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The day of the expedition. You were on your horse, Star, that you were able to retrieve before the expedition. You had missed her and she missed you. Looking around, you noticed the nervous expressions on everyone's faces. You knew and understood everyone has different fear tolerances, but if they were afraid that badly, why did they join? For fame? Recognition? You wouldn't know and you didn't care to know. To be honest, you were bored. You've come across abnormal titans before, but you never killed them. Only slashed their eyes out or their achilles to stop their movements so you could escape. You would save the killings for humans, but it seemed you couldn't help it anymore. It annoyed you that you had to follow orders, but you didn't care much about it anymore. Erwin lets anything you do slide as long as you do the minimum for what he wants you to do. That was the best you were getting.

"Look... it's Red."
"I heard the Survey Corps won his custody..."
"Scary... I wouldn't want to ever be three feet near her."
"I'm surprised he hasn't killed anyone yet."
"I wonder how Corporal is handling him..."
You ignored these comments, knowing yourself that your name has been thrown around the wall like a hot potato.

"The time has come!!" That shout made you turn your head to face the one who yelled. "From this moment, humankind takes another step forwards. Show us the fruits of your training!!"

'Yeah, like I received any training.' You thought, making sure your hood was pulled over your eyes. You readjusted your face mask and played with the distorter a little before placing your hands back on the reins.

"Begin opening the gate!!!"
The gate slowly lifted, exposing the outside. It was nothing special to you, but to some people it was their everything.

"Move out!" Erwin shouted, whipping the reins of his horse. Everyone followed suit and the horses went pounding over the stone walkway. "The 57th expedition outside the wall begins now!! Forward!"

You all went riding through the old city district in Wall Maria. You sighed when you saw a titan to the left front of you. Unfortunately, the Support Squad had it covered, but you hadn't killed anything in the last three weeks. That's the longest you've ever gone. Once you exited the city district you were then in titan territory.

"Deploy long-range enemy-scouting formation!!" Erwin ordered. The horses rode into a different formation, spreading throughout the land. You had stayed with Levi's squad right behind him in the rear back. You had no idea what the objective of this mission is, but quite frankly, you didn't care. As long as you could kill things you were fine.

"Red... are you going to be okay?" Petra asked from beside you. You turned and looked at her.

"What do you mean?" You asked back. She jumped when your head turned.

"I-I just mean you're not wearing maneuver gear..." She replied quietly. Despite the trampling of the horse hooves against the ground you could still hear her clearly.

"Piss off and worry about yourself," you replied before turning your head back around.

"Yes... they just left the wall... yes... with the Special Operations Squad... alright..."
Elijah Fletcher, experiment 777, had just been released a month ago. He had been on a mission to find you. He's been watching you for the last couple of days up to the expedition. Something he couldn't go on. At least not without being spotted.

"Yes... no... I don't think Red knows..." Elijah was a tall male. Standing at a height of 5'10, he was young. Turning 30 this month. He had golden brown hair that was long enough to pull into a pony tail and one blue eye, and one gold. He was muscular. He could easily overpower Erwin if he wanted to, but you, he wasn't so sure. He knew he couldn't beat you hand-to-hand combat wise. He knew he wouldn't be able to kill you without a fight to the death. So he stood above the wall and watched you leave with the rest of the Survey Corps.

"We'll meet soon, Red," he whispered into the air. He grabbed his blade and sheathed it. He turned and walked away from the edge of the wall.

"Very soon."

The ride outside the walls wasn't that bad. A few smoke signals here and there, but as a whole, not hectic. You hadn't gone past the old city district before, so this land was new to you, as well as Eren.

"Red-san?" You heard Eren ask from next to you. You turned your head.

"What is it Shitface?" You asked.

"Have you ever been this far from the wall?"

"I never went past the old city. Maybe once or twice only to scare away titans," you replied, turning your head away. You heard Eren softly go 'oh' before it was quiet again. Your mind began wandering to different thoughts. What happened your boss? Does he know you've been caught? What is he doing now? Where is he?

'Something isn't right.' You thought, furrowing your brows. When you passed by your old underground lair, the door wasn't fully covering the hole. Which means he had left, but he hasn't come back?

'Was he eaten?' You thought again. No, that was impossible. Well, not impossible. However, he still worked in the MP, so maybe he heard of your trial and decided to stay inside the walls until you could return. Wouldn't he of said anything though? You've been working for him for years.

"Red. You seem distracted. What's on your mind?" Levi asked from in front of you. Your confused expression turned into one of annoyance.

"Nothing you should be concerned about, shithead," you replied, grabbing your hood and pulling it down more.

"Tch. Well try to stay focused on the mission," Levi retorted, which made you to sneer a little, but nonetheless followed his instructions.

'How stupid... what is my boss doing? That giant idiot...'

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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