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Levi stared at you in curiosity, wondering to himself what's going through your head. Well, unknown to him, a lot of thoughts were swirling around in your mind. During those five hellish years, you partially lost yourself and never regained it. You always go by the name Red Ember and had always kept yourself hidden away from other humans. Your humanity... you're not even sure there's any left... there's just maybe... a sliver that you have for the innocent and animals, but that's it. Everything else was sucked away during those five years. Your identity, your humanity, your light, your family... well... at least what you had left of a family.

"Who am I?" You repeated, this time quieter. Levi's eyebrows furrowed slightly, but he patiently waited for you to respond with a full sentence. You've been going by the name Red Ember for the last couple years of your life. In fact, you hadn't even said your real name in years. Your brows furrowed deeper in concentration. "I'm not sure." There was no confidence in your voice whatsoever.

"What do you mean you're not sure?" Levi asked, understanding why you'd say that, but not fully understanding at the same time.

"Like I told you, shithead. I'm not sure anymore. It's been years since I've thought about it," you replied, your voice going hard and defensive. Levi leaned forward a little bit.

"Then what's your real name?"

"Why do you care? The only reason you're asking is because you want information on me, right?"


"Thought so." You got up from your seat and downed the rest of your tea before placing it back on the table and walking out, more annoyed than ever. Normally people would be flattered that the Corporal Levi cared about them. The stoic, heartless, cold Corporal actually caring for someone? Yeah right. You knew better. All he, and the superiors, want is information out of you. How did you get here? Where are you from? What's your name? Who're your parents? What do you look like? What's your gender? How did you learn to fight? It annoyed you to no end. You couldn't give less of a shit if someone cared about you. If someone jumped in front of you to take a bullet you wouldn't mind, or care. It was their choice to care for you. You didn't make them. Levi's been a shithead to you since they won your custody. How else do you think he received the nickname? 

You cracked your knuckles, a habit you picked up when you were really irritated. You picked out your pocket watch and stared at the numbers.

'3:36.' You thought with a sigh. You were normally killing criminals at this hour, but thanks to the Survey Corps, you can't anymore. That made you even more irritated.

"57th expedition?" You asked questioningly at the raven haired man. He nodded.

"Yeah. Erwin wants you to join us this expedition," Levi replied from in front of you, behind his desk.

"Why?" You asked again, confused as to why you're joining them when you haven't even been there for two weeks.

"Erwin wants to evaluate you on the field when fighting titans. Of course, you're not wearing the traditional 3DMG, but Erwin believes it's too late to switch you to it."
You hummed.

"Not like I would want to wear it anyway," you replied with a light growl to your tone.

"The expedition is in three days. Make sure you're prepared," Levi ordered. You nodded.

"As if I'm ever unprepared." You stood up from your seat and began to walk out.

"Did I dismiss you?" Levi asked, annoyance in his voice.

"No, but I dismissed myself, so piss off," you retorted, opening the door and walking out. You heard Levi growl, but didn't do anything to stop you. You walked back down to your cell and laid out all of your weapons. Gloves, knives, sword, guns. You had made sure to fit all of the weapons in each belt securely. Since the maneuver gear had swords and blades in them you had nothing but your own. Which you were fine with. Your blades weren't the type to dull easily and could slice through flesh as easily as a needle can pierce cloth.

"Alright Red this is a basic test," Hanji said happily, standing before a training forest. "In this forest there are titan dummies. It's your job to kill as many as you can. Just slice the nape of the neck. You have twenty minutes." Her explanation was brief, but that was all you needed. You nodded and rolled out your wrists. Hanji brought out a stopwatch and had a clipboard with her.

"Ready... go!"
As soon as she said the last syllable, you took off into the forest and shot your hook into the trunk of a tree. You swung up to get momentum and height. From there you were able to swing from tree to tree easily. You weren't used to maneuvering on trees like this, but you would adjust. A dummy popped up in front of you. You shot your hook directly above your head and swung up above it and swung your legs for momentum. You retracted your wire into your gloves and drew your blades. Using your falling speed and momentum you were able to fully slash the rubber nape, slicing almost the whole thing off and cutting deep within the wood as well. This went on for the next twenty minutes. When you were done, you landed on the ground next to Hanji who was writing on the clipboard.

"You successfully killed 46 titans in the span of twenty minutes. That's really good considering Levi had killed 51. However, you're not using maneuver gear and you're still right behind Levi's tail. I wonder how fast you'd be if you wore maneuver gear...?" Hanji trailed off in thought. A smirk filled with smugness stretched across your face.

"Want to find out?"
Hanji's face lit and sparkled, a blush coming to her face.

"Re-really?!" She asked, jumping in front of you. You nodded.

"Sure. I can adjust."

"Oh-oh... a-am-AMAZING!!!!!" Hanji shouted in excitement, jumping up and down. She flipped the board to face you. "1-102 titans killed in twenty minutes!!" Hanji squealed before jumping up and down once again. You had caught the clipboard before it was flung out of her hand and read the stats. A smirk found its way underneath your mask.

"Take that, Corporal Shithead."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now