Chapter 45

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I was about to tease Ivor a little more, feeling proud of myself that I managed to get such a pure reaction from him when all of a sudden everyone suddenly quietened down and stood to attention.

The Queen made her way into the clearing before us, she too was dressed in armour. I watched her closely. Analysing her movements.

I could see she was struggling slightly with the way she moved, it something she was battling to completely hide. She wanted to be seen as strong in front of her men, she did not want them to be aware of her weakened state. I was reminded that she had been poisoned by her own son.

She walked with confidence, an aura of authority surrounded her. She stopped at the centre of the clearing. Two palace guards stood proudly by her side and one stood behind her.

She did not shout but rather addressed us in a powerful voice that was just loud enough for us all to hear. She gave orders and only briefly explained what was happening and what needed to be done. Everyone understood and soon after cleared. Ivor went up to the Queen to speak with her. Telling Vorn and I to wait.

Josiah chose that moment to finally reappear again. He looked much better, completely clean and in full armour clearly showing his rank. He carried himself in a way that looked a lot more serious now, no longer playful and carefree. His whole aura had changed. I was a little surprised but then reminded that the kingdom was about to go to battle after all. He gave the Queen a curt nod and went off after catching her eye.

Ivor approached Vorn and I once the Queen had taken her leave following in the same direction after General Josiah.

The houses and buildings around us were beginning to be evacuated by soldiers. People were bustling about. They tried not to create panic and keep everyone calm.

"You two, come with me." Ivor ordered and walked in the direction of the west city gate.

"Hey! Don't manhandle me you creep!" some commotion was happening on front of us.

There right before the statue of my father, were two soldiers interacting with a civilian. It was a girl, I couldn't make out who she was from behind but something about her seemed familiar.

"Miss please calm done, we have been ordered to evacuate this section of the city." one of the soldiers tried to reason.

"Yes I heard you the first time! That does not mean you have permission to manhandle me. I am a Lady not a dog!" she fought back.

"What seems to be the problem here?" Ivor asked, his voice laced with authority.

The soldiers stepped back and away from the girl, standing up straight once they saw the General before them.

The girl spun around to face us at the sound of Ivor's voice. A look of recognition danced through her eyes as they met Ivor's.

"It's you!" She almost accused. Ivor's eyes widened slightly. He recognised her as well.

"What, not going to say anything? You are something else, you make out with me at the ball, then interrogate me on my friend and leave never to be seen again!" She jabbed a slender finger to the centre of his chest. I could not believe it. It was Nathalie.

Wait, the person she left me for to make out with was Ivor?!

Before Ivor could say anything, Nathalie's sharp eyes zoned on me. She shoved him out the way and ran towards me wrapping her long arms around me in the process with quite some momentum. She knocked the breath right out of me and if it wasn't for Vorn lending an arm out to support me, I would have fallen over.

"You are okay! I was so worried!" She let go and angrily grabbed my shoulders shaking them in the process. "Don't ever do something crazy like that again Sk-!"

She stopped herself from saying my name and leaned close to my ear, wearily eyeing Vorn and Ivor in the process before whispering, "Are you still going for that weird stage of not going by your name?"

I smiled and shook my head.

"Good, because I'm not done reprimanding you Skyler! Using your name just makes it have a better effect. And don't get me started on how worried I wa-" she stopped mid sentence again and stared at my face, "what the on earth did you do to your hair?!"

She took a step back and looked me up and down as a whole. Before I could reply or even let out a single word she spoke again.

"Sky, you are wearing armour! You know it's against the law! Quick take it off now, there is a General here, you will get arrested!" she panicked.

I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. I have been given permission to wear it."

She still looked nervous and panicked so she threw a glance in Ivor's direction as if to confirm and he gave a slight nod.

That seemed to calm her a little. I looked to the side, Ivor had dismissed the soldiers and was standing there waiting uncomfortably and Vorn was clearly checking Nathalie out.

Before another word was spoken, bells went off followed by the distant cry of a horn of some sort. That could only mean one thing. Trouble.

Ivor and Vorn shot a glance to each other before rushing towards the gate. I followed after.

Nathalie clutched my arm stopping me.

"What is going on?" she looked scared.

"No time to explain, you need to evacuate this area. Head towards the castle and move east from there."

"Where will you go?"

"I'm needed up there." I pointed towards the wall.

Nathalie reluctantly let me go. She understood that it's was something I needed to do but still was afraid.

"Go. I will be okay." I urged.

"You better."

I gave a smile and ran off after Ivor and Vorn.

I can't promise but I will try.

When I reached the gate, I rushed up the stairs and out onto the wall. A lot of soldiers were running up and down in a hurry carrying different types of weapons.

I glanced around trying to locate Ivor and Vorn. Unfortunately I could not see Vorn anywhere, however I found Ivor giving orders to frantic looking troops.

"What is going on?" I asked when I had made my way to him.

"Lone rider." He pointed out in a particular direction.

I followed his finger and sure enough there a rider stood in the distance, the sun had begun to rise so I could make out his figure and a few details. He carried a black flag with what looked to be the enemies white crest on it. He took that moment to blow the horn again. He stood for a while watching the wall before turning back and making his way into the dark forest behind were I assumed the enemy stood waiting.

I had a feeling that this was not just an intimidation tactic. He did that for a reason.

I could not believe that they had arrived so soon. I thought that we at least had a few hours ahead of them. It sent a chill down my spine.

Just then the bells went off again. Three rings this time. Something else had happened. I glanced around searching for anyone who might provide an explanation, Ivor did the same.

Just then a solider came running out the door that lead to the stairs. He was completely out of breath, panting like a dog.

It was then I noticed Vorn. Vorn now had a bow mounted on his back and quickly approached the distraught solider. The solider managed to whisper something in his ear causing Vorns eyes to widen.

He said something back to the solider. The solider gave a nod and moved out the way and took a moment to catch his breath. My eyes were now trained on Vorn as he approached Ivor and I.

In a soft voice so the others could not hear he quietly spoke words that made my blood run cold.

"The Queen has been murdered."

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