Chapter 44

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"Oh please, spare me your words. Save it for your other whores!" Bella was really mad and I was actually slightly terrified for General Josiah as he faced her wrath.

"Bella... M-my l-love, I can explain." Josiah tried to calm her down. It did not work to say the least.

"You promised me Josiah, you said I was the one for you! Instead you slept with my sister. My own flesh and blood!" She angrily slapped him again.

"You are real scum you know that?! I don't ever want to see you again. I hope your cock shrivels up and falls off with all the filth it's been in." She turned and stomped off in an angry huff.

Just before she went around the corner, she stopped and turned back around making eye contact with me.

"Oi, I would leave him if I were you! That man will cheat on you with anything that has two legs and a hole where he can put it!"

She was gone right after that.

Hold on, what?!

I turned to Josiah in disgust. I would never even consider to be with a man like him to begin with. I can't believe she thought him and I were together.

"Pity about her, she was a good shag and her sister had nice tits too." Josiah let out a sigh while rubbing his slightly swollen cheeks.

"You are a real piece of shit aren't you." I muttered while dismounting my horse and hitching it.

"All in a day's work Master Thief. I like to keep my options open you know." He gave me a wink and started making his way towards the gate.

I rolled my eyes and followed after him.

We entered a small guarded tower like building built up against the one side of gate. After climbing a couple of stairs and becoming level with the top of the wall there were two doors. One leading to what I assume the top of the wall and the other to a small room. There was a lot of noise coming from that room. It sounded like two men arguing over something.

"Arghh, you never listen! I refuse to believe your bullshit. You lost and a deal is a deal!" At that moment the door swung open and we'll built soldier stood on the other side, he glanced at us, stepped out the room and closed the door.

"Josiah, my man, what brings you here? Maybe you can help me out with Hector, the son of a bitch won't uphold his side of the deal!"

"I've actually got some urgent news, I'm glad I ran into you here, saves us a trip to the Eastern gate. Her majesty summons you. You are to report to the western outskirts of the city centre. Are any commanding officers currently manning your gate, if leave at least one in charge of your troops and bring the others." Josiah ordered. The men gave a quick nod and proceeded to make his way down the stairs.

Josiah then knocked on the door to the room. A soft 'enter' was spoken from the other side.

The room was a small office, it was very messy with scrolls and pages scattered everywhere. Another well built man was seated at a desk. His fingers slowly massaging his temples and his eyes cast low until we entered the cramped room.

"General Josiah, what brings you and your..." he gave me a funny look, hesitating, "... Lady friend to my side of the wall?"

"Enough with the formalities, I told you not to address me like that, Commander. Unfortunately I bring urgent news, I've already told Sedrick. The Queen summons you and a few of your commanding officers to the western outskirts of the city centre. All will be explained upon arrival. Now if you will leave us, I need to relay this message to Quin."

The Commander, Hector or whatever his name is, gave a nod and walked out after us.

Soon Josiah and I were back on our steeds galloping at a fast pace through the streets again. About 10 or so minutes in, out of nowhere another horse and rider joined us nearly crashing right into Josiah in the process. What horrible riding.

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