Chapter 5

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"You're evil, woman," Lucas complained as he began to mop the dirty brown floor of the pack house.

"Hey, I'm not that evil. At least I am being a bit helpful Lucas," I protested and teased him a little, a smirk on my face.

"Do you even know what the meaning of being helpful is? Distributing lemonade to the children and sitting down after is not being helpful," he nagged.

The orphanage was not so clean when we first saw it. Saying it's dirty is an understatement. It's more luck World War II struck the place.

So I managed to convince Lucas to help me clean up for me. And it took an hour to convince him. A full precious hour. Arielle offered to help Lucas, but I simply told her that she has done too much for me already and today was her day off. So she was having a little play time with the children.

Plus, I hate doing any kind of chores. Especially cleaning anything up, like washing the dishes, it's the worst. So the only palm is to ditch your chores to someone else. And my victim is Lucas.

"Don't worry buddy. You'll be done before you know it. You only need to scrub the walls a bit and dust off those cobwebs as well as--"

"I get it, couch potato," he mused and I snapped my head at him that I swear I just broke a bone and needed a d... I mean healer.

"What did you just call me," I asked and a smirk plastered on his lips.

"A couch potato..." he emphasised on his words and before he knew I was on top of him, throwing light punches on his chest that barely hurt at all 'cause he got a hard chest.

"Oww... Hey! Watch the hair. It took me thirty minutes to style it today," he whined and I hit his chest once more.

"Say you're sorry, Lucas and I will let you go," I warned and he laughed at my silly pissed face that probably looked like a pissed gorilla.

"You look cute when you're angry, Al," he commented and that earned him whack on the side of his face.

"Say you're sorry and I won't ruin your precious hair that took you thirty minutes to style," I warned my hands close to his hair.

"You wouldn't," he gasped. His eyes wide open. Disbelief in his voice as his mouth hung wide open, I'm afraid a flu might get into it.

"I would," I assured him.

I was so close to ruining his hair when Arielle walked in.

"Oh.. I didn't mean to disturb you both," she looked away, an amused smile on her face.

That's when I came to realise the position Lucas and I were in. He was underneath me while I was on top of him. Our legs were a tangled mess and our lips were inches away from each other. So close that we would have... would have...

I quickly pulled of off Lucas and stood up, my cheek turning crimson red from embarrassment. Why am I always caught in the middle of such things.

Lucas, of course!

"I'll be right back," Arielle stated and walked out, leaving Lucas and I standing in silence and looking at her retreating figure.

I look at Lucas to see that he is looking at me as well.

All of a sudden we both burst out into loud fits of laughter, leaving us on the floor breathless, with a very sore stomach from laughing too hard.

"That was awkward," I stared smiling at him. We were now lying in our back next to each other. A safe distance between us.

"Super awkward and extremely embarrassing. But you can't deny the fact that you love being so close to me," he winks and I lightly punched his arm.

"Ew! Lucas!" I groaned in embarrassment.

"You can't put the blame on me, Al. I ain't the one with naughty thoughts," he gently pinched my crimson red cheeks.

"Come on, let's get this mess cleaned up," I tell him and we both stand up.

I stop dead in my track when I feel slight heat coursing through my body.

I turn to Lucas, my face pale. I thought I had enough time. Why has my time come so soon?

"Al, is something wrong?" Lucas asked, when he sees my still, shocked body.

"Did I hurt you. Tell me, Al. Are you alright. Say something," he asked, his hands on my shoulders, checking if I had an bruised on me.

"Lucas... the... the... the heat," I tell him and his eyes widen in realization at what I had just told him.

This... this is impossible.

This can't be happening.

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