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I yawn as I slowly open my eyes to Keith staring at me lovingly and I smile.

"Good morning princess" he smiles at me
"Hmm good morning babe"
"How long have you been up?" I ask cuddling with him some more
"Not so long, I just enjoy watching you sleep" he says kissing my forehead

"Hmm" I reply yawning again as I close my eyes
"You know how much I love being in your arms?" I say as we snuggle and he chuckles
"Yes I do" he replies and I fall asleep again

Moments later I awaken to Keith's absence, I search the house for him but still nothing.
So I decide to give him a call

"Hey Princess you're up" he says
"Yeah, where are you?" I ask worried
"I'll be with you shortly, some things needed my attention"
"Oh..okay..well..um..I'll see you later then" I reply getting a bit sad and he chuckles
"I won't be long princess" he says before hanging up

I decide to shower and get ready for the day.
I upload some pictures and videos on Instagram and Snapchat before giving April and Lily a call

"Hey boo!" April gushes as soon as she takes the call
"Ouuu just a day and you're glowing already? Girllll" she says and I laugh
"You know how much I love going for vacations"
"Where's Lily?" I ask
"I dropped her of at Jane's some minutes ago, Said they had to study for an upcoming test" she says while having a fruit tart
"Oh..I'll probably give her a call later then"
"So..about the snaps you sent !!!" She fan girls over Keith's romantic gestures from the previous day and I smile
"Well yeah, he was so sweet for real, like he spoils me rotten and he says he's just starting. phew. I'm one lucky woman that's for sure"

"I love how he takes care of you, he's the man you needed all along Anna, and I'm happy for you. When is he asking the question? Though it's long overdue because at this point y'all are already a couple" She teases

"I have no idea honestly but last time we had that conversation I told him he needed to ask the right way first" i explain

"He better. I think I gotta go now. I have an online business meeting in a few so I have to get ready"

"Oh sure, good luck baby. I'll call later to check up on you girls" I say
"Thanks my love, no problem, have fun!" April says before hanging up

I take a walk outside to capture the amazing view. I put a fitting song with a caption "This view is amazing" before clicking the add to story option on Instagram. I take a few selfies as well only stopping when I hear Keith walk in

"Hey baby, I'm sorry I was gone for a while"
"You must be hungry, do you wanna go downstairs for breakfast or you want to have it here?" He asks
"Downstairs would be nice" I say avoiding eye contact

"Princess, are you mad at me?" He asks but I remain quiet
"My love" he pulls me to him
"Well you left for so long, and I thought you said no work on the trip?" I look away
"Yes baby I'm sorry, this was just really urgent" he kisses my cheeks while apologizing profusely

" It's alright babe, I just missed you that's all" I tell him
"I'm all yours Princess" he says as we walk towards the elevator.

Breakfast was nice and kinda brief since we had activities for today planned out. We visited the underwater sculpture museum where we scuba dived, I almost drowned by the way due to some issues with the gear I was given and Keith was furious, I was shaken up but I had to calm him anyway.

   We still had to visit the interactive Aquarium and I wasn't gonna let what happened deter me from having fun. I took pictures of some creatures displayed at the aquarium, made a few videos, got some snacks and spent the rest of the day with Keith. The peace I feel right now? I won't trade it for anything in the world. It's one of the reasons I like traveling and exploring new places, it's like an escape from reality, from my thoughts.


One thing I love about myself is my ability to pack the right things whenever I'm traveling, sure I don't over pack but damn I put together nice outfits, planned or unplanned

On our way to the hotel from the aquarium Keith had informed me about a surprise he specially put together for me and just said a dress would be perfect for it. I tried to get more information about the surprise from him just so I'm perfectly dressed for it but nada.

He wouldn't budge

His reply was "Princess you look amazing in anything so that's not even a problem"

So here I am, laying the edges on my 22 inches light blonde frontal wig. I secure my edges before applying my makeup. Since I've never been a fan of heavy makeup I opt for a natural face beat. I finish up with my setting spray for a more blended look before walking to the closet to pick out my outfit for tonight.

I settle on a long black backless dress, the silky soft stretch fabric accentuates my curves and the low back drape which stops just above my butt adds more edge to my look and I can't help but admire myself. I pair the dress with black Chanel heels and the diamond jewelry Keith got me.

I spritz on my favourite Zara perfume and I twirl a little taking myself in.

I look like a million bucks for real!

"Someone's feeling herself" I get startled as Keith walks into the room

"You like?" I smirk
"I love"
"You ready? The driver's here princess" he asks
"Yes baby, I'll just get my purse and we can leave" I say

I place my phone, card, mini perfume and lip gloss in my purse before walking out to meet Keith. He takes my hands in his and we walk out the door.

This time a 2022 Rolls-Royce cullinan black badge sits perfectly on the drive way and smirk. I love luxury cars

"You like it huh?" I look up at Keith with a mile
"Yes I do, it's beautiful" he shakes his head smiling fondly at me
"I'll get you one Princess"

I Spot our driver Nuel and I give him a polite smile

"All set?" Keith asks
"Yes Mr Anders, all set" he replies
He tries to open the door for me but Keith beats him to it.

Always the gentle man

I watch as Nuel scurries to the other side of the car to open Keith's door but the sound of my phone ringing draws my attention.


"Hey Baby girl, how are you?" I ask
"Awesome, sorry I missed your call earlier, was a bit busy studying" she says
"Yeah that's fine, So you're home now?"
"Yup, so....Miss you've been having so much fun! I can't wait to visit as well" she gushes
"Of course, we're definitely going for a vacation the moment you can. April inclusive, Aunt May too"
"Oh my gosh Yes! Yes! Yes! I can already imagine how fun it'll be" she goes on about her plans for the trip and I listen attentively.

"Wait a minute you should be in bed now" I say with a condescending tone and she laughs
"Yes, I'll hang up in a few. Why are you up though?" She asks
"Oh I'm going out with Keith, so I'll be up for a while. You should get some sleep boo, I'll call you tomorrow okay?" I say
"Sure, take care Anna" she says
"You too baby girl. I love you!" I tell her, missing her smart mouth already as she hangs up.

"You'll be with her soon Princess" Keith gives me a reassuring smile as he squeezes my hands a bit.

"Yes. So are you gonna give me a hint about the 'Suprise' now?" I tease and he laughs

"No way baby, you'll just have to wait and see" He kisses my hands and I shake my head Before looking out to enjoy the view.

Being Annalise JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now