Chapter 47 "Debt"

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Tossing my head from side to side, I flutter my eyelids open. My vision being a bit blurry after a few seconds it becomes clear seeing nothing but darkness. I try to move, but I can't feeling my hands tightly tied behind my back as my legs are also tied together against the legs of the chair I'm currently sitting on. It takes awhile to regain my memory, but without hesitation it all strikes back like a movie feeling panic almost immediately as my breathing starts to become irregular. Just like my last memory everything is so dark not even being able to see my belly.

"Help!,"" I shout hoping someone hears me and helps me escape from this sudden nightmare that has struck my life. I gasp, hearing heavy footsteps from afar slowly approaching the steps becoming closer with each step taken. Can this person possibly be my savior or perhaps the enemy itself that has taken me against my will and tied me up in this dark place? Within minutes the footsteps stop no longer continuing on leaving me in complete silence and confusion. Did I imagine this or did this person just ignore my plead?

"Please I'm pregnant. I owe no one nothing this must be a mistake," I decide to say in a desperate attempt to knock some sense into this unknown person that has decided to kidnap me. However, what I'm saying is one hundred percent true. Suddenly, a evil chuckle echoes throughout the entire room as the door slams shut causing me to jump in fright from the sudden noise I wasn't expecting whatsoever.

"This isn't no mistake Madison," the sardonic voice announces darkness still consuming the room.

"How do you know my name?"

"And you definitely owe something ungrateful bitch," the mysterious voice of a man spat. I can tell within the tone of his voice how much he despises my existence. I have no idea why or what he's even talking about. I haven't done anything wrong to anyone. However, the creepy part is that this person knows my name.

"Answer me... How do you know my name?," I repeat angrily.

"I'm not obliged to answer you. Oh man, you have no idea what's coming little bitch."

My heart drops down to my stomach from his threatening words. He's absolutely right, I have no idea what's to come for me and my innocent child. I left a dangerous lifestyle in order to provide a safe environment and a normal life for my son, but here I am in danger probably won't live after this either. I'm a failure of a mom.

"People will look for me," I grumble not so sure if I even believe that myself. I have no family nor friends in this world. I mean I'm sure Kat will get worried after I don't show up for my shift tomorrow, but other than that I have no one.

"You have no one."

I stay silent, my emerald green eyes threatening to pop out of their sockets from how accurate this stranger man is. How the heck does he know? First my name now my loneliness in this earth. Is he the stalker that's been texting me those creepy texts?

"Y-you're the one who's been texting and stalking me," I say angrily.

"Don't get your panties up in a bunch. It wasn't me," he scoffs.

"Then who? Who the fuck are you? Show your face you coward," I scold letting my emotions along with fear cluster together.

"You'll find out soon enough."

With that said, a door slams shut meaning this man has left the room leaving me alone in the dark. I let out a shout out of frustration that turned into sniffles. Tears quickly developing sliding down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry baby boy. I failed to protect you. I'm such a bad mom," I murmur to myself sobbing uncontrollably. There's nothing I can do to save my child. I'm tied up unable to move nor untie myself no matter how much I try to pull my hands out of the thick rope that only burns into my skin as I pull. I sigh slumping my shoulders down in defeat. Suddenly, the door creaks open causing me to lift my head up, which is such a waste of time since I can't see anything due to it being pitch black.

"Please don't hurt me nor my baby I beg you," I plead swallowing the lump behind the back of my throat down. My body trembling from what's to come.


That's all that I hear, pure silence. I know someone is in here with me due to the door creaking open not at all hearing it shut meaning one thing only. Whoever it is, is still here hearing my every word.

"I'll pay you whatever you ask just please let me free."


"What have I done to deserve this?"


"How can you dare murder a pregnant woman carrying an innocent child inside of her?," I mutter. Anger taking over me irritated by this person's silence.


I let out a sigh no longer saying anything to this stranger torturing me with the silent treatment. All I can hope for is that my death is quick and my baby won't feel a thing. At least that's what I'm desperately praying for.


As soon as that word slips out of the person's mouth, I gasp. My emerald green eyes almost bulging out of their damn sockets from the sudden shock I'm currently experiencing. The voice I never thought I'd ever hear again in my life. Well that was what I at least hoped for. I find myself speechless unable to say not a single word remaining frozen unable to move nor think. Hot and cold sensations run up and down my spine every little hair standing up.

"Why?," he scolds causing me to flinch due to his aggression, I'm all too familiar with. Suddenly, the lights turn on revealing the face I tried so hard to forget, The face that has haunted me every single night. The face I never thought I'd see again.

His chocolate brown eyes locked with my emerald green ones showing no emotion besides pure fiery anger.

His chocolate brown eyes locked with my emerald green ones showing no emotion besides pure fiery anger

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Leo is baaaaaaaack! 😱🤤😏

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Leo is baaaaaaaack! 😱🤤😏

What do you guys think is going to happen next? 😳🤐

How will the relationship be like between these two now? 🤔

I think it's time we name this #teamLeoandMadisonship

Any ideas?



I know I'm not that good in making ship names lmao! Help!

Next chapter, we will vote on the names that are commented on this chapter.

So drop the names down loves to be entered!

Giavanni 🖤

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