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Yo, do me a favor and check out my friend's Youtube channel. She's a music producer and makes some fire beats.

(I'm doing this because I promised I would, don't make me look like a goddamned asshole please.)

Running down through the forest path, you could faintly see the glow of fire out in the distance. You only started to run about ten minutes ago.

'They haven't gotten that far.' You thought, shooting your hook into a high branch. You flew off of the ground and into the air, gaining momentum to swing down.

'I have to get to them before they leave the forest.' You used both of your arms to gain speed and managed to fly high above the trees. From your position in the air, you were in a perfect spot. Wind whipped past your face as you went falling to the ground. You didn't know if the wagon would be able to handle the weight of you crashing down, but you're about to find out. Landing feet first, you landed dead smack in the middle of the cart. It jerked around, tossing a few of them around as well as they let out cries of surprise and shock.

"Y/n!" Hanji exclaimed. You stood up and turned to her.

"Hey," you greeted back, taking a seat next to Levi.

"Are you alright?" He asked dipping his head down to look at your face.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry," you replied, patting him on the arm.

"What happened to that person?" Hanji asked.

"Dead. Ruby finished her off," you responded. The brunette perked up slightly.

"Ruby did?"

"Yeah." You nodded before reaching behind you. "She also gave me this." You pulled out the book from behind your back.

"What is it?" Levi asked. You flipped the book open and carefully flipped the pages.

"Ruby didn't tell me, but I think..." You swallowed. "I think it's a book written by someone who was a part of the cult." You stopped flipping at an illustration of an eye.

"I read the first few pages before I left, but..." You thumbed through the book until you landed on another page farther in. "Something doesn't make sense." Levi leaned closer to you to read what you were.

"It says here that the secondary Hell Eye was a byproduct that was created when trying to clone the original, but..." You flipped past a few more pages. "There's nothing else on that eye. No information, backstory, entries. It's like it just... disappeared."

"There's another Hell Eye?" Hanji inquired. You nodded your head.

"Yes, but... there's nothing else." You closed the book and placed it down next to you. "But that's not the important thing at hand."

"Let's not stray from the task."
You looked forward. You all had left the forest and were in open area. In the distance was the Reiss Chapel.

With Moblit standing guard outside the chapel, the rest of you went inside. You followed in after Levi and looked around. It wasn't as big as you thought it would be, but it was still a chapel. It was dark. The only light sources being the lanterns you brought in. Pews were lined down to the altar. You haven't been to a lot of churches, nor have you ever been in one. While the others spread out through the chapel, making sure it was safe, you stayed in front of the door. The hairs on your arm stood up. A tingle went down your spine. Your head turned to the left. Nothing was there. Nothing physical was there, but you sensed it. There was a warmth emanating from that spot. Was it Ruby's crow? No, you would've seen it. Something was in the corner.

"Miss Y/n? Are you alright?" Sasha asked from across the room. Your head turned to look at her, and as soon as your eyes left the spot, you felt the presence leave.

"I'm fine," you replied, walking over to where Hanji and Levi were. You pushed the feeling down.

"Found it," you heard Hanji say as she pulled back a rug. "A hidden door. Eren's gotta be in here with the enemy. Hopefully the layout in there is like I predicted." You joined the two superiors down on the floor. Armin was working on contraptions in the corner.

"These presents better pay off, considering we went out of the way to prepare them," Levi said flatly.

"Our enemy is probably anticipating us. Hopefully the element of surprise is enough to catch them off guard," you added, turning to look at the three large smoke bombs.

"All right, we're good to go," Armin said, tying off the last knot.

"Are we?" Levi inquired. "Is everyone ready to get their hands dirty, too?" His gaze turned towards everyone else in the chapel. No one replied to his question. Instead, they held dark looks on their faces.

"Guess so," he added. You felt your guns placed snug against your hips. Levi looked over at you and you returned his gaze. With a nod, the plan was set.

Moblit, who was standing guard outside, raised the shotgun when he saw a cloaked figure walking towards the chapel.

"Calm down, Moblit." That low, smooth voice echoed through the silent night. He seemed to recognize the voice, but still didn't lower the gun. "I'm here to spectate." A hand was suddenly on his shoulder and his whole body froze.

"... Ruby..." He choked out. He felt like he was paralyzed. The hand on his shoulder tightened in its grip before she released him.

"It's nice to see you, too," she greeted back. She looked up to the window high above the ground. She snapped her arm straight and a hook went flying out of her gear. It dug into the stone and she jumped where she slowly ascended. With light footing, she was able to stand on the window sill and look in. She saw Squad Levi preparing for their attack. Her eyes gazed at Hanji. No one noticed her. Not even you.

"What are you doing here?" Moblit called up to her.

"I told you, I'm spectating."

"Are you worried about the Section Commander?" He questioned.

"That's not it," she replied, "I'm watching Y/n."

"Miss Y/n? Why?" He asked. Ruby turned her head to stare down at him.

"I need to see if she's ready to receive the knowledge of the past."

"So you're not here for the Section Commander?"

"I care for Hanji, but I know she can take care of herself. I will not needlessly worry about her unless there comes a time." Her voice never wavered, nor changed in tone.

"She misses you very much, you know," he said.

"I know," was her immediate reply. When she saw you begin to turn your head in her direction, she smoothly jumped off of the sill and landed on the ground. "My job is very demanding. Maybe if I retire, I'll be able to see her more." 

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن