Chapter 41

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I heard it.

Although it was rather soft, I heard it. It sounded like glass breaking. I did not understand. I was perplexed.

It sound came from the second Vorn plunged the knife into Prince Henry's side.

Prince Henry fell to the floor upon impact. A dark red liquid seeping through his clothes on his side making a small puddle on the floor, only it was not blood.

Prince Henry was gasping for air as he had been winded in his side.

Vorn knelt down a stuck his finger into the liquid. He brought it up to his nose as sniffed it slightly before placing some of it on the top his tongue to taste it before spitting it out.

I still stood there is shot at the whole ordeal.

What just happened?

"Poison." Vorn stated while looking down at Prince Henry who was trying to get up.

"What the hell Vorn, are you out of your mind?!" Prince Henry exclaimed.

"No, certainly not. I should be asking you that. How long did you intend to keep up this act? This is Red Root poison. It is a slow silent killer. After a few months of intake in large dosages, one becomes extremely weak and eventually succumbs to a cold death. What I would like to know is how you have come by it? This type of poison is illegal in this kingdom and for a good reason."

Prince Henry looked alarmed and tried to play the fool.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I thought that was uh... Wine? Yes wine!"

"Do you honestly take me for fool? Cousin, firstly, why would you carry wine in a glass flask size bottle around the palace when you can drink wine whenever you please without a hassle? Secondly," Vorn walked around him, a glint in his eye, "I know my poisons, did you forget?" Vorn's eyes glinted, "I was in the capital not so long ago, I caught wind of a secret black market deal happening within the palace walls of all places. I went to investigate, sure enough I saw the merchant meet up with a cloaked figure near the palace in a secluded alleyway. It was you wasn't it or at least a servant of yours? Honestly, I did not expect this from you, especially not poison of all things, it is a women's weapon. I am disappointed Cousin and I have a really strong hunch as to who it is that you have been poisoning the Queen, so why don't we go see her now?"

Prince Henry stared wide eyed as Vorn once again knelt down in front of him.

"Damn you Vorn. You know how much I suffer in this palace due to being the youngest. This was my chance. Once I took out mother, it was only a matter of time before I would take out Edward too. Then I would be noticed. Finally someone would pay attention to me. I would marry some whore and take the crown for myself."

He unfortunately took it as his chance to snatch the knife from Vorn.

Vorn leaned back just in the nick of time to prevent it from causing any serious damage. The tip of the knife managed to plunge into his cheek causing a long shallow cut to appear. Vorn wiped some of the blood of with his sleeve, or at least tried to, it just smudged.

Out of no where Prince Henry slumped to the ground not even a minute of his attempted attack on Vorn after he received a blow to back of his head by the hilt of a sword. I looked up to see a very pale fragile looking woman in her night gown.

Her greying hair was ruffled from its plat and her appearance looked distraught. She had beads of sweat falling from her forward. Someone in her sickly condition should not even be standing.

I almost did not recognise her but she still maintained that beautiful elegance that seemed to surround her like the day I first saw her.

Before us stood the Queen.

She wobbled on her feet nearly toppling over completely. Vorn managed to stabilise her by gently placing his hands on her shoulders, supporting her weight.

"Your majesty." I failed at a curtsy. I was still dumfound at the events that had just unfolded before me.

"Ap... apologies son." She wheezed out.

"No, your Highness, don't talk right now." Vorn said as he continued to support her weight.

"I'm...your Aunt, Vorn... S... stop addressing me so... formally."

I took one look at Prince Henry who was out cold on the floor wondering what should be done but as soon as that thought graced my mind, it was answered.

Two guards walked in, glancing at the Queen, awaiting orders. She must have summoned them somehow before she knocked out the Prince.

"T...take him to his room and don't let him out. I will... deal with him later." She ordered trying to keep her voice steady.

The guards obliged and lifted up the unconscious Prince before leaving.

Vorn took this as the moment to help manoeuvre the Queen to what I would assume to be her bedchambers. I followed in suit.

He placed her seated on her bed and she took a moment to regain her breath. I remained standing in the door frame.

"Henry...I heard everything...How could he? Gosh. I let this happen and now I am reaping the consequences." The Queen stared at her hands. Her brown eyes glossy.

Not a word was said for a few moments before the Queen spoke again.

"I assumed that you two entered the palace unauthorised for a good reason and now I await your explanation. Speak child."

"Aunt, I it seems we have a traitor amongst our ranks." Vorn looked away in guilt when he thought about his father. He had nothing to feel guilty about.

"Your Majesty, if I may." I took a step into the room keeping my head low, kneeling in front of her and presenting the scroll from Prince Edward towards her.

She gently took it from my hands.

"Rise. State your name."

I reluctantly did as I was told and took a few steps back in the process.

"Skyler...Skyler Black." My head hung low.

I peaked at her and I saw her lips twitching, a smirk threatening to break free. I was slightly confused.

"Oh I know you. You look just like him. Your father, same eyes. Knowing him, he is smiling down at us, that cheeky smile of his. He is probably laughing at how his daughter stole from the palace right under our noses." The Queen playfully stated, "I'm glad you are not dead. I thought your name sounded familiar when I was informed about you."

I stared at her wide eyed. Of course she would have known my father personally. I couldn't help but let a small smile form on my lips.

The Queen unravelled the scroll, breaking its seal and reading through its contents. Her demeanour changed.

A serious look graced her face. A frown etched into her features. Vorn took that moment to hand her the next scroll from Ivor.

Once she had read it, she was silent. She processed the information.

"Vorn, go summon Josiah for me."

Vorn frowned at the mention of that name.

"Why him? He is an drunk dead beat womaniser."

"Watch your tone Mister, he is the general of the royal guard and your brother."

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