Chapter 37

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Days have passed by since Zander had woken up. The doctor had assigned him to bed rest, so his condition was getting better each day.

And with each passing day, I never gathered the courage to speak to Zander about the incident. Neither did I mention to Zander about the incident. And how I was marked by a vampire rogue.

If I'd told him, he would have gotten furious. Really furious. And his health could deteriorate due to stress. I couldn't risk his health for my own selfish motives. I couldn't do that.

I was looking myself in the mirror, trying to figure out the hairstyle I should do today. Zander was in the room, lying on the bed, with a laptop on his lap. Can you imagine that. He even works when his sick.

I pull up my hair, looking myself in the mirror, smiling to myself. But my smile faded, turning into an immediate frown when my eyes lay on the mark on my neck.

Anger seethed in me, as I stared at it. I wish this incident never happened. I wish I could just wipe it off and forget about all this. But I couldn't. The mark was so permanent. Which is weird 'cause only marks from your mate imprints onto the skin. A mark from another usually vanishes in a couple of days. I wonder how this mark hasn't faded.

My finger brushes against the mark, bringing a sickening feeling in my body. I decide to leave my hair down, so that Zander can't see the mark.

I need to tell someone about it sooner or later. And I know exactly who can help me.

I run a hand through my hair, happy with my appearance before stepping out of the bathroom.

As soon as I step out, my eyes fall on Zander, who had his eyes completely on his laptop.

"Can't you take some rest, Zander. All you do is work, work, work," I told him as I cleared some of his shorts that lay on the bed.

"I have to work, love. I am the Alpha. Besides, I've had enough bed rest for one day," he said his eyes still on the laptop, as he furiously typed away.

He has only rested for two days and he thinks it's enough for him?

I walk towards him, standing with my hands on my waist. He hasn't been taking care of his health, amd it's worrying me.

I grabbed the laptop from him, putting it onto the desk next to me. He looked at me wided eyes, before running his hand through his dark hair.

"Give me back my laptop, princess," he asked stressing on every word that poured out of his mouth.

"I'm not giving you the laptop, love," I emphasised on the last word. I always convinced him, by calling him love. That's the only way I got everything done my way.

"That's not working on me, today. Now, give me back the laptop. I have really important work I need to finish off and mail to the rest of the Alphas. Please give it, love," he pleaded amd I simply shook my head.

"No, Zander. The doctor has had assigned you to bed rest. And that's exactly what you're going to do," I fix the pillows behind him, placing them properly so he could get comfortable.

I gently lay my hand on his chest, pushing him down gently, laying him on the bed.

"You so stubborn, love," he says as I pull the blanket over him.

"Well, makes the two of us," I run a hand through his silky hair. A ragged breath escapes his lips, and his wolf purrs. Loving that we have such an effect on him.

"Now take rest, Zander. I'm going out for a while," I stood up to leave, but the feel of Zander's hand around my wrist stopped me.

"Yes, Zander?"

"You're not leaving the pack house, are you? You can't go anywhere. It's not safe." Confusion laced my face. He really thought I was going out. Like going out?

"Not that way, Zander. I'll be taking a little walk over to Mabel. I really got to talk to her about something important," I reassured him.

His body relaxed. He traced his thumb over my hand, before kissing it gently. "Okay, love. You may go ahead."

"Yeah. But promise me you will take rest. Pinky promise?" I held out my pinky for him.

He intertwined his pinky finger with mine. "Sure. For you, I'd do anything," he says.

A smile graces my face, and without thinking, I lean forward and kiss Zander on the cheek.

I pull away, to see Zander wide eyed and mouth hanging slightly agape. I was also quite surprised at my sudden move.

Before Zander could speak, I walked out of the room. My face burning with embarrassment.


My feet echoed in the hallway, as I neared Mabel's room. I reached the door knocking and entering when her voice called out.

I stepped into her chamber, greeted, by magic books, potions and many magic wands.

Mabel stood at the end of the room with Ruth next to her. It's been a really long time since I've seen her.

They both come forward, greeting me with hugs and tons of kisses.

"How are you, Alyssa. It's been a while since I've heard from you." Mabel asked.

"Yeah, where are you nowadays. It's like you had totally disappeared from the face of the Earth," Ruth spoke as she hooked an arm around my shoulder.

"I've been kinda busy. You know, taking care of Zander and all," they both shook their heads in understanding.

"Is he feeling alright? I hope he has been taking rest. He hardly ever does," Ruth asked. She would visit Zander along with Mabel. She also helped me to take care of him. She is such a caring sister.

This is the perfect moment. To speak to Mabel about the situation I was pushed into.

"Mabel, may I talk to you about something. It's really important. I haven't told anyone about it. Not even Zander," I whispered the last part to them.

"Then this has to be really important. You didn't even tell Zander. What is it, Alyssa?" Ruth asked, pulling me towards three chairs.

"What is it, Alyssa my child. Tell me," Mabel urged.

I breath in, calming down my racing heart.

Slowly, with a bit of hesitation, I held my hair up and showed them the mark.

Gasps tumbled out of their mouth, as they looked at the mark on my neck.

Horror in their eyes.


Hey, thanks for reading another chapter of Angels and Demons! I hope you all enjoyed it. Next update will be on Friday. Don't miss out.

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