4; Hard times

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-Your P.O.V-
The prison had just been overrun by the governor and everyone got separated but luckily I was with Rick and Carl. Carl was walking fast and Rick fell behind leaving me in the middle. I stopped for a sec to let Rick catch up so I could help him. "You don't have to." He said after yelling at Carl to slow down. "Your right but I want to." He slung his arm over my shoulder and leaned on me as we just kept going straight. After a while we found a nice White House that wasn't as beat up as the others. Rick signaled us to go in and we pulled out our guns ready to shoot. He kicked the door and we looked around "Carl, Y/N, don't get to far just in case." I listened but Carl scoffed banging on the wall yelling "HEY ASSHOLE! HEY SHIT FACE! HEY-" "watch your mouth!" Rick yelled at him cutting him off. I chuckled as I made my way upstairs. There was three rooms. A master bedroom, a boys room, and a girls room. I walked into the girls room. God it's so pink in here I thought. Pink walls, pink curtains, pink bedspread and everything. It was honestly giving me a head ache. I looked over as I heard Carl going down stairs and joined him and Rick. He started tying a knot on the door handle and Rick started to push the couch towards the door. I was going to help when all of a sudden Carl said "It's a strong knot. Shane taught me. Remember him?" I cringed at his name. I never liked Shane because he gave me bad vibes. Rick stopped for a second but continued. I went into the kitchen scavenging for food. On a scale from 1-10 on how hungry I was it was a good 27. I found some cereal and poured a bowl. We might not have the luxury of having milk but I didn't care at the moment. I continued to shove my face for the next five minutes. I didn't notice he was staring the whole time. He walked past and grabbed himself a bowl too and went up to the boys room. Rick was asleep so I went up to the obnoxiously pink room. I liked the color pink but there was too much. I fell asleep and took a quick nap.

-Carl's P.O.V-
I finished my bowl of cereal and then the comic. I got up and checked on Y/N. She was calmly asleep, her chest moving with her breaths. I went down stairs and my dad was still asleep. I yelled at him to wake up but nothing so I kept yelling and then walkers started banging at the door. I put my bowl down and went out the back door. I lured them away "that's right. Fresh meat come and get it!" I kept taunting them and leading them away and then another walker came out of no where and of course I tripped. One after one walkers started to pile up on me. I tried to shoot them until...
-Your P.O.V-
I woke up to Carl yelling and I wondered what was wrong. By the time I got down there he was gone. I went outside wondering where he was. I saw him luring two walkers away and then a third joining them. Carl tripped and they all fell on him. Adrenaline kicked in and I started running towards him. He was struggling and then I shot the walkers. He got up from under them and then puked. I tried to hold in a laugh by breathing weird and it passed after a second. He wiped his mouth and sat on his knees. "I could've taken care of that." Those were the first words he's spoken to me in a while and I got a little mad but I kept it together. "I know." I said. Now he was standing up. "Then why didnt you let me?!" Now I was mad. "You haven't talked to me in God knows how long and this is how your treating me?! Really?? After I just helped you? You know, your being a real ass right now!" I yelled at him and he was taken a back. I guess in a million years he would have never guessed I would talk back to him.

-Carl's P.O.V-
Y/N had shot the walkers and helped me. Maggots were moving in one of the walkers so I got up as fast as I could. Then out of nowhere I felt the urge to puke and I did. I could hear Y/N trying to hold on her laughter and it kind of ticked me off. I sat on my knees wiping off my mouth and coldly said "I could've taken care of that myself." All I got was an "I know." From her. That just pushed me more off the edge. "Then why didn't you?!" I yelled at her. I quickly regretted yelling at her. I saw hurt in her eyes quickly change to anger. "You haven't talked to me in God knows how long and this is how your treating me?! Really?? After I just helped you? You know, your being a real ass right now!" She yelled back at me. Honestly, I deserved being called an ass by her because I was. I took a step towards her but she backed away.

-Your P.O.V-
He stepped closer to me sorry in his eyes and I kinda just backed away. I wasn't having it especially after him giving me attitude and yelling at me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it I'm just going through a lot right now." He said "and the rest of us aren't?!" I lowered my voice so it wasn't so harsh and it wouldn't attract walkers. He looked down hurt by this and I felt bad. "I'm sorry Carl." "Don't be. I started this didn't I?" He chuckled but I still felt bad. I hugged him and he hugged back. After a while we pulled away. "Still an ass?" He said and we both laughed. We decided to scavenge some houses since we had nothing better to do. He got his shoe stolen from a walker but at least we found 112 ounces of pudding! We sat on the roof eating it enjoying each other's company for the first time in a while.

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