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You and the rest of the Corps were riding back home. There were a lot of casualties thanks to a certain titan, but besides that, it was fine. Well, the mission was unsuccessful, but not as bad as it could've been. As you were riding along back to the wall, a red flare was shot off. You sighed quietly through your nose.

"The rear flank has spotted titans!" A soldier shouted. You looked back and saw two soldiers riding horseback to where everyone was, but also being followed by two titans. You sighed once again and slowed down your horse so that you were a little closer.

"We'll have to do something or else they'll catch up to us!" Armin exclaimed, looking back at the scene. The sound of wire caused them to look forward. They saw your wire shoot past them and into the titan. You flew by everyone and swung around the titan, gaining enough momentum to retract your wire and unsheathe your swords. You spun around and sliced at the nape, going deep enough that you almost cut the head off. You then shot your wire into the other one's arm and swung there as well. 

You swung in between the titan's legs and came up on the other side of it, spinning around and cutting the nape too. The titan fell down with the solider still in its hand, so you fell towards its arm before it hit the ground, and severed the wrist, causing the limp hand to release its hold. You grabbed the falling soldier by his waist and shot your wire into a nearby tree, retracting it and swinging down onto the ground. Your feet slid on the grass before you let go of the soldier and retracted your wire. He rolled around a few times before stopping on his stomach. You whistled loudly and Star came running towards you. You jumped on her back and pulled the one soldier by his scruff onto her back behind you. 

In a panic, he wrapped his arms around your waist. You growled in disgust. You galloped over towards Dieter and wrapped your arm around his waist and took off running. He grunted as he held onto your arm, being bounced up and down. You were riding on Star with one soldier behind you and one hanging from your arm. He was fairly light, too.

"Re-Red!" Armin stuttered out in amazement.

"He's holding two soldiers and his horse is still able to run as fast. Amazing..." Jean gaped. You hauled Dieter in front of you in the saddle and wrapped your arms around his waist to hold onto the reins. You sped up and got close enough to an empty wagon. You grabbed Dieter by his scruff and threw him in there. He landed with a grunt and then held back a yelp when his comrade got thrown on top of him.

"Would you stop doing stupid shit already," you hissed out before speeding up even more.

"Red's amazing..." Jean said out loud. You all rode on for a few more hours before stopping right when the sun began setting. Dieter and his partner walked up to you with their heads bowed.

"Thank you... for saving our lives," Dieter said, clenching his fists. "We thought... we thought we could do it." He closed his eyes as tears dropped onto the dirt, moistening it. You lifted your hood a little, but they still couldn't see your eyes. Only your cheekbones.

"I'd much rather kill you myself than let a titan get to it first. But for right now, I'll accept your thanks. Just don't do anything stupid from now on, shitstains," you replied, yanking down your hood once more and turning around. You walked away from the two males. About ten minutes later you were back riding again. It would only be half an hour until you got to the wall again.

 You all passed by the old city and was close to the gates, however, you noticed something. The staircase that was once covered by the broken door was fully open and was exposed. Of course the stairs were pitch black so it just looked like a hole, but if it was your boss, he would have already covered it back up. Or he would go through your house to get in. Someone's down there. And whoever's down there obviously wants to be found out. Your eyes narrowed and you held your hood and pulled it down more.

"Man... what a pain in the ass," you muttered to yourself in annoyance. When you got close enough to the wall, the gates slowly opened. You could see the civilians and villagers beginning to pile in. The atmosphere was solemn and grim. No one made a sound except the murmurs of the not so quiet people.

"There're fewer of them than there were this morning."
"A lot less."
"This one ended badly."
"They left this morning cheering, but they're already back."
"What'd they go for anyway?"
"It's anyone's guess..."
Their comments were beginning to get on your nerves. You were patient, but not with ignorant people.

"But judging from the grim looks on their faces, I'd say they succeeded in throwing our taxes down the gutter."
As you and the rest of the Corps went walking down the street more and more people began to call out.

"Commander Erwin! Answer us!"
"Did this expedition yield benefits worth the sacrifice?!"
"Don't you feel sorry for all the soldiers who died?!"
Erwin kept walking with a haunted expression on, but no one seemed to notice. Your annoyance level was rising greatly at the volume of their voice.

"Recruiting Red didn't even benefit anything! So many, maybe even more so, died because of him!"
"Might as well execute him!"
That comment made you snap. Your gun was cocked against his head, silencing him and the surrounding people. Even the sound of the gun was threatening enough to silence everyone. He gulped.

"You dim witted people don't understand, do you?" You began, your voice eerily calm despite the voice distorter. "Every month, every day, these soldiers witness things you can't even imagine. Sure, you receive the news of your loved one dying, but are you the one witnessing it?" Your words hung in the air. It suffocated everyone. The tension was thick. You knew it. You had everyone's attention.

"Are you the ones knowing that that soldier's family is going to fall to their knees in tears? Begging for them to come back all while blaming the people who risk their lives everyday?"
All eyes were on you. All ears were on you. No one dared make a noise. Half of them were even afraid to breathe. Your voice echoed like a lions roar. It was calm, yet strong and powerful.

"You people have no idea what it's like beyond the walls. You thrive for freedom yet you condemn and shame the people who are actually trying," you continued on, your irritation level high, yet you're still able to keep a composed tone. Yelling back at them won't benefit you any more. "It doesn't matter how many casualties or injuries happen. What matters is that these people have more guts than you will any day. I might as well rip them out of your stomach and throw them over the wall, since you'll make no use of them." You lowered the gun from his head and placed it back in its holster.

"Oh, by the way... if any of you shit-for-brains want to see what beyond the wall looks, like I'll be happy to show you," you finished. Everyone was silent after you finished speaking. No one made a sound. No one moved. It satisfied you greatly. At least they got the memo.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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