Chapter 8

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Damn it!

An immense amount of pain hit me causing me to let out a small shriek before toppling over. I can't stop and let them get me now, not when I have just gotten this far.

Using my last remaining bit of strength, I will and urge myself to stand up onto my feet, pulling the arrow out my leg in the process. Blood splatters everywhere but by now my adrenalin is beginning to kick in. The pain becomes a dull ache ringing at the back of my mind.

I begin to run a move into the darkness of the shadows hoping that they will help with concealing me for a bit, I know I only have a few moments, seconds if not before they open the gate and come after me. By now I am guessing the prince has probably set several hundred of his guards on me.

Why was I so stupid? I could have brought myself more time had I actually thought it through a bit more instead of acting in the moment but I suppose come to think of it, I didn't really have a choice.

I hear an alarm go off from the palace. I am running out of time and this stupid dress is getting in the way and making me frustrated. I end up tearing the bottom half of it off and disregarding my shoes somewhere, relieved to be barefoot for once. Running has been made so much easier now.

I run up towards the wall of a building and hurl myself up, climbing up along the rain gutter until I reach the roof. From there I try navigate my way towards the place Nathalie is staying in. All my stuff is there.

Once I gather an idea of where I am and what direction to go I begin to move once more but it seems like my adrenalin is running out. The pain is starting to catch up to me again but I push on knowing that I can't afford to get caught. I need to make it out the city before it is to late. It was a bad idea coming here right from the start.

I almost don't make it when I jump from the current building I am on to the next. My legs are hanging off the side and I am partially winded as the air has been knocked right out of me. By some miracle with what little strength I have left in my arms I manage to pull myself up. I look down at the edge I was just dangling off and see guards hurriedly moving off somewhere. I am guessing they are looking for me.

A sense of Déjà vu washes over me. I silently chuckle as I am reminded of when I was fleeing the capital two nights ago. I get up quickly I try my hardest to make it there via roof top but that didn't last long and eventually resulted in me having to climb down and run or should I say limp the last stretch.

I finally make to Nathalie's room and breath out a soft sigh of relief. My leg is on fire and I have probably lost a lot of blood but there is no time for me to rest. I open the door which is surprisingly unlocked. I could have sworn Nathalie locked it and took the key with her but I guess I was mistaken.

To my unfortunate dismay when I enter the room, four royal guards and a general stand awaiting my arrival. The general holds a sword to Nathalie's throat who stares at me with big round scared eyes. Now that clears up my confusion to why the door was unlocked.

"You my dear lady are coming with me or else the girl dies." The general sneers.

I am guessing as soon as I left the Prince was informed that I arrived at the ball with Nathalie and have now decided to use her against me in order to get me to cooperate.

"Look I don't know what all this is about but I think it's best if you listen to him Sk- I mean Annabelle. I currently am not in the mood to die!" Nathalie struggles in the generals grip as she says this with pleading eyes directed at me.

"Let her go! I will come with you but please leave her out of this, she knows nothing!" I raise my arms to surrender as the general releases Nathalie and the guards move around me to secure me.

"No, we bring you both, it is our orders." This causes me to become upset so I start to struggle as another guard grabs Nathalie roughly by the arm dragging her with us as they push us out the door. A small crowd has gathered to watch this scene unfold. The guards simply ignore this and shove us onto the back of their horses like a sack of potatoes.

My leg stings and I start to feel dizzy. No not now, I will not pass out I tell myself forcing my eyes to stay open. This whole ordeal has caused the once quiet streets to become quite disrupted at this late hour of the night as we prod along. I hear the soft whispers as people begin to ask about what I have done to be put in such a situation.

I am sitting with my hands bound behind me on the horse behind the general while Nathalie sits in the same position behind a guard that rides a step behind us. In no time at all we once again reach the palace gates which open immediately allowing the horses to enter.

The once lively palace from earlier looks cold and quiet. I am guessing the ball was put to and end and everyone was sent home immediately after my whole ordeal that took place with Prince Edward.

We come to a sudden stop in a courtyard. I recognise it. This is the one I passed through a few nights ago when I stole the gems. Prince Edward and his brother stand there patiently waiting as I am lifted off the horse and put on the ground only I do not realise that putting weight on my injured leg was a bad idea and fall over, scrapping my elbows and destroying the dress I wear some more on the rough gravel.

A guard lifts me up by my hair as I struggle in protest to my feet. I now stand in front of the two princes careful not to meet Prince Edwards piercing gaze. The same guard pushes me rather roughly onto my knees to bow at the Princes as a sign of respect.

"That is enough." Prince Edward finally speaks. I lift my head slightly to face him but I cant seem bring myself to look at his face. His handsome face with those sharp features and strong jawline and let us not forget those awfully tempting kissable lips... Who am I kidding, he is gorgeous and considering my current circumstances, I don't have even the slightest of a chance with him which is somewhat unfortunate.

"Where did you get these?" Edward asks sternly while holding out a hand showing the the gems that lie within it. I stare at them for a while.

"I am sorry..." It is all I can muster before my eyes role to the back of my head and I pass out from what I am guessing to be blood lose. I hear Nathalie scream and the Prince barking out orders. Next moment my body is lifted and carried somewhere quickly.

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