Chapter 25

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Cold sweat runs down my face as my eyes trail on the wolf that encircled me

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Cold sweat runs down my face as my eyes trail on the wolf that encircled me.

Judging from his vicious teeth, the cold stare in his eyes and the way the other wolves backed away when he gazed at them, I knew he was the leader of this fearless pack.

My legs were rooted to the cold floor of the mall. I knew better than to move a single limb. If I ran away, the wolf would catch me in a matter of seconds. And if I tried to shift, it would take time and the wolf would attack the moment I begin to.

Out of nowhere, a brown wolf jumps onto the rogue leader, making the both slide across the mall, breaking into the glass of a nearby store.

I look at the scene before me as claws clashed with fur and teeth sunk into each other's body. Blood ran like a river towards me, as I watched with a terrorized expression.

Hundreds of bodies lay on the floor like a plague. The brown wolf, who happened to be my bodyguard faught off all the rogues without an ounce of effort. He sunk his canines into a rogues flesh and disintegrated it in mere seconds.

A rogue bit into his hind leg, making him release a loud growl of pain. I watched in horror as blood oozed from his leg. The scene before me was terrifying, hideous.

Deciding I should do something, I quickly shifted into my wolf. The familiar cracking of bones filled the air, as I shifted into a white furred wolf, bearing my mark on the eye.

I lunge for the rogues that attacked me from all angles, dodging their attacks and killing them in mere seconds.

A wolf with gorgeous ginger fur joins my side and howls happily. I immediately recognise that's it's Ruth and we run into battle.

Ruth dodges an attacker's move and locks the attacker onto the floor. She sinks her canines into it's neck amd pulls at it, until the head has separated from it's body.

She licks the fresh blood on her canines and signals that we go look for our bodyguard. She runs off and I trail behind, trying not to lose her in the huge dust that was caused by broken stores.

My wolf's eyes begin to each as we struggle to see. I blink my eyes rapidly, opening them widely. I wonder where Ruth has gone? I look to my side and everywhere, not being able to find her.

My thoughts are cut short when a huge body lunges onto mine, making my wolf fall to the ground, with it on top of mine.

My eyes open to see the rogue leader. His teeth snap the direction of my neck, but I hit him with my paw and use my hind legs to push him back.

He lands with the broken glass, and discarded bodies with a loud crash. He immediately recovers and begins to sprint at me as I manage to Sprint away from him.

With no luck, a sharp pain is felt in my right hind leg, making a howl of terror escape my wolf's mouth. Canines sink deep into my leg, increasing the excruciating pain.

My wolf turns around and bite at it's flesh. It's canines sunk out of my leg, and I hobble away as fast as I can.

Another sharp bite on my lower belly has my wolf and I whimpering in pain. I try to push away the leader, only to have him sink his canines further into my body.

My wolf falls to the floor and I shift back to human form. More bites are aimed at my legs, making me helpless. Unable to stand or move.

Shrill cries of help are heard from my mouth, as the rogue continues to bite into me. My blood oozes from my body onto the floor.

Heat courses through my body, making its way down my finger tips.
This is it, I thought to myself as I lifted my arms and lay it onto the rogue, keeping a firm hold onto it.

The elemental powers don't affect the wolf in any way. Hope slowly slips through my fingers as I watch myself being led towards death. Slowly killing me.

As my eyes begin to close, falling into darkness, a huge wolf with silver fur jumped onto the rogue and killed it. Tearing it into pieces before my eyes.

The wolf turns to me. Icy blue eyes are met with mine.

Before I completely fall into darkness.


Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed reading this action packed chapter. To be honest, it was quite hard for me to write this, so I hope you all enjoyed it.

Stay tuned for more chapters,

By your favourite little demon😈

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