Chapter 10

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What the hell did Nathalie tell him?! This is the only reason I can think of as to how he knows my name.

This isn't in the slightest good...

"What do you mean Skyler?" I raise my eyebrows at him successfully masking my utter shock. It is hard enough having Nathalie and now Lord Patrick knowing, I don't think I can deal with this guy knowing too. Who else knows. Dammit.

"Do you take me for a fool? I know exactly who you are. You are the step daughter of the Baron Robert Fulton and blood daughter of Gerard Black..." He spoke with a confident yet knowing look.

"You got it all wrong, my name is Annabelle." I could tell he knew I was lying.

"When will yourself and darling Ms Nathalie Eldwin stop calling your being by that name?" He asked rhetorically. A sense of relief washed over me from learning that it was not Nathalie who told them but the unfortunately changed to terror as to how he found out much to what I felt upon learning Lord Patrick knew it.

"How did you find out?" I indirectly admitted to defeat but I need answers.

"There that is a start, admitting to who you truly are." A cocky smirk graced his lips. I so badly wanted to slap it off but this stupid rope was preventing me from doing so.

"Shut up and just tell me already and I might think of cooperating with you." I was getting slightly ticked off with his handsome face.

"Might you say? Maybe you should rephrase that and I might think of telling you." Is he serious!?

"If you tell me, I will tell you everything you would like to know." I gave him a sweet yet noticeably fake smile while flattering my lashes at him. If I was slightly ticked off before, I am more now.

"That is better. Now the answer you require is that 5 years ago at the fire of the Fulton Estate, there was one person missing in the body count which was you, search parties were sent out but you were never found. You and I have also met once or twice when you still had a family come to think of it. Guess I just recognised you." I wanted to ask him when and where we met because I surely would have remembered a gorgeous face like his.

"Now that I told you, you need to tell me what I want to know." He watched me expectantly.

"I stole them... The gems.... I was the one who stole the royal gems." I looked down in slight shame.

"Yeah I guessed that much but how did you steal them, how did you of all people break into the most highly guarded place in the entire kingdom undetected?" He questioned curiously.

"Pure luck." I know I am lying again but I don't see the point of telling the general the truth. What would be the point if I know he will not believe me?

"Stop lying. It is beginning to get on my nerves. I know this was an inside job so tell me the truth. Who helped you and how?" He banged his hands softly against the hard wood of the table.

"The brother of the deceased king..." What have I got to lose? I just hope he believes me. He let out a soft chuckle slightly shaking his head.

"And how did the Duke apparently help you steal the gems?" He asked. I could tell he did not believe me. That evil bastard Patrick was right.

"Why ask when I can tell you most definitely do not believe me?"

"Because I am curious as to how someone as pitiful as you could create such a statement and not have a valid explanation behind such words?" I will show him who is pitiful if it just was not for this stupid rope.

I told him everything he wanted to hear leaving out how I stole the dress and invitation purposely. I have enough charges against me as it is.

"Your story makes sense I suppose but what I don't get is what made you keep the gems and want to return them to the Prince? I mean look at the mess it caused."

"Look I realised what I did was wrong, I did not know what I was stealing at the time, I realised it just as I was to hand them over. I also had no use for them. You cant sell them or trade them without being traced and caught. I wanted to make right what I did wrong..."

"Hmm.. There seems to be no evidence to your story but none the less we will question Lord Patrick however I still think you are lying because why would he turn on his own family?"

He got up and and was about to leave when I stopped him.

"General may I ask you something who are you? I don't seem to ever remember meeting you."

"General Ivor Sinclair." He turned and spoke to the guard behind the door asking him to open it before stepping out and leaving.

I gave a slight gasp at the sound of his name. I could identify that name anywhere. He is the top general of the army. Known especially for his young age to hit top ranks and for his combat skills. I don't understand why he is here now, I would have thought he would be in the eastern territories sorting out the coastal raids from the neighbouring kingdoms.

I still however could not remember us ever meeting which was rather annoying. I finally looked down at my leg in thought and realised that someone had bandaged it and cleaned it. I sighed slightly in relief however I knew it would take quite a while before it would be fully healed much to my dismay.

The silence became suffocating as my mind drifted in and out of thought. I lost all sense of time and before I knew it I could see the sun peaking through the small window. I must have been left alone for hours until eventually the door opened again.

General Ivor stepped in but this time he was accompanied by two guards which flanked his sides. The guards came up to me and lifted me by my elbows onto my two feet. I almost collapsed at the slight pressure added to my leg but the guards luckily prevented that from happening.

"What is going on?" I questioned the general.

"You are to face the royal court. Either you or Lord Patrick is lying. He speaks of something totally different and has an alibi to match it however I believe your story more to his but it is up for the court to decide."

I have a feeling this will not end well for me. Even if I do prove my story I could still face a death sentence for being involved and stealing or better yet for being a thief. I have a bad feeling on what is about to go down.

The guards pulled me through the door with General Ivor walking a few paces in front of us towards something that will possibly change my life forever whether it be for the best or the worst.

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