Chapter 13

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Laughter fills the air, it's bitter sweet sound bouncing off the walls and engulfing the room disrupting the silence. It is mine.

The General looks a little startled at my outburst but doesn't break his determined and serious look.

"You-" I cut myself off by laughing again, "are willing to help me-" I continue to laugh, "get out of this mess. Nice joke."

After gaining my composure I faced him again however his face remained the same. Gosh I cannot believe this guy, he thinks he can give me false hope only to break me by making me face the harsh reality once again. That is cruelty at its finest.

"You don't believe me..?" Its a rhetorical question but it holds a small almost undetectable amount of hurt in his voice.

"Of course not. Look I get that we were once friends and you think that I somehow don't deserve my execution but you are wrong because I deserve this and why the hell would you be willing to sacrifice your title and rank just to help me if we are caught? Who in their right mind is that crazy?"

"I am because... You were my first ever friend. I know you probably don't remember when we first met but I do. It had just rained and you were playing in the mu-"

"I was playing in the mud making a mud man and you came and helped me make another..."

He looks a little surprised that I remembered.

"Look there is another reason that I want to help you but right now we are running out of time and I need to tell you the plan."

He grabs my arm and quickly hoists me up onto my feet. My still injured leg ripples in pain as I add a small ammount of weight onto it. Ivor stares at my leg for a while before finally speaking.

"Do you think that you will be able to walk on that leg let alone run?"

"Even if I can't I will." He smirked slightly at my determination.

"Here is the plan.." He leaned down near my ear and whispered it softly. His breathing slightly moving my small hairs causing them to tickle softly against me.

To be honest his plan wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would be but I suppose he is a General after, his plans do need to be tactical and be able to be well executed with little to no flaw or how else would have he been promoted to such a high rank.

General Ivor left soon after he told me. I just hope I can trust him and that this is not a lie but I suppose if I am caught I will still be caught so what have I got to loose?..

The last few minutes ticked by painfully slowly before two guards came and opened the gate to my cell and yanked me out while shackling my hands in front of me before roughly dragging me down a few passages towards the place where I will be hung. This could be my last few moments left to live if the General does not follow through on this crazy plan of his.

As we pass through the final door into the court yard of the prison I start counting. This is it.


I bite my tongue to block out the pain of what I am about to do.


I start adding more weight onto my sore leg. The place where I will be hung has not come into view yet and there are no other guards around just as Ivor said.


This is it. I yank my bound arms out of the hold of the guards and turn on my bad leg swinging my good one into the one guard's head effectively knocking him out. Before the other could react I punch him in the throat causing him to bend over in a coughing fit before knocking him out with another punch. I slip the keys out of the ones pocket and quickly undo my shackles.

I now have 3 minutes before the others notice that something is wrong. I quickly strip the smaller of the two guards armour and clothes before changing into them as fast as I could.

I was grateful to finally be out of the filthy rags that was once the elegant dress. The armour was rather heavy and uncomfortable however much to my dismay but it would have to do.

My injured leg has been withering in pain but I did everything in my power to distract myself from it as I moved swiftly through the passages with the guards helmet covering my face following the directions that General Ivor gave.

So far his plan is working. I stopped in the third room from the left of the passage that I was following and saw that my kit was all placed there like he said he would place it. I quickly grabbed the bag and through it over my shoulder and left the room continuing my journey.

A few twists and turns later I ran into a few guards. Fuck.

There were two of them walking towards me not really paying much attention but rather bickering amongst themselves about petty stuff. I tried to slip past them without them noticing me but luck is never on my side.

"Well well well look what we have here Henrick. A newbie who shows us no respect." The one chuckled as him and his partner Henrick stood in the way blocking my path.

"Yes Arnold. Lets teach him some respect."

Henrick lifted up his arm to swing a punch at me. I dodged it swiftly.

"I am sorry misters. I wont do it again." I bowed my head softly at them and dropped my voice a few octaves lower.

"Hmmph.. You are lucky I didn't hit you kid. Come on Arnold lets go." He huffed and walked off. Good I avoided a fight.

Once I made it out the prison with the guards on the outside allowing me to pass through thanks to a letter Ivor slipped in my bag that I was supposedly to deliver to one of the Commanders in the city. When I showed the guards they let me through without any questions asked.

I was out but I was still not in the clear because I heard the bells start to ring in the prison as the alarm that one of the prisoners have escaped. I walked a little faster. I needed to get to the west suburbs quickly. I would be safer there. I was so grateful that I knew these streets so well so getting there took no time at all.

Once I had arrived there was a huge gathering of people around. Something was happening. I gathered they were signing up to join the royal army.

I chuckled softly, those stupid souls. They are practically signing there life away but then it struck me.

I can't get out of the capital without drawing any suspicion even with my disguise. By now the gates would have been informed and would be inspecting everyone who wishes to leave. Escaping the capital would definitely not be as easy as the first time.

So I was left with one choice.

Time to pretend to be a man and join the royal army...


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