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You and Hanji rode out to Wall Sina to go to the underground once again.

'Why is that always the default place to go?' You thought, irritated. If Elijah had been the attacker, then why would he bring Levi to the number one spot on your list? Wouldn't he at least try to be discreet? And hide outside the wall, not inside? As you passed the gate into Wall Sina, it wasn't long until you got to the entrance of the underground. You got off of Star and walked to the top of the staircase. Hanji joined you and nudged your arm.

"You think Levi's alright?" She asked, looking over at you. You sighed and dropped your shoulders to relax them from tensing.

"I don't know," you replied honestly.

"What are you going to do when you see him?" She asked again.

"Kill him." You began to descend down the stairs without another word. Hanji sighed and followed after you, who was halfway down the stairs. The underground was no different from years ago. People are still starving, dying, stealing, and killing. Nothing has changed. You've lived in the underground during those five years, but cult members would follow you everywhere. They forced you to kill merchants to get food since they didn't feed you. They forced you to kill the ones who were disabled and couldn't fight back. They forced you to kill abandoned children, stating that if their birth parents had left them, then that means no one would want them. Not even God. That fucked you up real badly. Which is where you developed the soft spot for children and the innocent. 

Of course, chances are, you won't be able to handle being a parent. Not saying you'd be a bad one, but you just wouldn't know how to interact with them. Well, it's not like having children was on the list of things to do anyways. The cult base was way on the other side of the underground and walking just isn't cutting it.

"Let's go," you said before taking off. Hanji jumped and yelped in shock before taking off as well and easily catching up to you. You two swung through the underground like birds, slowly, but steadily, reaching your destination. The cult base came into view and you gracefully landed on the ground in front of it. Hanji's feet landed on the ground roughly, but doing it so many times she's grown used to it. Without any qualms, nor caution, you just walked straight into the building. You've been here too many times to let it bother you. Of course, images still flash through your mind, but you've been subjected to it so many times it doesn't affect you. It does, actually, but you don't react outwardly. 

You held out your arm to stop Hanji from walking any further. She turned to you in confusion, but you said nothing and slammed your foot on the ground. The stomping echoed loudly through the vacant hallways. You felt the vibrations move through the walls and floor until it got too far away and the vibrations stopped. Otherwise it was clear.

"Let's move," you ordered, walking deeper into the building and farther into the hallway. You stopped at an intersection once more and repeated the process of stomping, waiting, and feeling. Your brows twitched at the lack of vibrations in a room not that far away from you. Some lump was halting the vibrations around it, which meant something or someone was in there. You silently grabbed Hanji's wrist and dragged her behind you. You were speed walking to the room with an unamused expression. Out of everything you've been through, this was probably the most annoying. 

Once you got to the room, the door was closed and locked, meaning something or someone was definitely in there. Running out of patience, you spun on your leg and forcibly kicked the door down, tearing the hinges apart and basically wrecking the door into tiny pieces. The light that shone through the entry way was enough to let you process and take in what was in the room. You heard a soft groan where the light had stopped. You slowly walked into the room and stood in the middle of the beam, casting a shadow into the middle of the floor. There was the sound of moving before a hand had revealed itself from the shadows.

"What the..." Hanji muttered, alarmed. The other hand had made its way into the light before an oh-so familiar face was lit up.

'I knew it.' You thought, quickly crouching into the darkness to help the person out into the light.

"Elijah?" Hanji asked, confused. His hair was messy, dirt was smeared over his face as well as blood. His eye that held the Hell Eye Canceler was cut. His shirt was torn and the only thing wrapped around him was some old looking bandages.

"What happened?" You asked, reaching for a knife. Elijah was shaking under your touch.

"I-I tried to stop her... she wouldn't listen... she... she took my eye..." Elijah replied. It was obvious he had been traumatized, or at least scarred, from the way his boy language was. He was shaking and trembling violently, his eyes were wide and his pupils were dilated. His voice was quiet and and shaky, on the verge of breaking.

"Her? Who is her?" Hanji asked. You cut your wrist and rubbed your blood on your thumb and smeared it over Elijah's cut. The blood began to steam and the scar was healed.

"Someone's who's filled with such... jealously and rage... I... can still hear her..."

"Who is it?" You asked again, this time slightly more urgently. Elijah slowly looked up at you, the absolute terror in his eyes never once ceasing. Hanji watched in worry, seeing Elijah's body shake like an earthquake. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Not even a squeak.

"Pull yourself together. Who is it?" You asked, gripping your hands around his shoulders.

"Petra... Ral."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now