Chapter 27

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"You should have listened Mike TV. Then you wouldn't be in this state," I blurted to myself as I read my all time favourite book, Charlie and the chocolate factory, by my favourite author, Roald Dahl. I laugh at the crazy illustrations in the book. Mike TV looked so tall and stretched out like a pencil.

I've been on bed rest for the past couple of days. It's really boring from time to time. I've got no one to talk and I am not allowed to do anything until I am completely healed. This sucks.
But do you know what doesn't suck? The way Zander has been taking time of just for me and that is really sweet. I can see all the effort he is putting in to fix this relationship we have. And I really appreciate it.

Although I'd like him to take things slow between us and not to rush anything.

I sigh as I sit up more to make my body more comfortable. I continue reading, until my door opens up.

The delicious aroma of freshly baked strawberry pie hit my nostrils. A from appears on my face, as I sniff the air. This smells so delicious.

Zander appears by the door, the pie in his hands as he examines me. A smirk appears on his face as he nears my bed and pulls the wooden table next to the edge of my bed.

"Looks like someone is hungry," he says in amusement, but my eyes are still on the pie. So crispy, so tasty, so delicious.

He grabs a sauever and a knife he has brought with him. He cuts a piece for me and before I could grab it, he pulls it away from me, wagging his fingers.

"Hey?" After eating soup and porridge forever I finally got the opportunity, to eat something sweet.

"You're not doing this by yourself. Come on. I'll help you," he takes a piece of the pie and I open my mouth, as he feeds me.

I think I'm in heaven. I munch slowly, savouring all the flavours that heat my tastebuds.

"God, this is so good," I say and a moan escapes my mouth.

A low growl is heard beside me. I face Zander to see that he is staring at me intently. His eyes have darken, swarming with desire in them. Mental note to self: Don't ever moan like that again.

He continues feeding me, and this time, I keep my mouth shut.

I don't know how long we've been silent. The tension was growing thicker by the second. Someone needed to break the ice sooner or later.

"Thank you so much, Zander. The pie was heavenly. Delicious," I say and a bright smile graced his face.

"I've been practising. To be honest, I thought you wouldn't like it."

"Wait. Hold that thought. You baked this pie?" I asked and he nodded slightly, before proceeding to run a hand in his hair.

"I thought I would do this for you. To mend all my past mistakes. All the things I did to you. The way I hurt you," he mumbled, but I heard it too well. He looked away from me.

My hand moved to his face involuntarily, and turned his so he could look at me.

"Thanks so much Zander. Really. I could see all the effort you're putting in and I really appreciate it. Really, I do-" before I could continue, a knock on the door makes the both of us face it.

"Come in," Zander says as if he was expecting a visitor.

An unknown man comes in with a bouquet of flowers (roses), I huge card  and a teddy bear that held a heart in it's arms, the words I'm sorry printed on it.

Zander signs some papers and takes the bouquet of flowers, putting it on the desk next to me. The delivery man leaves, closing the door behind him.

Zander approaches me, with the teddy bear in one hand and a card on the other.

He hands me the teddy bear and the card, looking away, as he scratches the back of his head.

I stare at the gift, my eyes becoming blurry. I take the card, which had my named on it, printed in calligraphy.

I open it, and read what has been written on the inside.


I'm not used to these sort of things, but I decided to do this for you. Only for you. I don't even know how to begin to say I'm sorry.

All my life, I've been searching for my mate. The one that would complete me, my better half. And when I finally saw you and learnt you were one of them, I didn't know how to take it in.

I kept telling myself that you were one of them, and all you could ever do was hurt someone. But I was damn wrong.

I was wrong for believing you could ever be so vile towards anyone. I was damn wrong for trying to kill you when I knew you were innocent. Pure. And you wouldn't do anything to hurt a fly.

I kept telling myself that I should stay away from you. Far away, so that history doesn't repeat itself. But I couldn't. The more I stayed away, the more I was drawn to you.

I stopped fighting this attraction I had for you when I saw you in that bed. Lying there unconscious. Right then and there, I knew I couldn't fight it.

I needed you in my life. Not just as my Luna. But as my better half, my wife, my lover, my queen and the mother to my future pups.

I was so scared to lose you, Alyssa. I can't leave without knowing that you here with me. And I can't leave knowing that there is hatred for me in your heart, in your eyes.

All I ask is for one chance. One chance to prove to you that I can love you. I can protect you. I can care for you and treat you better than I did in the past.

Please forgive me. I am not perfect after all. There are many mistakes I've committed. And one of them was pushing you away.

And if you still decide to stay away, I understand. I'll wait for you. Even if it takes eternity.


I wipe away all the tears that had fallen down my cheek. I breathe in to slow my ragged breathing.

"Zander, I-" I look to the side to see that he was not there. I wonder where he has gone to now?

I close the card and give it a kiss, before placing it on the counter.

I look to the side. The teddy bear states back at me. I smile as I take it and pull it towards me. It hugs me back, covering me up completely.

I squeeze it and hide my face in its fluffy face.

I know what I should do now.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Chapter Q: Do you think Alyssa will finally  forgive Zander?

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