Chapter 49

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I immediately put down the candle holder and held my hands up showing I had no weapons and meant to no harm to the frightened boy.

"It's okay... I am not going to hurt you." I spoke in a soft gentle voice.

His cheeks were very hollowed out, making his sharp cheek bones very protruding. His eyes were deeply sunken in to his sockets, his sharp collar bones were sticking out more so than the norm, his arms and legs were just skin and bone and the rags he worn did nothing to hide how unhealthily thin he was.

I could not make out his natural hair colour due to all the dirt and blood matted into it. He looked between fourteen or fifteen years of age, I could not actually tell but whoever this prisoner was he had suffered greatly. For some reason it left a hollow  pain in my chest.

His deep navy blue eyes were still fearfully watching me. His breathing was unsteady coming out in soft wheezes and pants. He flinched at any sudden movement I took. I dared not step any closer to his frightened form.

"I'm not going to hurt you..."I repeated, "Let me help you."

His formed trembled slightly and his navy eyes darting all across the room as if to look for an escape.

"I won't hurt you, I promise."

His eyes shot back to me, uncertainty dancing deep within them.

"I don't know who you are but I do know that the man who brought you here is not a good man. He tied you up and locked you in this room hidden away from the battle... I'm not with him, I'm not on his side. I honestly mean you no harm..."

He still looked unsure but did not flinch when I carefully took a step closer to him.

He then looked down at his bound wrists and ankles, a strange emotion passing over his features, I almost did not catch it as it was gone as soon as it had come.

I cautiously took the last few steps towards him, internally relieved when he let me. I crouched down to face him, sitting on the back of my heels and resting my weight on my toes and front of my foot.

"I'm going to untie you." I made sure he was aware of my actions before hand.

He reluctantly nodded keeping his gaze trapped on my hands as they began undoing the well tied knots on his tiny wrists.

Being this close to him, I now took notice of all the scars he had on his arms along with a few scabbed wounds and cuts. I looked up to face him right after. His gaze had obviously followed my own earlier. His sharp eyes were focused on his arms. When he looked up, he turned away like he was in shame.

I continued to undo the knots, knowing that I should not ask about them right now. That it was better to leave it. He seemed relieved that I did not ask or bring up the subject.

As soon as his arms were free, they fell limply to his sides. He seemed to lack the energy and strength to even move them.

I then worked on untying his ankles. The knots were less complex and were undone in no time. I stepped away right after. His limbs had been tied together way to tightly and the rope had left red swollen marks and caused slight bleeding.

"Do you think you can stand?" I asked.

He slowly shook his head and looked down. Stuck in thought regarding my next move, I allowed my eyes to finally observe the room.

It was also a bedroom like the one next door to it. Although it was a lot smaller. On the bed I could see Josiah's armour that Richard had been wearing scattered about on it. The cupboard was also open as if something had recently been taken out of it in a hurry which was most likely Richard's new armour.

He did not bring this prisoner to any random location, he brought him to specific location, that's why he was counting the buildings as he walked.

"Okay, I'm going to help you get out of here. Is it okay if I carry you in the form of a piggyback ride? It will just make it easier for me to move." I looked back at the boy.

He was still cautiously watching me but seemed to be a lot more at lease. He gave another reluctant nod after some slight hesitation.

I walked to his side and gently hoisted him up onto his feet hooking my arm around his waist. There was nothing there. No fat, no muscle and I felt my arm brush up against his ribs. I did not realise a saddened frown had graced my features.

When was the last time he had eaten a proper meal...

He was also really light. Much lighter than I had expected but he could barely support his own weight on his own two feet and relied solely on me for complete help.

I walked him over to the bed, carefully lifting him up onto it making sure he was still on his feet and still supporting a lot of his weight. The bed acted as a raised platform making it easier for me to lift him up onto my back without hurting him.

I placed his bony arms holding them in place with my own and turned round gently pulling him towards me in the process. His torso met my back as he fell forward. I let go of his arms and grabbed his legs successfully lifting him up. He managed to hold his hands together in a loose grip around my neck.

"Are you okay back there." I asked as I began walking out of the room and down the stairs.

"Yes..." Came a breathy reply.

When we were out of the building and met with the harsh sunlight, I felt him tuck his head into the back of  my shoulder as if he was flinching away from it.

"" He softly whispered after a while.

Before I could reply however I heard a horn in the distance go off. It signified the arrival of another army, Prince Edward's army.

He had finally arrived on the battle field. I was relieved. Unfortunately a lot of time had passed so most of the enemy troops would most likely be in the city right now attempting to cease the city as a whole.

I prayed the crowd of citizens earlier had managed to escape and evacuate in time. I prayed that Nathalie was okay.

The battle cries towards the gate had mostly stopped by now and I could hear screams and see smoke from areas more to the centre of the city.

I debated where the safest place would be to take the boy with me right now. The city was not safe, I needed to get him out. The closest gate to us was obviously the west gate but was it worth the risk?

I would not have the time to make my way to another gate to evacuate. The enemy will most likely head to the gates first to secure them anyways. The only other way out of the city was the hidden passage way in the Palace in the Queens quarters that Vorn had told me about.

Going to the palace would be even more of a risk as the enemy will definitely be trying to get in. I concluded the best option would definitely be the west gate. I would have to be very careful however.

Joining my hands together I began quickly weaving my way through the maze back alleys. Ducking and hiding in the shadows whenever I heard a noise nearby. The boy on my back was drifting in and out of consciousness but used what little strength he had to clutch onto me for dear life.

"Wha...t is your... Name?..."he whispered softly into my ear while we were hidden in one of the shadows as a few enemy soldiers ran past. The loud clattering and clunking of their armour masking any surrounding noise to their ears as they moved.

"Skyler Black." I nonchalantly replied still watching the soldiers. "Yours?"

"I... I don't... Remember... But the... Man who took me...from the... Prison... Called me... I.. Isaac.."

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