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I do not suffer from: Severe anxiety, panic attacks, or PTSD. There are mentions and maybe some triggers for those who have it. However, I read up on it online and I also watched videos about how it's like having those things, but I do not understand what it's like to have it or live with it. So if I get something wrong please tell me. I do not wish to make light of anyone who has SA, PA, or PTSD.

Edit: SA = Severe anxiety. PA = Panic attacks. These are not official acronyms. 

You and the rest of them were riding on the cart for most of the night. You had been tempted to sleep. No one would notice, but you forced yourself awake for the trip. You hadn't said a word after that first conversation and you wanted to keep it that way. You glanced over at the crystal that Hanji had in her hand. Long story short, she was explaining that if Eren could use the skin hardening skill like Annie, he would be able to seal the hole that was in Wall Rose and also reclaim Wall Maria as well. While it seemed like a good idea, the problem is getting Eren to learn how to do it. Which led to another problem. He couldn't.

"Baka~" You sang, causing Hanji to look at you in confusion. You sat up straight and crossed your arms. "Now, I'm only assuming when I say this, but how do you know Shitface is able to do that? What evidence do you have?"

"We don't, but we're going on what we've found out using the female—"

"—exactly. The female titan. Shitface isn't the female titan. Not only that, did you notice all of the titan shifters have something in common? Or rather nothing in common?" You asked again, leaning back and crossing your legs.

"What are you... saying?" Armin asked.

"The colossal, armored, female, and Shitface's titan... while they're titans as a whole, they have different characteristics. The colossal titan is huge and can emit steam for cover, defense, and offense. The armored titan is covered in hard plates. The female titan can cover her skin in hardened crystal, and Shitface's... well... we don't know yet..." You looked over towards him.

"So... what you're saying is..."

"Is that every titan shifter seems to have different abilities. Just like every single titan has different appearances and heights. Not one is the same," you finished for Hanji.

"Bu-but...! If I'm able to do that then there's no problem, right?" Eren asked, standing up.

"And how are you going to learn how to do it?" You retorted.

"I-I don't know... Bu-but-"

"You're not going to ask Annie how to do it, right? Unless it magically happens when you have another mental breakdown. Even if it doesn't happen, we have no backup plan if you can't," you explained, crossing your arms.

"Are you doubting Eren?" Mikasa asked, pulling Eren back down and sitting forward in her seat, her eyes dark.

"I'm not doubting him, but there's no point in getting our hopes up only to figure out he can't," you defended. Mikasa growled and scowled at you.

"Y/n's got a point. We have to see things from both sides. If Eren can't do it then we're out of luck," Levi added, staring at Eren, then glancing at you. You crossed your arms again and slouched against the cart, and sighed quietly.

'Man... talk about annoying.' You thought.

Arriving at Ehrmich District you, Levi, and Nick walked down a flight of steps that led to the streets of the district. Nick was in front of you and you were in front of Levi. Nick stopped at the entrance and took a moment to process what he was seeing. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of civilians were shuffling through the streets. Annoyed, you kicked him forward.

"Keep moving, shitstain. You're worst than a lost kid," you said. Normally you wouldn't treat people of high status like that, but seeing as you were annoyed at him, you considered him a normal person.

"Th-this is..." He trailed off, seeing the amount of people evacuating out of the wall.

"What did you expect? I'm only assuming this is was happens when the wall falls," you replied, your face dark. Nick began to run towards a young girl who cried out for her parents, but you grasped his shoulder with a vice grip. "Hey... where the hell are you going? Stay here and take a good look. Take a good look at all the innocent people who've lost everything." You squeezed his shoulder tightly.

"If your church's wish comes true, and titans come flooding through the walls, we'll all be gobbled up in their stinking mouths and die in the most miserable way possible. All of humanity, digested as one," Levi added. After he was done, you grabbed Nick's arm and threw him over towards where the people were exiting to. The three of you began walking now. The pure look of horror on Nick's face was enough to make you laugh, but you didn't.

"Do you think he'll spill now?" You asked Levi who shrugged.

"Tch. Who knows. If not, you can handle him from here," Levi replied. You crossed your arms and sighed. You were exhausted, but still continued to stay awake. You couldn't afford to fall asleep and miss something crucial.

"You'll actually allow me to take him? Wow. You must really hate him," you said, slightly amused. Levi clicked his tongue.

"I don't hate him. We just need to get as much as we can out of him. It could cost us our lives."
You let out a breathy chuckle. Levi glanced at you when you did it.

"When are you going to show me what you look like?" He asked suddenly. You looked at him from the corner of your eyes.

"Depends on if you want to," you replied vaguely.

"You've kept us in the dark for over a month. Obviously."

"What if when I showed you, I was a woman?"

"That'd be fine."

"What if I was a man?"

"Don't care either way."

"... wait... does that mean you're—"

You rolled your eyes and cracked your knuckles.

"Wow... a confession from the Captain Levi . I'm blessed," you said sarcastically. Levi snorted lightly. You two continued to walk silently behind Nick. Believe it or not, you felt comfortable with Levi. Not to the point where you're best buddies, but to the point where you felt... safer around him than other people. It was weird. You didn't normally like being around other people nor have you ever felt safe around anyone but yourself. Looks like you're learning new emotions as you go on.

"Y/n?" Levi asked, turning his head to look at you. You hummed in reply and checked the cartridge in your gun. "Why don't you trust me?" You stopped for a moment before beginning to walk again when you saw Levi stop as well.

"It's not that I don't trust you. I just don't want you to see the person who they created," you replied, placing your hands in your pant pockets after you placed the gun back in its holster.

"Them? The cult?" Levi asked. You sighed quietly. Why is it... why is it you're telling almost everything to him? He's told nothing about himself. He hasn't... given you anything, so why? Why do you... why do you like him so much?

"Yes, them," you replied. Levi sighed.

"I would like to get to know all of you, Y/n," he confessed, though his face remained stoic. You stared at him in slight shock.

"Why? Why me of all people? It seems there are dozens of people who'd love to be in my spot. Yet you're... choosing me, I guess." Your voice quieted. You didn't know if you were shy or embarrassed. You weren't normally the type to shy away or become embarrassed or flustered. Just saying it made you feel so... cheesy.

"I'm curious about you. Your past self and your current self."
You sighed again and kicked over a rock.

"I'll tell you later, maybe. Right now we have bigger things to deal with."

Ja ne!

   {Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن