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Will you be my girlfriend?

I stare at the words spelt out with beautiful roses
My heart racing and my eyes teary

"Annalise Johnson,
Every moment I spend with you automatically becomes the best moment of my life.
Seeing you happy or making you smile is all I want.
I want to take care of you
I want to watch you grow and accomplish your dreams and goals.
I want to be there for you every step of the way.
I love you Princess
I want to love every part of you
If only you'll accept me?
Will you be my girlfriend?" I stare at Keith lost for words, I try my best to hold back the tears in my eyes

"Babe-" I choke on a sob
"Yes, yes I'll be your girlfriend and I won't want it any other way. You're my best friend and I'm glad I met you" I say and Keith instantly captures my lips in his for a kiss

We kiss passionately only letting go for air

"I won't let you down I promise" he says and I smile
"I love you too" I say to him as we share another kiss

We spend the night enjoying each other's company. Keith really went hard on this, the decor is breathtaking, and every meal we tried tasted heavenly. The violinist plays away while Keith and I chat mindlessly.

It's how we never have to pretend when we're together, that's what gets me. I get to be me and he gets to be him.

"You can imagine how embarrassing that was for me you know" I try to control my fits of laughter as Keith tells me about the one time he joined a jalapeño pepper contest in high school just to impress a girl

"Did you even get her number?" I ask still laughing heartily

"Of course not! Who would want to talk to someone as red as a tomato all teary eyed and with a runny nose" he says laughing as well

"Oh my gosh babe! Let's dance" I get up hyped as the violinist starts playing Like I'm gonna lose you by Meghan Trainor and John Legend

I sing along as we move to the sweet sounds from the violin

Keith never stops starring into my eyes as I sing to him. Every word conveying how I felt. He leans down to kiss me and I kiss him back with as much enthusiasm. I don't think I could ever get tired of kissing him.

He kisses my forehead before holding me close, I feel his heart race

"Babe, your heart is racing" I tease
"That's what you do to me Princess" He replies, his fingers circle around my exposed back and I shudder

"Are you cold?" He scans my face looking for any bit of discomfort
"Just a little bit" I reply
"I shouldn't have requested for an outdoor date" he places his jacket around me and i giggle

"It's fine babe, I actually really like it" I lean up to give him a peck
"Hmm you're so sweet, come on, it's time for dessert" we walk over to the table and he pulls out my chair.

"Hmm what are we having" I take a look at the menu before looking up at him
"Anything you want my princess, my dessert is in front of me so I really don't care about anything else" he looks at me seductively
"Babe!" I gasp checking to see if anyone heard and he laughs at my reaction

"Okay I think I'll be having a chocolate fudge cake with some cream and strawberries" I look up with a smile and he chuckles
"I guess I'll have the same" he gives the waiter our orders and in no time they arrive

I take a bite and let out a moan as soon as I taste it

"It's so good" I say relishing the taste of chocolate and Keith just stares at me longingly

"You're so beautiful" he says and suddenly I start feeling a bit shy
"Thank you" I reply and he laughs
"Oh my goodness, one would think we just met the way you keep getting shy"

"Go away" I chuckle still enjoying my dessert
"It's actually really nice but I know something that'll taste better" he teases and I gasp feeling hot all of a sudden

I remain quiet suddenly enjoying his subtle tease.
I smudge some cream on my fork before licking it off slowly, looking at Keith straight in the eyes.

Two can play this game

"Hmm I saw what you did there" he takes my hands in his kissing my knuckles.

"All done?" He asks and I nod
"Alright princess, let's take you home then" he says as he helps me out of my seat.

On our way to the car we walk side by side, stealing kisses from each other as Keith places his hand firmly on my waist. 

He kept teasing me throughout our ride to the hotel making it hard for me to resist.

At the hotel we can barely get enough of each other, we kiss mindlessly like two crazed teenagers head over heels.

Suddenly our clothes were in the way as we both crave the feels of our bodies. He kisses every part of my body making sure to let me know how much he loves me with every kiss.
The burning desire I had for him never dies until I succumb to sleep serval climaxes later.

Indeed it was a night of pure bliss, one I'd never forget.

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