Chapter 57 "Bloody"

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Madison's pov

"This is the farthest I'm willing to go," the taxi driver says bringing the car to a complete stop. We're a whole block away from Leo's territory, which isn't a big deal to me since I don't mind walking. However, I'm sure my feet will complain later since I haven't had no rest for the past few days. Without saying a word, I swing the door open not bothering to turn back to listen to the taxi driver who is currently throwing curse words at me since I walked out without paying his service. The cold breeze touches my delicate skin causing instant goosebumps to develop. Unfortunately, I don't have a sweater to at least help me with this cold winter weather, so I have to ignore it as I keep walking down the sidewalk. With each step I take, I become more anxious as I get closer to the territory.

I have no idea what to expect once I step foot into Leo's premises, my home. What if this isn't a good idea? Maybe I should of went to Luna's place instead to check up on her. As much as my conscience scolds me for not doing that knowing she was brutally hit to the point she lost consciousness. The least I could do is go check up on her, but Leo consumes my mind. All I care about at this moment is finding my husband whether he's alive or possibly dead. The thought makes me cringe as much as I don't want to think that that's something that can be a possibility. All I know is that I need to see him. I need to see him one last time and tell him how much he's changed my life as well as how much I love him. Oh how I regret not doing things right when I had the chance.

After a long, cold, anxious walk. I finally arrive at the mansion. The gates are smashed open bullets laid out all over the concrete floor. The bullets caused shivers to go down my spine. I proceed inside, immediately spotting lifeless bodies on the ground. My hands start to shake from the horrific view that's in front of me. Bodies, numerous amount of bodies are deceased all over the place. I have no clue how long these poor individuals have been laying around lifeless, but I do have some kind of theory of how much. Clearly, no authorities nor emt's has stepped foot here yet.

Glancing straight ahead where Leo once surprised me with a painting he painted of me is now smashed down to the ground. My hearts drops down to my stomach knowing how hard he worked on it and now his hard work is crumbled into a million pieces. Gulping down the lump that's currently stuck behind my throat. I find the courage in me to keep proceeding. Being careful not step on anyone. I finally stand in front of the door that's completely smashed opened. Taking a step inside the mansion, I see more bodies laid around the place.

A bloody day it is today literally.

"Please don't be dead Leo," I murmur to myself still keeping my faith of finding him alive. Being here and witnessing the after effect of a mafia war really has me second guessing my hope, but I will not dare give in into doubt. There's no way, I went through what I went through along with Leo and I crossing paths again for our story to end this way. There's just no way. After a good twenty minutes of scanning the entire mansion no sign of Leo anywhere. I'm now upstairs stepping into a room. I never knew existed before.

A nursery room.

My eyes immediately water, my lips quivering on the verge of crying, and my legs threatening to collapse at any moment as I stay frozen to the spot unable to speak from staring at this beautiful room I was never aware about before. Colors consist of white, charcoal, and grey beautifully painted. A black wooden crib is placed near the wall with a painting of my son's ultrasound. The very same photo that shows our baby's gender that Leo bragged about to his his men. The name "Leo Jr." are pinned to the wall above the painting.

I walk inside seeing everything from a much closer perspective no longer being able to hold back my tears. I'm a crying mess right now. Stuffed monkeys, elephants, and bunnies are seated in the crib, which I grab raising the stuffed animals up sniffing them. Tears slide down my cheeks realizing Leo did this for our son. I have no idea when he started nor finished this nursery room he never told me about it, but the gesture is enough to have me feeling such guilt for leaving in the first place. Leo really changed from the first time I met him. He really did mean everything he promised me and I ruined it.

I broke my family up.

My only family.

I put the stuffed animals back into the crib stepping back coming to a quick halt hearing glass break from underneath my shoe. I remove my foot to the side seeing a frame laid on the floor, which I crouch down carefully due to my humongous stomach. It's a picture of Leo and I on our wedding day. Leo and I are wrapped in each other's arms smiling at the camera. I trace my finger on Leo's handsome face wishing I could go back to relive that day. Even though I was so against the forced unexpected marriage. I still married the man I love. How I wish things could go back to before. Everything is so messed up now.

I miss Leo so much.

Suddenly, a thud is heard coming from downstairs which breaks me out of my thoughts feeling extreme fear not knowing who could possibly be here. I put the frame down carefully tip toeing out of the nursery room.

"She must be here."

Every little hair on my body stands up hearing male voices chatter downstairs. These voices are so unfamiliar. They're definitely no members of the red eagles.

"I doubt she's here," another unfamiliar voice utters.

"I'll take a look upstairs and if nothing. We'll report it to Santana, so he knows we did look alright," one of the voices say.

"Sounds good."

"Fuck," I whisper to myself pacing back and forth not knowing where the heck to go and hide. However, hearing the heavy footsteps approach. I make my way inside Leo and I's master bedroom hiding inside his closet. As I wait inside the closet, I start feeling a sensation of wanting to pee.

"What a wrong time to want to pee," I mumble to myself ignore nature's calls. I watch through a small creak of the closet as a man with spiked up purple hair walks inside the room scanning the place. I hold my breathe not daring to make a sound. The man walks to the restroom then out walking towards the door coming to a sudden stop. His head turning towards my way. I step back my heart thumping against my chest.

"Hurry up I'm hungry," a voice shouts from downstairs, which the purple haired man listens to walking out of the room. I huff swiping the droplets of sweat off of my forehead from the close interaction. Hearing the footsteps disappear, I gather enough courage to step outside of the closet carefully too scared to make any noise incase someone might still be here. Once out of the room, I glance downstairs seeing no one complete silence and loneliness consumes this entire place.

Knowing Santana is now aware of my escape. I must be extremely careful with my every move. The last thing, I want is to get caught by him again. I make my way outside of the mansion deciding to head to Luna's place. There's no sign of Leo anywhere, which has my hope much bigger now. If he's not here nor at the main hospital that means he has to be okay and alive right?

I sigh, realizing I'm going to have a long torturous walk until I hit the main streets to catch a taxi to make my way to Luna. As I walk along the sidewalk in the cold darkness. I start to feel a bit dizzy and a bit sweaty. I blink twice trying to shake off this out of the blue feeling, but as much as I blink the odd feeling remains becoming much worser. I come to a halt seeing a vehicle approach down the road towards where I am. It's bright headlights completely blinding me making my symptoms of whatever I'm experiencing much worse. Black dots start to appear in my vision quickly multiplying consuming my entire sight within seconds. I gasp, the last time I experienced something like this I blacked out completely waking up in the hospital with a huge bump on my forehead.

"Help," I breathe collapsing to my knees loosing strength and control of myself. A tornado takes over my mind as I start to pass out.

"There she is!"

Is the last thing, I heard before darkness took over.

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