Chapter 56 "Hope"

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Madison's pov

"Thank you so much for the ride," I say to the elderly man that was nice enough to give me a ride. Not letting the man respond, I immediately turn my heel walking towards the hospital's doors. Once I'm inside the hospital, everyone looks at me with wide eyes almost as if I have a big stamp on my forehead.

"Do you need a wheelchair ma'am?," a blonde nurse around her early thirties worriedly asks glancing at my stomach and I.

"I'm not in labor. I'm here to see if Leo Castillo was brought in earlier today?," I respond watching as everyone else sitting in the waiting room look away from my stare.

"I'm so sorry, forgive me. I can help you with that," the nurse awkwardly says walking over to the counter. I follow her feeling such anxiousness take over my body as she sits on her chair in front of the computer pressing her fingers down on the keyboard. My palms are sweaty, body heat warm, sweat starting to form on my nose, which I instantly wipe away with my hand.

"You said Leo Castillo right?," she creases her blonde brows at me looking confused as she glances between the computer screen and I.

"Yes," I breathe mentally preparing myself for the answer that's going to stab my heart.

"I'm sorry-"

As soon as I hear those two words slip out of her pink lips. My heart starts pumping like crazy feeling nauseous. I take a few deep breathes trying to control myself from throwing up right in front of her.

"But there's no Leo Castillo registered in this hospital."

"He's dead isn't he?," my voice cracks.

"What? No ma'am he-"

"Just lay it on me don't drag this out please."

The nurse lightly jolts me by putting her hands on my shoulders snapping me out of my state before saying, "Listen, Leo Castillo isn't registered here."

"H-He's not?," I mumble still trying to process what she is saying to me.

"No, that's what I've been trying to tell you this entire time."

"Oh my god. If he's not here that means he's not dead right?!," I hastily say feeling my heart beat fast from the hope that instantly built up from this information.

"Ugh y-yes," she awkwardly mumbles.

"I need to go to the mansion," I murmur backing away from the nurse turning my heel around walking out of the hospital. As I walk out of the hospital another thought consumes my mind.

"What if he's at another hospital?," I ask myself, which I immediately brush away. There's no way that's possible due to Leo being picky. He doesn't attend no other hospitals besides this place. I specifically remember him telling me this months ago and this is the same place he's brought me for my pregnancy appointments.

"Taxi!," I shout seeing a man drop off a woman and her daughter straight ahead. The man looks at me motioning for me to hop inside, which I do without hesitation.

"Where to ma'am?," he asks driving out of the hospital drop off area.

"Goldeneye Drive."

I watch as the man eyeballs almost bulge out of their sockets as soon as I say the mansion's location.

"There's no way I can take you there. A cruel dangerous monster lives in that area," he says trembling from the thought of even stepping foot into that neighborhood.

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