Chapter 61 "Family"

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A big shootout to @ImRedAndBlack for making this beautiful cover. I love it ♥️

"Get all of them," Leo says as we shop for baby clothes. Leo decided to bring me to the mall to shop for baby clothes since we don't have any and our baby can come into the world any day now.

"Are you sure?," I shyly say looking at the clothes inside the cart. "Madison, I'm your husband and baby daddy of course I'm sure. I'll buy you the entire mall if you want. I'm here to serve my queen and my little badass," Leo winks placing a warm wet kiss on my forehead. A huge smile forms on my lips loving his words that just melts my entire being.

"You're the best dad and husband in the world you know that?," I look at him deciding to do some more baby shopping. Leo smirks following behind me.

"Leo?," I breathe remembering what I saw back in our old mansion. I haven't brought it up to him since we reunited due to not knowing how he'll take it. After all, he did work so hard on it to surprise me, but we all know how that went.

"Yes babe?," Leo responds concernedly glancing at my stomach and I.

"Baby is fine relax," I reassure knowing how he's very nervous about my water breaking at anytime. He lets out a breathe all his worries fading away.


"I saw the nursery room you did for little Leo," I awkwardly utter. Leo stays silent averting his chocolate brown eyes away from my direction and down to the wooden floor of the baby store.

"What did you think about it?," he croaks crossing his arms across his chest.

"I loved it so beautiful Leo," I truthfully respond meaning every word.

"Don't worry, our son will have a much better nursery," Leo utters his eyes meeting mine again. I smile wrapping my arms around him hugging him as tight as I could.

"I love you so much," I breathe lovingly. Every time, I'm around him I feel at home. He's my home.

"I love you more," he responds wrapping his arms around me warmly. "Come on we gotta go or we'll be late for your appointment," he reminds unwrapping his arms from me grabbing the baby clothes from the cart to purchase.


We are now currently at the doctor's office Leo hired privately since he trusts no one right now due to the whole war with Santana. It's very important for Leo and myself to remain away from exposure.

"Are you excited to see bean?," I cheekily grin. It's been awhile since Leo has seen his son which is entirely my fault. Not a day goes by that I don't regret my decision.

"Of course," he winks leaning back against the wall trying to be patient, which is so funny to me since I know he's a very impatient man. I'm surprised he isn't throwing a fit towards the medical assistants right now. Suddenly, a knock is heard on the door which soon after opens. A navy blue haired doctor steps inside greeting the both of us.

"What took you so long?," Leo immediately grumbles raising a dark brow at her.

"Leo," I scold feeling my cheeks redden from embarrassment.

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