Chapter 39 "Ex"

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"Damien," I breathe shocked by his presence. Leo immediately noticed my reaction and abruptly stands up facing Damien. Knowing Leo's uncontrolled temper. I follow him up snapping out of my frozen state grasping his arm.

"Leo please," I murmur.

"I thought you were missing?," Damien raises a dark brow his eyes glancing down at my belly. I can see confusion and disgust swirling within his eyes from the sight of me.

"You need to leave Damien please," I worriedly say.

"Who the fuck are you?," Leo mutters his jaw clenched. The red eagles noticed this confrontation instantly being by their leader's side warily watching Damien. If I don't do something quick. Leo is going to turn this club upside down soon.

"Damien, her ex," Damien bluntly says glaring at Leo. I cringe as soon as those words slip out of his mouth knowing Leo's jealousy is going to erupt any second now. Leo's face expression darkens. A pure menacingly look that would have anyone shivering from fright.

"I suggest you walk the fuck away if you know what's good for you," Leo threatens.

"Leave now Damien," I utter feeling extreme anxiety travel all over my body.

"No, I'm not scared of this thug. Are you being held against your will? Let me know Madison," Damien peers between Leo, myself, and the red eagles.

"She is not. Now fall back," Leo answers for me.

"Let her speak," Damien says throwing a death glare towards Leo.

"No, I was never missing," I say nervously.

"Then why did your coworker file a missing report then suddenly appear dead at an alleyway?," Damien questions not at all buying my response.

"If you don't leave. You'll be a dead man soon," Rios sinisterly threatens his hand inside his back pocket.

"Please leave just leave," my voice cracks. There's no way I want another person losing their life over me. Leo notices my plead and he pushes me behind him not wanting Damien anywhere near me. Leo is very possessive, so I'm sure I'll get questioned soon about all of this bullshit that I really hope he forgets the next morning.

"I investigated you perfectly Leo Castillo, leader of the red eagles. I'm sure your criminal ass kidnapped Madison and raped her. I bet she's carrying your piece of shit baby isn't she?," Damien grits his teeth clenching his fists. I gasp, not only stunned by Damien's death wish, but I'm extremely pissed about what he called my child. Before I could retort, Leo takes flight at Damien. The both of them now punching one another. Leo is completely man handling Damien without even trying.

By this point, the red eagles are all armed circling around Leo and Damien. The club notices the drama happening in our private lounge and the Dj immediately stops playing music. Security sprint towards us trying to break up the fight, but before they touched the scene Sniper, East, and Diaz block the path, so they wouldn't enter. Security didn't bother to argue with any of them instead they nod stepping back.

"Leo!," I shout wanting this fight to stop.

"Please stop," I scream frightened by all the blood spluttering from Damien's nose and mouth. However, Leo ignores me continuing to pound on Damien. If I don't stop this now. Damien is good as dead.

"Stop them now," I demand Luna and Rios. Luna immediately obeys making her way towards Leo, but is immediately brought to a halt by Rios.

"Let him finish him. He was warned and didn't listen. No one disrespects our boss and future leader," Rios says to Luna.

"Fuck!," I scold out loud frustrated out of my mind, so I did what no pregnant woman should ever do. I decided to break up the fight myself. Without wasting another second. I rush towards Leo grabbing his arm from striking onto Damien's bruised face. Leo retorts by elbowing back striking my belly causing me to tumble down helplessly to the ground harshly.

"Madison!," Luna shouts horrified running towards me. I wince in pain holding onto my stomach feeling cramps strike me almost immediately. As soon as Leo hears Luna scream my name. He snaps his head back his angry face faltering with pure regret and fear as he realizes what he has done.

"I didn't know it was you. I'm so fucking sorry baby," he hastily says bolting towards me leaving Damien behind.

"Are you okay? Fuck! I fucked up! Please be okay baby. I didn't mean to," Leo voice cracks as he wraps his arms around me at the same time examining me.

"Oh my god," Luna gasps fear in her dark brown eyes.

"What?," Leo mutters looking at Luna.

"No no no," her eyes widen complete fear swirling in her irises almost as if she saw a ghost. Her naturally sun kissed skin color draining into a pale color. I let out a scream feeling another cramp strike me from my waist. However, this cramp isn't like the other cramps I was feeling a few seconds ago. This one is painful and almost overbearing making my hands tremble from the excruciating pain.

"Baby what's wrong?," Leo asks looking at me with concern and worry. I glance down feeling a wet sensation around my sensitive area. What I see next has me completely speechless. Tears forming instantly within my emerald green eyes praying to the almighty for all of this to be a nightmare, but as much as I blink. I'm still in the same spot realizing this is my reality.

"No! Not my baby!," I screech. Leo's color drains out of him as he glances down to where my eyes are intently glued to. My white dress hugging my sensitive area is stained, a pure red color on it.

A puddle of blood lays on the floor.

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