Chapter 18

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My breathing hitched and my heart stopped beating all together yet somehow I managed to withhold my stoic expression without revealing much. Not even a twitch when on the inside I was in absolute chaos.

"You do not seem to be denying it so I deem myself correct on this assumption that I concluded." He didn't even batter an eye lid as he spoke so smoothly.

I was at a loss for words. Surely he didn't know last night of my true gender. What gave it away? I know I have a feminine looking face but plenty a man I have come across held such features. It's rather common in some parts of the kingdom particularly in the younger generations.

"You know I still have to punish you for the disruption to camp. I know the knights can be arrogant egotistical pricks sometimes but they are still your superiors so you should treat them with respect. On normal circumstances I would have you run ten more laps than that of the knight but in this case I will lessen it due to your injury. I know you leg is still not right and you just took a minor beating." He spoke about my little fight earlier rather than the more important matter at hand.

I was still in some shock yet suddenly confused as to why he switched the subject. He watched me. Analysing me. Waiting for my reaction so casually and boy was it unnerving. I felt suffocated.

"How..?" I managed to wheeze out through my clenched teeth. It was barely audible but I knew he heard it.

His stressed expression was long gone from earlier and instead a sly cheeky smile graced his soft pink lips. He was enjoying this.

"Your hands, to soft, to feminine like to be a prison guard," He stood up and took one of my hands in his lifting it up to examine it on closer inspection to prove his point, "your build, the way you carry yourself. Narrow shoulders, slim waist. You move with such grace that only a woman could hold even in your injured state." He circled me letting go of my hand. I felt his hands unclip my leather armour and watched it fall to the floor.

I let out a gasp when I felt warm rough hands reach up my shirt and untie my chest bindings allowing my breasts to be free proving my gender. This was highly inappropriate and I was blushing like a tomato so I was so relieved when he removed his hands.

"Damn. How unfortunate and I thought my disguise wasn't half bad." My voice tried to mask my unease and create a lighter atmosphere. I was still however heavily on guard and weary of this male.

"It is pretty good especially to others who aren't like me that can be easily fooled." he sat down again, his eyes filled with a slight tinge of mischief.

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't made Commander for nothing you know."

"I figured. But please I am begging you, don't have me executed." I cast my eyes down staring at floor somewhat all of a sudden ashamed of my pitiful predicament.

"That depends entirely on the reason you give for being here."

I lifted my gaze to look at him again. His sharp grey eyes were watching me, waiting for an explanation. He took a seat again at his desk and gestured me to take a seat as well.

I was slightly hesitant but eventually sat down on the seat apposite him. I clenched my jaw slightly letting out a slight gasp as I was reminded of the new bruising from that asshole of a knight.

"I wouldn't know where to start." I spoke slightly lost because it was true. I couldn't just tell him I am on the run from the kingdom for a crime on such a high scale that I have been sentenced to death.

"How about a name?"

I stared at him wearily. Wondering if he was serious or not.

"I apologise Commander but I am afraid that I can't tell you that."

"Well I expected as much but it was worth a try. But anyways I will ask again, why are you here? What possessed you to join the army?"

He leaned at little closer to me.

I froze.

His lips were by my ear. I could feel some of his rough stubble brush against my cheek.

"What are you hiding from?" He whispered softly and pulled away.

I narrowed my eyes.

"You wouldn't let me live if I told you."

"So far you aren't going to live as it is." he smirked.

I turned my head away from him, clenching my knuckles until they turned shear white. I was trapped in a corner with no way out. I could lie I suppose but knowing him he would probably see right through if.

"I guess that leaves me with no choice now does it? Either way my outcome is death." I sighed in slight annoyance.

"Now hold on that is for me to decide and me alone unless there are others who know of this?" it was more of a question rather than a statement.

"No, you are the only one." I faced him again.

"Good. I think it's best we keep it that way. Now I want answers."

I frowned but nodded. I knew that I had nothing left to loose. I was going to die anyways. It was inevitable. So I took a deep breath and preceded to speak.

"My name is Skyler..."

"Skyler who?"


"Well I will be damned. You are telling me that you are related to Gerard of the Iron Soul?" it was a rhetorical question and he looked a little surprised but seemed to believe me.

"Yes, I am his only daughter..."

"Wow. What name have you been going by while you have been here?"

"Everyone had been referring to me as 'Prison Guard' the whole time." I shrugged my shoulders.

"What name did you sign up as?"

"Sky Davis."

He chuckled a little.

"Yes I know it's a stupid name, a bit to close to my real name but I was in a hurry and had little time to think okay." I felt my cheeks tinge slightly scarlet in embarrassment.

"Your creativity astounds me. But moving back, why are you here Sky?"

"I kind of sort of got myself into some trouble and well the best and only way out was to join the army..." I started scratching the back of my head but immediately stopped after I realised that it caused my breasts to shift up and move around uncomfortably. My cheeks turned more scarlet. Dam him for unwrapping them.

"What sort of trouble?" He raised an eyebrow. I was thankful his eyes never moved from my face but still slightly embarrassed.

"Uh you know, the kind that has you arrested."

"So you are a crook, great. Now do tell me what did you do and were you caught?"

"Yes unfortunately I was caught. Thrown into a smelly prison cell and trialed too to be exact." I avoiding the first question and he knew.

"Don't ignore my first question." his voice was sharp and serious telling me that there was no room for nonsense.

I gulped.

"Well I... I'm a thief and I kind of stole something a little too important."

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