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I spot Maggie again and this time I rush to give her a hug.

"One would think you've been avoiding me the way you've been disappearing so much tonight, I know I asked you to help but I need you to enjoy yourself tonight just like everyone else" I tell her as we sit.

"Well I need to make sure my Babygirl has a blast tonight" she says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"But then you look so tired, have you even been resting properly Mags" I ask with a frown. Her caramel skin is graced with more wrinkles than usual and she has eye bags. A wisp of grey hair Stuck out from the other strands. She looks really tired.

"Mags your not okay, I'm gonna take you home. Just wait here, I'll pack some food for you as well. I just have to make sure Lily will be fine before I get back" I say to her squeezing her hands a little before rushing back inside to meet Keith.

"Hey, I'm sorry, my guardian doesn't look so well so I'm gonna take her home, I'll be back as soon as possible, can you help me watch Lily while I'm gone?" I ask

"Of course, are you sure everything will be fine? I can call my doctor, get my driver to take you guys home and bring you back safely" he says looking so worried

"Yes I'm sure, thank you so much. Well you asked to see Lily, I guess now's the time." I signal for him to come with me while I make my way towards Lily.

"Hey sweetheart, are you having fun?" I ask

"Yes yes yes, this is the best party ever!" She screams hugging me

"I'm glad baby, I have to rush off, I'll be back in a minute, my friend Keith, is gonna look after you while I'm gone" I tell her while looking towards Keith not telling her about Maggie.

"Oh the man from the mall" she says smugly wiggling her brows and my eyes go wide while Keith laughs

"Hey Princess, Happy Birthday" He hands the present over to her

"Awww thank you so much" she smiles
"I think I like you already" she smirks at him and I shake my head in disbelief. This girl.

"And I can tell you're amazing" Keith compliments her and she blushes while I just roll my eyes

"Well, I'm gonna take my leave now, see you guys later" I say giving Lily a hug and Keith a smile before leaving.


"You know I saw you with that man" Maggie says, we're currently on our way to her house.

"Which man?" I play dumb and she laughs

"You've still not changed, the man you were talking to at the side of the restaurant Anna" she looks at me

"Ohhh that man" I blush

"Umm he's my boss's business associate, he said a little bird told him it's Lily's birthday so he came to give her his wishes, come to think of it that sounds sketchy" I pull the brakes as the traffic light indicates stop.

"Well he likes you" she continues and I laugh

"I don't think so Mags, we just had our second conversation ever, tonight so..." I say before driving as the light turns green.

"You're gonna be okay in no time Mags, just make sure you rest a lot and please don't stress yourself or skip meals." I say kissing her cheek

"Of course dear, please turn of the light on your way out" she yawns covering herself up.

"Yes I will" I turn off the light and make sure everything's okay before leaving. I drop some cash on the coffee table and a little cute note.

She'll see this when she wakes up.

In no time I arrive at the restaurant already exhausted. I spot Lily and her friends talking away with Keith and I smile

"I'm back" I chime, getting a drink from a waiter passing by before sitting

"I hope everyone's having a lovely time?" I look at the girls and they're all smiling and gushing about how they want a party just like this

"You look tired" Keith says and I turn my attention to him

"Yeah, I am. Once Lily's done we'd definitely head home" I tell him

"Oh alright" he says and we're both quiet for a bit

"You still owe me a dinner date" he says out of nowhere and I laugh

"Me? I can't remember" I say putting on a 'thinking face'

"Oh well, just a reminder, you do. Tomorrow by 7pm. I'll pick you up. I must leave now" he gets up to leave and just as I'm about to stand he leans towards me

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" He whispers in my ear before he walks out leaving me flushed.

"He definitely likes you" Lily teases and I become even more flushed realizing that the girls saw everything that happened

What a lovely night

Being Annalise JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now