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"Wha-... what did you do to her?"

"None of your business, kid."

"Bu-but she was already ill. Why did you... why did you hurt her?"

"I said none of your business!"


"Learn your damn place!!"

"Sh-she trusted you dammit... she loved you..."

"Shut up!!"

"Wer-were you that in-insecure that you couldn't handle being next to her?"

"I said shut up!!"

"Or wa-was it because she fou-found someone be-better?"

"Damn you you fuckin' brat!"

"Dammit! We almost had them!" Hanji exclaimed, slamming her fist on Erwin's desk.

"Calm down, Hanji. Red didn't seem like the type of person to just go with us," Erwin advised from behind his desk. Mike was not able to join them due to an ankle sprain he received while sparring with cadets.

"We would've gotten closer had Levi not lost his temper," Hanji slightly hissed, glancing at said man who was leaning on Erwin's desk with his arms crossed.

"Tch. The shit that was spouting out of that bastard's mouth would've provoked you too," Levi defended harshly, but Hanji just sighed.

"I highly doubt negotiating with them is possible. They seem keen on not being found out," Erwin pointed out, trying to calm the tension between the two of them.

"Whatever the case may be, they're lucky I didn't slit their throat," Levi hissed out like a snake.

"I highly doubt even you could beat them, Levi. They've targeted over 7,000 people and not one of them has ever escaped them," Hanji remarked, fixing her glasses.

"I'm not like those people though," Levi countered, narrowing his silver eyes at her, though she seemed unaffected. She's seen that glare one too many times to be intimidated.

"We need to find something that will draw their attention, but I can't think of anything," Erwin cut in, staring at his desk intently. He didn't usually care for any criminals, that was the MP's job. Unless they possessed extraordinary talent like Levi had, he had one thing to focus on and that was the titans. However, now that he came into contact with you, his focus faltered, and now it's a straight line between you and the titans. It's like you had deterred him from his main goal. You and the titans. Both formidable and deadly opponents. He didn't know which one he'd prefer to encounter.

"Red seemed like a reasonable person. Maybe they'll let us talk to them," Hanji suggested, putting her fingers to her chin. Levi lightly scoffed from next to her.

"People like them aren't reasonable. There's no point in trying to talk to someone who won't listen." Levi rejected the idea of talking to you.

"We don't know for sure that Red won't listen. We did have their attention last night before they took off. So that's a good factor," Erwin defended, glancing between the two. Levi sighed and raked his fingers through his hair, tugging them ever so slightly. He's surprised he isn't greying from all the stress.

"That's the plan? Talk to 'em? What kind of plan is that? What do you even intend on talking about?" Levi asked, wanting more specifics.

"Seeing as Red won't give us any information about themselves I figured I would try and find out the reasoning behind all of their killings." Erwin still sounded somewhat unsure.

"Really? Do you honestly think you're going to get anything out of them?" Levi asked him, annoyance and slight anger laced in his tone.

"It'd be a miracle to get anything out of them, but it's not like we have a better chance at anything else," Erwin shot back. It was obvious he was not pleased at Levi's behavior. Why he's so angry about Red, Erwin doesn't know.

"Wait... I just remembered something," Hanji claimed, her voice and expression turning to shock and curiosity.

"What is it, Hanji?" Erwin asked, tearing his gaze away from Levi.

"Red said that they've killed over seven thousand people in the ten years they've been free... but I can't figure out why she said that." Hanji thought out loud, turning around to face the two males.

"Maybe Red was imprisoned during some time," Erwin suggested. Levi snorted.

"Wouldn't surprise me."

"Knock it off, Levi," Erwin warned, glaring at him.

"But what makes you think Red would say anything?" Erwin turned back towards Hanji who looked deep in thought.

"I don't know, but I have an idea."

You sighed quietly when you saw your boss wasn't in his office again. Of course he was still in the MP, so he couldn't be there 24/7, but you were getting bored. After your first run-in with the Survey Corps, you've been more cautious of who to target. You knew they wanted more information about you, but the only source they would find would be all of the files you've burned over the years. No one knows your name. And anyone who does know will fall to either your sword or your bullet. You couldn't care which one. You would normally kill titans for fun, but that draws way too much attention for your liking.

Not being able to sit on your ass for any longer you stood up and strode out of your house to the wall. You didn't know who to target, but you did know who did. In the MP main headquarters closer to where the king resides, there's a vault in the castle that has all the information on all of the people who they've arrested, tried, and sentenced to prison. You knew getting in there would be hell since it's heavily guarded. Not mention the King is in there too, but you wouldn't mind staining your sword with royal blood. There's no bigger honor than that, after all. You dug through all of your pockets, making sure you had everything with you. Some bandages for wounds, extra bullets, some knives, your two guns, and your sword.

'The King and the surrounding area will be fast asleep by 1:25 am. That's when I go.' You thought, once again scaling the wall for the hundredth time. You quickly jumped off of the other end and maneuvered yourself between buildings and avoiding anyone's sight. It took you a good hour to finally get to Wall Sina and it'd take another half an hour to get close to the Castle without being spotted. So you perched yourself on a roof and waited for dusk to start moving again.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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