Chapter 22: Consequences.

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Chapter 22

“Suddenly, I am feeling very nostalgic at the thought of passing through these gates.” Christophe said.

I looked up at the massive structures, and I couldn’t say I didn’t feel the same way. On the other side of these gates, stood the coven and all the shit that came with it.

“We can go back anytime.” I told him and he smiled.

“I would like that.”

I nodded.  “Alright let’s get this over with.”

The second the gates opened, I took a step back in surprise. Standing before us, were about a dozen vampires, all looking equally menacing as they stood, blocking our entry.

“What is the meaning of this?” Christophe asked, his voice strong and authoritative.

“The trackers have sent word to Lord Riener of your return…he has summoned you both to his work chambers.” One of the men replied, and the way Christophe’s eyes widened in alarm, told me this couldn’t be a good thing.

“Trackers? But we only have use for them when seeking out an enemy.” He finished, and before I could blink, he was grabbed by two vamps, who stood on either side of him, holding in his arms.

“Then take comfort in the thought that there has been no error. You are now an enemy of the master class.” The bloodsucker announced, and for a second, Christophe’s horror-filled eyes flashed to mine, before he was led roughly away by them. Eight others broke off from the group and followed.

“Let him go, it’s all a misunderstanding.” I told the other two bloodsuckers who stood watching me.

“Lord Riener has instructed that you are to be brought unharmed to his work chambers. Come this way.” One of them said, using his hand to indicate the path ahead, and I went, gritting my teeth in annoyance as I did.

“Hands off.” I warned, when the guy to my right attempted to put a hand on my shoulder to steer me in the right direction. He complied.

Up ahead I could see the other guards, but Christophe was completely blocked from my sight.


He was standing by the window when we entered the study, his back facing us. His usual robes were replaced by something similar to the outfit the participants had worn at his ceremony.

I protested when they shoved Christophe to his knees, then held him there as they waited for Rien’s next orders.

“Leave us.” He said when he turned, his eyes tight with barely concealed rage, and whatever I was about to say died in my throat.

The guards left, and still, Christophe remained kneeling, his eyes turned to the floor and his expression unreadable.

“Rien…” I trailed off, completely at a loss for words in the face of his fury. I couldn’t remember a time I’d seen him like this; looking so calm while his glinting, deadly eyes told another story.

He approached me slowly, those eyes sweeping over my body quickly and efficiently as he did. His expression didn’t change when he pulled down the collar of my jacket and surveyed the mess his brother had made of my neck, then just as quickly, he turned away from me, and moved to sit on the edge of the large mahogany desk.

“Where have you been?” he asked quietly and without inflection.

“Out…I wanted a break so we left the coven for a while.”

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