him laying a single finger on her makes my blood boil.

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