Chapter 67 "Red Eagle Loyalty"

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Leo's pov

I'm losing my mind while I hold a crying little Leo. He sure isn't happy at all today. I tried feeding him, giving him his pacifier, putting cartoons on for him, swinging him, but no matter what he ain't having any of it.

"What's wrong son?," I exhaustedly say not knowing what to do anymore. His cries are so loud echoing throughout the house. I feel completely frustrated. I can feel my eyes starting to tear up from complete frustration.

"Have you checked his diaper?," Lucero utters leaning against the side of the door frame with her arms crossed intently watching me.

I lay little Leo on my bed unbuttoning him out of his onesie seeing the once yellow line a bit blue indicating there's a little pee. "There's just a little pee nothing major," I respond.

"Change the diaper," she replies. I do as she advises grabbing a new diaper exchanging it with the old one on little Leo which he immediately stops crying like nothing ever happened. "You did all that over a little pee?," I ask buttoning up his onesie. Little Leo's emerald green eyes just stares back at me. I can't help, but think of Madison every time I look into my son's eyes.

"He's a neat freak like daddy," Lucero chuckles stepping inside the room to take a closer look at my son and I. Instantly, I take him into my arms protectively. After having a mole betray me before. There's no way I trust anyone besides my closest men I've known since very young.

"I can see that," I smirk looking down at my son. It's so crazy how he looks so much like me.

My little mini me.

But I surely hope he's like his mother. In all honesty, I don't think I can handle my own attitude. "You don't got to worry about me. I would never hurt an innocent child. Not all of us are heartless you know?," Lucero murmurs. Her eyes fixated on my son. She smiles warmly as little Leo locks eyes with her.

"I don't take risks. I'm sure you can understand that," I blankly say. Lucero nods knowing if she says another word that it would be a complete waste of breathe because no one can change my mind. There's only one soul in this world that can ever change my mind and it ain't her.

"You and Madison made one beautiful baby I give you that. Made out of true love... look at those emerald green eyes," she warmly says.


"Anyways, how you know about the diaper change? You don't have kids do you?," I steer the subject grabbing the bottle from the counter to feed little Leo.

"No I don't. I guess it's just a natural instinct being a female I guess"

"I see"

"You know I always hoped you would love me one day and possibly have a family together, but another won," Lucero huffs taking a seat on the bed while warily watching me feed my son while lightly rocking him.

"I've always made it clear that it was strictly for sex nothing more Lucero. Same with the rest. I accept my fault for playing with feelings that was awful of me to do. I never planned on falling in love with a female truthfully. However, Madison changed that. Honestly, thanks to her I saw what I did before to females wasn't right," I sincerely explain to Lucero. Playing with women's feelings wasn't right, but it's not like I knew any better before due to the way I was raised by my awful nut heads of my parents. Madison changed me so much. Such an angel sent into my life.

This beautiful angel even gave me a beautiful son. I'll always cherish my wife for that.

"You're right, and I'm sorry for my part in being a bitch to your wife. I was just envious of her. We all were, for capturing your heart. Something none of us weren't close to. You won't have to worry about me boss. I love the red eagles and I will serve until the death of me including in serving your wife and child," Lucero genuinely says as she turns her heel stepping out of the room leaving my son and I alone.

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