Chapter 13

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"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alpha," I said and bowed in respect. A Luna cannot now to their Alpha. That was incorrect as they both share equal power. Well in my case, I had to now bow down to him, or he would figure out that something really fishy was going on.

I looked at my feet, trying not to meet his gaze as he stared intently at me. I could feel the heat it in me that kept intensifying in every moment. My mark's colour must be ruby red by now. Permanent ruby red. Almost like a blood stain on a cloth.

Trying to look anywhere else than his face, my eyes roamed to the place where his mark was. Just above the chest. The same mark as mine. But his was gold. The colour of a pure blooded Alpha.

Ruby spoke on and on, speaking about random things to her brother, but he didn't seem to pay heed to anything she said. He probably isn't the social type.

"I need to go," I say and quickly walk away, tripping in the process and regaining my balance once again.

You're so clumsy, a voice whispered into my ear. I turn to the side to see that no one was beside me. So he whispered tha into my ear? Whatever or whover it was is so right. I nearly humiliated myself in front of my mate.

Clumsy Alyssa!

I stroll around for a bit, trying to remmeber the place where I have lived for many years before moving away. Nothing has changed much. The pack house, all the infrastructure, the pack warriors and the omegas. Nothing has changed at all.

I head into the pack house and wonder in the hallway. I really want to read something, but I can't seem to remember where the library is.

I walk further down the hallway and sto.o by a door that was slightly opened. I could here the Alpha's gruff voice as he tried his best to whisper something to Caleb and Syllas. Our beta and third in command.

Being a curious car (curiosity killed the cat by the way) I stood in front of the door and put my right ear against it. The three men continued to whisper about boring things like the packs and protecting our territory and other nonsense that I didn't pay quite attention to.

I was getting bored, so I decided to leave. All of a sudden, Caleb gruff voice is heard as he speaks to the Alpha about a certain prophecy.

What prophecy could they possibly be talking about? I return to the door and listen attentively.

"Alpha, our wisemen were visited by our great Moon Goddess. She has revealed to them the prophecy--"

Caleb is cut off by the Alpha's loud voice, "What prophecy?" He urges Caleb to carry on.

"The prophecy reveals that there is a member in our pack who is blessed with the forbidden colour."

My eyes widen as I stop breathing. Could that person possibly be me? I am the one blessed with the forbidden colour.

"So what does that have to do with the prophecy or anything in particulat," The Alpha questioned.

This time it was Syllas who spoke up,"Alpha, the pack member who obtains with the forbidden colour is a very special being. He or she has been blessed with magic. Magic that is so dangerous that if the person is put in the wrong hands, the world could be in serious danger of extinction."

My stomach churns as sweat begins to drip down my forehead. Magic? Prophecy? Forbidden colour? All this little information linked. Could I possibly be the one that possesses the magic?

"We need to find the person who possesses such great power. Syllas, Caleb, I am giving you the responsiblity to find that person immediately. Before he or she falls into the wrong hands," the Alpha's voice rang out.

"I think I might have an idea of who it is," Caleb said.

"Who do you suspect?" The Alpha asked.

"I... I suspect that it is Alyssa. Alyssa Sky. The she wolf that had just recently arrived in the pack house. Just a couple of days ago," Caleb said hesitantly.

My breath stopped.

Could I possibly be the one they are looking for?

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