Chapter 3: School Part 1

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Phoenix POV

When we arrived at the school, everyone stared at us.

It was actually kinda creepy. But we got to it years ago.

Even before I stopped the car, I saw them.

4 of them were standing there, looking at our cars.


I parked between Zack and Dom, not to far from the other vampires.

This was starting to get more exciting.

I stepped out of the car at the same time as my brothers.


I heard a low male voice growl.

I looked over to the other vampires and locked eyes with a guy who had honey blond hair.

I knew that he was my mate immediately.

I saw Zack look at the girl with short black hair the same way. They were mates.

I looked over her and felt my eyes widen.

It was the strange little vampire pixie I met in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in 1938.

I already knew her power, but Mica's gift told me that my mate is an empath.

I heard someone fight behind me and turned around. It was Dom and Alex.

"What did they do now?" I asked Ty, who stood next to me, with a sigh.

"Alexa told Wolf that your car was much better than his and this happened." Ty explained.

I nodded and took an uneeded breath.

"Hey dorks! I'm going to go grab my schedule, unlike you idiots." I told them.

"Take ours with you, Nix? We are going to try and break them up. Got it." Jack said.

I nodded and gave him a smile, before  turning on my heel and walked towards the office and other vampires.

I needed to pass them to get to the office.

"Nice ride. Where did you get it?" A boy said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

I turned towards him, forcing a fake smile on my face.

"Nice face. Where did you get it?" I shot back, before starting to walk again.

I looked up at the vampires I didn't know. Or I kinda knew Alice.

They all held an amused look on their face.

Especially my mate.

"Badass." The huge vampire with black hair whispered, too low for any humans to hear.

I chuckled lightly and decided to study them better. Or not Alice, but the others.

The girl I hadn't seen before was a natural beauty.

She had silk blonde hair and a straight face, although her eyes held envy in them.

I looked into her memories and saw that the only thing she wanted was a child and to grow old with her mate, the huge vampire. I also got her name, Rosalie Lillian Hale.

I think we can be great friends.

Then it's the huge vampire. For some strange reason he reminded me of a huge teddy bear. Don't judge me!

He had the look of a prankster on his face.

Ty and Dom were gonna like him. This Emmett McArty Cullen.

Wait, Cullen?

I looked further into his mind and saw someone shocking.

Dr. Carlisle Cullen. My birth family's doctor.

But that wasn't the most shocking thing in his mind.

My brother. Edward Anthony Masen Jr. or Edward Masen Cullen as he got called now.

I also got to know that he can read minds, but not like Sam and I. He couldn't read the one's with mental shields.

Then it's Alice. You already know a little about her.

And last, my handsome mate.

His honey blonde hair was shining like gold. And it made his golden eyes fit more in on his face.

I looked into his mind and found his name. It was beautiful just like him.

Jasper Whitlock Hale.

Words: 613

Meeting My Mate  (Jasper Hale Love Story); DISCONTINUEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon