Chapter 52: First Son.

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Chapter 52

~Centuries Prior~

My attention never wavered as I watched him. He had felled fifteen blood-drinkers in the time it would have taken an ordinary warrior to fell three. His movements were not of our world, he was simply far too strong, too fast and far too cunning on the battlefield. It was as though he knew every move an opponent would make long before they themselves formed the thought. It was a beautiful thing to watch.

I dropped my chin onto my arm and shifted to the edge of my seat. He was so graceful in his movements, while his opponents relied on brute strength and common tactics in their attempt to gain the upper hand.

"He is a formidable opponent."

I glanced at my mother. She was proud of him; it was obvious in the way her mouth would turn up ever so slightly every time he outwitted an opponent. It was in the way she watched his every move; as though trying to memorize each moment. I knew because I too was proud. He was truly like no other and I idolized him for this greatness.

I wondered what it would take to develop that kind of skillfulness in battle. I wondered what sacrifices had to be made and what lessons he had been taught over the years to make him into such an excellent warrior. If only I were allowed to watch him train. If only father were not so adamant that I stay away.

I wondered how it would feel to have the respect of the entire coven. I wondered how it would feel to have the respect of our father; which was a difficult thing to achieve. I stood when his last opponent fell and hopped onto the ledge. When mother grabbed my arm, I glanced back at her with a frown.

"Do not venture outside the coven walls again Riener. Your father forbids it."

"Very well." I appeased her worries and finally, when she released me, I jumped from my perch and landed with a thud in the arena below.

Kandane glanced up when I straightened and beckoned for me to come forward. I grinned and ran to stand by his side. I imagined the jealousy the other coven fledglings would feel seeing me in the arena with him and knowing they could not follow.

My grin grew. Kanadane slung an arm across my shoulders and we walked together, away from our fallen comrades.

"You were impressive brother." I told him. "The best you have ever been. I am certain of it."

Kandane laughed. "You say the same thing after every competition Rien."

"I speak only the truth."

He acknowledged our mother with a raised arm and she nodded in return.

"Will you train tonight? May I watch you? I will not make a sound Kandane I swear it."

I walked with him into the dwelling house and up the stairs. "No training tonight."

He opened the door to his bedchamber and allowed me to enter before him. "Then what will you do? Will you help me to practice my archery" I asked, excited by the prospect. "Or we could take a stroll in the gardens; you promised you would tell me the story of the garden snake that bit father. Or you could show me your secret path to the river; you promised me that you would." I tripped over the boots he had discarded by his wardrobe and he caught me before I could fall.

"Sit down Rien." He instructed and I perched on the very edge of his bed.

"Perhaps we could go for a swim in the lake. We have not been there in a while." I continued my suggestions as he searched his wardrobe.

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