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The door opened and Eren, your 'roommate', walked in. He froze and stared at you in slight fear. He was afraid you'd hear his heartbeat from all the way across the room.

"Can I help you?" You asked, not liking the eye contact between him and you.

"So-sorry... I just... I didn't..." He stuttered over his words and you could easily tell he was uneasy. Considering all of the weapons lying next to you.

"--expect me to have this many weapons, right? Don't give me a reason to kill you and I won't," you replied, placing the swords and knives underneath the bed and placing your handguns underneath the pillow. Eren stared at you and tilted his head, opening his mouth—

"I place my guns underneath my pillow, just in case," you said before he could ask. He shut his mouth and nodded, walking over to his bed. He sat on it and began to change into a regular long sleeved shirt and black pants. He glanced back at you.

"Did you eat dinner?"



"I missed it because Corporal Shithead hid my weapons in Erwin's office, so I had to go get them," you replied, annoyance tinged in your tone. He made a soft 'oh' and went back to changing.

"I... I look forward to fighting with you," he said suddenly, almost shocked he had said it afterwards. You stopped and looked at him.

"Whatever you say, Shitface."

You were sitting in Hanji's office after she wanted to run some tests on you. She was quiet the whole time you were in there, only occasionally glancing at you every once in a while. From what you've heard from Levi, Hanji usually doesn't shut up either about titans or about something else. Seems like he was wrong. You weren't complaining that she wasn't talking. You weren't a talker to begin with, and you didn't like humans anyways. You probably favor titans more than most of them.

"Hey" Hanji said for the first time, causing you to hum. "I ran your blood through various tests... but it doesn't show any information... not even your blood type... how... is that possible?" Hanji turned her head to face you. Her eyes were wide. Your face hardened and you turned your head away.

"It's nothing to get your pants in a twist. Figure it out yourself," you replied, getting out of your seat and promptly leaving the room.

"Red!" You heard someone call. You paused and turned to look behind you.

"And you are?" You asked once he stopped in front of you to catch his breath.

"I'm Armin Arlert," he replied with a sheepish smile. You turned your body and looked at him, analyzing him. Blond hair, bright blue eyes. Then it clicked together like a puzzle. Your eyes narrowed from under the hood.

"You played that girl, didn't you?" You asked, seeing him blush a million shades of pink.

"I-I'm sorry!! I did it for Hanji-san in order to catch you! I didn't mean to trick you!" He replied quickly, bowing. You scoffed.

"As if. There've been worse," you replied with amusement laced in your voice. Armin slowly straightened up.

"So... you're not mad?"

"Believe it or not, I don't get pissed off that much," you replied briefly before walking away.

"Wa-wait!" He exclaimed, causing you to stop once again.

"What is it, Shitdick?" You asked, annoyance in your voice once again. Caught off guard by your nickname, he stuttered out,

"Co-Corporal Levi wanted to see you in his office..." Armin lowered his voice and calmed down. You sighed. Of course that shithead.


"What is it shithead?" You barged into his office without knocking or notice. His head snapped up, a scowl etched onto his face.

"Knock before you enter, shitty brat," he hissed. You rolled your eyes.

"Whatever, shithead," you replied before closing the door and coming to stand in front of his desk. You and him stared at each other for a minute. "Why am I here?" You crossed your arms. Levi clicked his tongue.

"Hanji ran blood tests on you, right?" Levi asked, sitting upright. You nodded your head. "The results showed absolute no information. Not on your gender, age, or blood type. Like they were altered. What did you do?" Levi narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously. You lightly scoffed.

"As if, shithead. Ask Hanji. I never moved from my seat," you replied, tapping your foot against the floor.

"You dare talk to your superior like that?"

"You dare talk to someone who could easily kill you like that?"
Levi tch'd and leaned over to start paperwork again.

"You're dismissed. Leave," he ordered. You huffed and turned around, leaving his office happily.

"I don't know Erwin. There's absolutely no information about who Red is," Hanji said, her voice down. Erwin placed his large hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. Red hasn't warmed up to us yet, but when she does I'm sure she'll at least tell us her name," he reassured with a smile. Hanji sighed, her spirits lifted a little, but not a lot.

"But the blood test revealed nothing. How is that possible?" She softly whined, sighing at the end. Erwin removed his hand and rubbed his neck.

"I'm sure Red has things they don't want us to find out so soon. Give them time," he replied softly. Hanji nodded.

You were lying in your bed with Eren across from you, sleeping. You knew he was sleeping from his relaxed, slow breathing. Since he was always breathing heavily and angrily. For once, you unzipped the face mask and removed the distorter, but left your hood on. You softly clicked your tongue. You had thought you were okay with sleeping in the basement, and you were, but something was off. Something was making you tick. You sat up and stared at the sleeping boy across from you. Bingo. You slowly got out of bed and zipped your mask up and placed your distorter back. You trudged back up the stairs and to the mess hall. There was candle light reflecting through the crack of the door and you had an idea who was up. You opened the door and immediately walked to the kitchen.

"Why are you up?" Levi asked before taking a sip from his cup.

"Same as you, Shithead," you replied, making yourself a cup of tea.

"I have a few questions for you," he called out. You hummed.

"Better be good ones." You took your cup and sat down across from him. You and him stared at each other for a minute, even though he couldn't see your eyes. "Where's the question?" You were already annoyed, even though he didn't do anything.

"Who are you, Red?"
Normally, that question would catch you off guard, but you've been asked that so many times you're use to it.

"Who am I?" You whispered to yourself. "I am..." 

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now