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It's Monday again and I'm already sulking, take me back to Cancun please.
In a span of two hours I've had 3 meetings with Mr Hawk and all I can hope for is my lunch break with Keith by 12pm.

My thoughts are cut off by the sound of the office phone ringing

"Annalise Johnson, how can I be of service to you?" I answer
"Hi, I'm Yolanda Grey calling from bloom wright incorporated, I would like to speak with Mr Hawk please?" She says

"I'm sorry, can you leave a message and I'll relay it to him? I'm his personal assistant." I explain, I'm not about to get fired today

"Alright then, Mr Wright is scheduled to have a meeting by 1:30 pm with Mr Hawk concerning the partnership he proposed, but due to unforeseen circumstances he'd like to have the meeting over at Bloom Wright by 12pm. I'll leave my number so you can give me a call when you've relayed my message to Mr Hawk." She says

"Alright please hold" I quickly grab a sticky note and a pen off my desk 
"Alright, your number please?" I continue, she calls out her phone number and I jot it down carefully.
"Great, I'll give you a call then" I inform her before she hangs up

I make my way to Mr Hawks office to deliver the message

"Good day Sir, Ms Yolanda Grey from bloom wright just called stating that the meeting with Mr Wright at 1:30 had been rescheduled to take place at Bloom Wright by 12pm due to unforeseen circumstances" I say and he sighs

"Alright then, I guess we have a meeting to prepare for" He says

"Yes sir" I say trying to hide my sadness
He checks his watch briefly

"It's 10:50 at the moment so we should be on our way by 11:20 to avoid tardiness" he says
"Of course Sir, If I may?" I gesture towards the door and he nods

I make my way back to my desk to prepare for the meeting and inform Keith about my change of plans

He picks on the first ring

"Hey princess, how's your day going?" He asks
"A bit hectic but it's okay" I say
"And you? How are you? How's work?" I ask concerned
"It's been hectic as well but it's nothing I can't handle"
"What's wrong princess? you sound upset" he asks
"I'm sorry babe but I have to cancel our lunch date today, Mr Hawk has a meeting and i need to accompany him" I say
"Oh, hmm, that's fine princess, I'll just come to yours after work then"
"Alright babe, see you then" I hang up with a smile

I finish packing my bags and then decide to arrange my desk because I have no idea how long the meeting would take. When I'm done I head to Mr Hawk's office to let him know it's time.

Just as I'm about to knock the door flies open

"You're all set" he says and I nod
"Yes sir" I reply stepping aside
"Well then, Shall we?" He gestures towards the elevator
"Of course Sir" I say

The ride to bloom wright was surprisingly fast and in no time we were seated.

Mr Wright walks in and I'm quite taken aback by his appearance, he's strongly built with blonde hair, blue eyes and a heavy stubble, if I didn't know better I'd say he's related to the Hemsworths due to the striking resemblance.

Mr Hawk rises to shake his hands and I stand as well

"Good to see you Mr Hawk, I'm so sorry for the impromptu change of plans" Mr Wright says lightly

"Oh it's fine Mr Wright, This is Annalise Johnson, my personal assistant and financial advisor" Mr Hawk gestures to me and Mr Wright turns to me with a smile

"Oh is that so, It's nice to meet you Miss Johnson" he extends his hand and we share a handshake, I brows knit in confusion when he squeezes my hands a little in a weird way before letting go.

"And this is Yolanda Grey my personal assistant" He introduces, we all share pleasantries and the meeting starts almost immediately.


Six excruciating hours later, the meeting ends and I can't help but let out a subtle sigh of joy, oh my goodness.

Six hours, Zero food and lots of coffee.

I just want to go home

I'm still trying to understand why Mr Wright moved the meeting forward because if he was planning to finish earlier then that's an epic fail.

I'm not even gonna head back to the office I'll just take a taxi or an Uber.

"Annalise, my driver will drop you off at the office to get your car" Mr Hawks says
"Oh no it's fine Sir, I'll just get it tomorrow, I'm actually really tired so I'll just take a taxi home" I tell him

He tries to persuade me but I politely decline, few moments after I've successfully convinced him that I'll be fine Mr Wright Offers to drop me off and i roll my eyes internally


I'm still trying to recover from the not so subtle stares he kept throwing my way throughout the meeting making me really uncomfortable and now he wants us in the same space?

"Oh no it's fine"
"Yes, she'll be delighted" Mr Hawk and I say almost immediately

What in the world

Mr Wright asks for my address and I give him reluctantly.

"Great then, shall we?" He asks

Uhm No? I mean I'm here, I'm a grown woman and I can make decisions for myself. I try to decline one last time but Mr Hawk gives me a stern look


I decide to be quiet as we walk to the parking area, I'm extremely exhausted and frankly all I want is to be babied.

Mr Wright holds the door open and i thank him

I take out my phone to check for messages or missed calls.

I quickly send Lily a text to let her know I'm on my way home

"So Annalise, how long have you been working with Mr Hawk?" He asks

"This is my second year Sir" I tell him and he laughs

"Please call me Nathan, 'Sir' just makes me sound old" he laughs and I nod

"Alright..Nathan" I say and he smiles
"So..got any siblings" he asks out of the blue
"Uh yeah, Just one, My sister" I turn to him
"That's nice, I have a sister as well, but she's married, and an elder brother, he's a Vintner" he says
"Oh that's great" I notice that we're getting close to my apartment and I feel relieved
"I'm sorry I couldn't stop staring at you today, it's just- I just" he sighs
"Look, I was honestly mesmerized by your beauty, and how you carry yourself, normally when I get introduced to a lady she throws herself at me shamelessly, but with you it was different" he continues
"I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable and I'd like to apologize properly over lunch sometime?"
"Thank you Mr wright, uh Nathan, but it's fine really you don't have to go through all that." I tell him as I start to get my stuff seeing that we're approaching my driveway
"We're here" he says and I nod
"Yes, thank you for dropping me off" I say politely about to open the door when he rushes out to get the door

Few steps away from him, he calls out my name and I turn to him

"I'm not gonna give up so easily you know" he announces and just in that moment Keith arrives. And I just stand there.


Keith drives in as soon as Nathan drives off

I walk to him as he gets out of the car and we share a passionate kiss but then the butterflies in my stomach die down after Keith's next words

"Why was Nathan Wright dropping MY GIRLFRIEND off?" He looks at me sternly and I sigh

"Let's go in and I'll tell you all about it"  I say taking his hands in mine.

Well, it is what it is.

Being Annalise Johnsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن