Chapter 63 "Guilt"

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Leo's pov

"Leo stop," Luna terrifyingly shouts. I have no idea how long I've been punching the wall of the waiting room. It's the only way, I can ease this guilt and pain that's eating me alive.

My knuckles are swollen, numb, and bloody from the damage I've done being here going out of my mind not knowing how to help myself besides hurt myself.  So much regret, anger, and anxiety runs through my body that's making me go crazy. It all happened too quick for me to even use my body as a shield to protect my heart. My leg being shot completely disabled me from being able to rush to her rescue. I feel like absolutely shit not being able to protect her like I've always done before.

I failed her. I failed my son.

Rios and East peek their heads form behind the building near the alleyway we're currently in. I saw their eyes widen in terror at what they're witnessing. They knew they had to act fast. However, it wasn't fast enough. I watched as the bullet Rossi released from the gun hit Madison on her back as she immediately turned around protecting our son from being shot at because that's exactly what Rossi aimed at. The bitch aimed the pistol at an innocent child. My child. Rios shoots Rossi twice on the head causing her to fall down harshly. The pistol in her hand flying away from her grip which East immediately grabs.

Madison instantly falls helplessly down to the ground unconsciously. For the first time in my life, I screeched from the excruciating pain my heart and soul felt. All the light in my life faded away as darkness took over my world once again. Becoming numb to the pain, I lurch towards Madison picking her up into my arms. So much blood bursted out from her back now staining my arms.

"Baby, please open your eyes please," I cry helplessly and vulnerably. I've never cried for anyone before in my life until now. The heartbreak and shock I'm feeling right now is almost too much for me to take. I'm loosing the love of my life in my arms.

"Someone call the ambulance," I screech hugging Madison tightly. I rub her stomach trying to feel any kind of movement from my son, but I get nothing. My heart shatters into a million pieces. Fearing the absolute worse.

"Oh my god, we were too late. We're so sorry boss. Fuck," East sighs as Rios calls the ambulance.

"Baby, please don't leave me. I need you please stay strong for me... for our baby please I love you so much," I sniffle realizing that waiting for the ambulance might just take too long. Madison and my son's lives depend on my actions.

"Help me carry her. We're taking her to the hospital ourselves. We can't waste anymore time. T-they're both dying," I hastily say wanting to break down at the last sentence, but I have to stay strong and do what I have to do to save their lives. There's no time to be weak and vulnerable right now.

They both need me to act.

East and I carry Madison into the car and immediately I shout for Diaz to step on the gas pedal. Every second counts. On our way to the hospital, I hold my entire life in my arms. Without realizing, I'm a crying mess as I stare down at her unconscious self. As much as I beg Madison to open her eyes, she doesn't just like our son. They're both silent and that's tearing me apart.

"If there's any god up there. If you're truly real please I beg you with all of my heart to save the both of them. They're both innocent. I'm the monster I deserve this not them. They don't deserve this at all," I sob kissing Madison's face. Her skin is so lifeless, pale, and cold.

"Please god, I'll do whatever you ask of me, but please save my heart and my son please fucking please," I murmur.

"We're here," Diaz hastily announces stepping on the break bringing the car into a harsh stop in front of the hospital. Immediately nurses rush out of the building with a bed helping us place Madison on it which they in a quickness rush her inside calling an emergency cesarean section. I follow behind them. However, the nurse closes the door preventing me from entering the room where Madison and my son were taken in.

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