Bonus Chapter [1]

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This is a detailed bonus chapter on how Ruth came to find out that Lucas is her mate. Enjoy.



Th rogues have fled, as silence once more filled the air of the dark wolves. Shifting back into human form, a grabbed some torn clothes from the ground, putting them on.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked the pack warriors, whom murmured an okay all at once.

Just a few were injured, but the wounds weren't as severe. Just minor wounds.

"You all have faught well today. Good job, pack warriors. Keep up the good work," I told the pack warriors, earning many thanks and smiles.

I called out to everyone, leading them back to the pack house.

Walking a few miles straight away, we all made it out of the woods, the pack house a few distances away.

Everyone was chatting happily. Each of them proud of all they've put in in this battle. It wasn't easy, so they had all the right to celebrate.

I stopped adruptly, looking into the distance as Zander mind linked me.

Ruth, we need you at the hospital. Alyssa is unconscious and Lucas' health is deteriorating. He's losing pulse quickly. Hurry up and get it.

I'll be right there big bro.

Heading quickly into the packhouse, I grab a pair of car keys from the key holder on the wall.

I quickly race to the car, jumping i and completely ignoring the fact that I had to fasten my seatbelt.

Cramming the key into the ignition, I brought the car to life, racing out of the pack house through the front gates.

I hope Alyssa and Lucas are alright.


"Is everything alright? How are Alyssa and Lucas holding up," I asked everyone, worry clouded onto their features.

Zander was prancing from wall, to wall not talking to anyone. Alpha Marcus had a crying Luna Rhea in his arms. Caressing her hair, speaking reassuring words to her.

Everyone was worried. We couldn't lose neither of them. Lucas and Alyssa have to make it out alive.

Approaching Zander, who had his back turned to me, now laying his hand and head on the wall, I gently held his shoulder.

Turning ariund, my heart broke at the sight of my broken brother. His demeanor wasn't the same strong Zander I always knew. His bloodshot eyes told me that he has been crying long for Alyssa. His shoulders were slumped, almost like he had given up. I hated seeing him like this.

In an instant he  hugged me to hus body, his head tightly preseed to myself. I encircled my arm around him, leading the both of us to a nearby bench.

We both sat on it, still in the same position. Zander silently sobbed in my chest. I'd never seen Zander breaking down like this. He must really love and care for Alyssa.

"Shh... Zander, calm down. Don't worry about anything. Alyssa is going to be alright. I promise you that," I whispered to him, gently running my hand through his hair.

"I can't lose her, sis. Alyssa is my life. My love and my better half. I can't lose her, Ruth. I love her so much," he said, between sobs, crying more into my chest.

Lifting his face, so he was looking at me, I wiped away his tears, shaking my head at him. "Everything's going to be alright, bro. Alyssa loves you too. She's a fighter, she'll fight through this. She won't leave us, Zander. I promise you." I gently kissed his forehead, wiping away the tears that had managed to tumble down my cheeks.

Minutes later the doctor walked in. Zander and I stood up, heading to the doctor.

"Doctor, is she alright? She's out of danger right? She's awake right?" Zander asked impatiently, shooting questions at the doctor. One after another.

"Luna Alyssa is out of danger, Alpha. She's finally woken up," he said to Zander, making me take out a sigh of relief. "But we can't say the same about Beta Lucas," he continued, making my breath hitch.

"What happened to Lucas?" I aasked the doctor.

"We couldn't save Lucas. He has passed away." A gasp escaled my lips, as I tried to comprehend what the doctor had said.

"Lucas, can't die so soon, doc. Tell me you're joking about all this," I said, letting out a nervous chuckle.

The doctors silence, answered my question. Lucas couldn't die like this. What would Alyssa do without him?

Running a hand, I let out a shaky breath, "Where is Lucas' ward?"

"Ward 86," The doctor replied. Walking past everyone, I races to ward 86, ignoring the calls of everyone telling me to come back.

Finally finding the ward, I barge in, finding Lucas' body on the hospital bed.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward, inspecting Lucas' corpse that lay before me.

The face that always glowed with happiness was pale, with streaks of blue on the whitening skin. His  lips were no longer as pink as they used to be. Now they are pale white, still parted like he was breathing.

I looked at his arm, that lay limply beside him. The air knocked out of my lungs when I saw the mate mark that had begun to fade away.

My mate mark.

"Mate," I say breathlessly.


Thanks for reading. This is only the first part. Part two will be our soon. Don't miss out.

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