Chapter 31: As he lay dying.

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Chapter 31

White hot pain like I’d never felt before raced from my shoulder and across my chest until all I could do was gasp in surprise. My impact with the floor jarred me and for a second, the resulting agony was so great that the room around me dimmed.

‘What’s wrong with me?’  Was my last thought before the world went black.


Kaio’s  POV

 I was tearing down the street at the first whiff of his blood in the air. It was potent and rich like the purest, sweetest wine—aged to perfection. Yet it terrified me. Something was wrong. I could hear Malik panting as he ran a great distance behind me, but I could not pause to allow him to grow nearer. I had been entrusted with Tony’s care and if the strong scent of his blood was anything to go by, I had failed.

I took in the scene the moment I burst through the door and nothing prepared me for the sight of them. Tony lay stretched out on the floor, his once glowing skin, pale and tinged grey—the color of death. His eyes were closed and his lips parted slightly allowing for the shallowest of breaths to pass through.

His head was propped in his friend’s lap. Noah, I guessed was his name. He wore an expression of deep concern and pure regret and had I not heard the slow beating of Tony’s heart with my own ears, I would have thought him dead from his friend’s aura alone.

At his side Lord Christophe knelt; a position I had seen him in but once before, and he too bore an expression tinged with deep emotion. However, it was his clothes that gave me pause. His once pristine white robes were stained with the red of Tony’s blood, as were his hands—his warrior hands with blood seeping between his finger nails as he pressed his palms to Tony’s shoulder.

 I ran to his side and knelt by my master’s mate, where I ripped into my wrist with my teeth and peeled at the skin there, allowing my own blood to flow freely. Without a word, Lord Christophe removed his hands to allow me access to the wound and I allowed my own blood to mix with his, where it would heal his broken flesh. But as I waited, nothing happened. There was no knitting together of his skin, no dissipating of his blood and no return of color to his pale cheeks. I looked at them in horror.

“Why does he not heal? What has happened to him?”

Noah shook his head. “He jumped in front of me, he was trying to push me out of the way before the arrow hit but it…” he trailed off

“The fault is mine.” Lord Christophe spoke then. “I was angered by Noah’s actions. I sought to graze him with the tip of the arrow, but Tony believed I meant to do his friend harm and he meddled.”

I could not fully process the words being spoken. Only one thing mattered to me at that moment. “Why does he not heal? I have mixed my blood with his. I have drenched it upon his wounded flesh. Why does he lay as still as the dead?”

“The arrow I used. “ Noah began. His voice low and ominous. “The tip was poisoned. It’s meant to incapacitate bloodsuckers. There’s no telling what effect it can have on the human body.”

“That explains nothing.” I snapped.

“The ingredients used to formulate the poison is meant to slow down the healing properties in a vamps’ blood. It’s a weapon that’ been passed down from generations of vampire hunters.”

Lord Christophe’s head snapped up, his eyes widening in shock. “You are a hunter?”

I interrupted him. “That is hardly important right now. Tony lies dying before us!” It was the first time I had snapped at one of my betters’ and it would possibly be the only time I did not regret such an act.

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