8; Jealousy

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{takes place in Alexandria}
⌁ your P.O.V ⌁
It was late when I got back over the wall and to the house. Everyone was getting ready for dinner. "Finally your home! Ready for dinn-" "not hungry." I interrupted Michonne as I went up the stairs. I've been distant from them all for a stupid reason. Because of him.
-flashback to when we first arrived at Alexandria-
When we first arrived it was weird. There was other people and they were super nice, too nice. There was a girl named Jessie who offered to cut my hair and brought over toys and stuff for Carl and I. She also said that we just had to meet her sons Ron and Sam. That night we all slept in the same house and I was reading a comic when Carl started talking to me. "What do you think of this place?" "I think it's nice here. The people are cool and we're safe inside the walls so there's a lot of possibilities." "But the people are weak." I put down my comic and looked into his ocean blue eyes. "Yea they might be, but, that's ok. We can help them here. It's the least we can do for them." He smiled at me. "I love how positive you always are." I blushed at the word love but smiled back. We stayed like that until Rick came over. "Alright alright break it up you two. You guys are going to meet Jessie's kids tomorrow." "Ok dad." I looked from Carl to Rick. "Do I have to?" "Yes. You don't have to stay just introduce yourself. please." I gave in and mumbled an "ok"
        The next day we went to Jessie's house. "Come in. Come in." She motioned us to go in. "Ron is upstairs with his friends." We nodded and raced upstairs I fixed Carl's sheriff hat as we joined them. "Hey look it's the new kids." "I'm Ron. This is Mikey. And this, this is Enid." Mikey waved and said hi and Enid quietly said hi. "Enid's from outside too. She just came 8 months ago." We kind of just sat there in awkward silence.  Carl pulled out a comic book he found when we were exploring one of the houses. "Is this one of yours?" "Sorry we didn't know you got that house. We mainly listen to music and hang out up there. That's Enid's." Mikey said clenching his teeth. Enid snatched the comic from Carl's hand and I glared at her. "You guys wanna do something? We can play video games or Mikey's house has a pool table. His dads kind of strict about it though." Mikey stepped in "it's okay. He's at work." I looked down the hall and Carl looked around awkwardly. I could tell he was overwhelmed and everyone must've felt it to. "Sorry. I guess we come Off kind of strong. We can just hang out?" Ron said. "You don't even have to talk if you don't want to." Mikey said. "Yea. Took enid 3 weeks to say something." I rolled my eyes. "Pull it together, sport." Enid said harshly. "Don't talk to him like that." I spat back. "What?" "I said don't talk to him like that." She got mad and stood up "he doesn't belong to you. If he doesn't want me to talk to him like that then he can step in and say something." We both looked at Carl which made him even more overwhelmed. "I-I'm." He stopped. Enid rolled her eyes and I scoffed at her. I stared into her eyes until she looked away and I walked out. Carl came running after me apologizing and stuff. "No no it's my fault I was being mean." "But you stood up for me." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and smiled. "Thank you." I nodded and we kept walking.

⌁Michonne's P.O.V ⌁
Y/N walked in finally after being gone all day. She's been more distant and doesn't talk as much as she used to. "Finally your home! Ready for dinn-" "not hungry." I was surprised at this. When she went up stairs I looked at Rick and Carl and they looked surprised too. "This is out of character for her.." I said to them and they nodded. We studied the stairs and then Carl took a plate of food upstairs with him.

⌁Carl's P.O.V⌁
I miss Y/N. She doesn't hang out with me as much as she used to. Ever since we've come to Alexandria and I met Enid she's been gone. She leaves super early and comes back super late. I've also noticed she never eats anymore and hangs out in her room more away from us all. When she came home and went straight upstairs with no food it made me concerned. I took a plate up stairs and opened her door. She was in her bed faced away from the door. I knocked three times and she turned to me but looked away. "Are you ok?" I asked as I sat down next to her and pushed the plate towards her. "I'm fine." She said pushing it back. I pushed it back to her again, "no you're not I can tell when your lying to me Y/N we've been friends for so long-" "that's the problem." She said. She looked me in the eyes and then away... blushing? "L-look can we not talk right now? I'm-im tir-" I interrupted her by kissing her. I've always wanted to do that and I've finally manned up. It lasted for a minute until we both pulled away breathing kind of heavily. She looked shocked but then calmed down. Her gaze softened when she looked at me. "I'm sorry I've been distant." She said quietly. I shook my head. "No it's okay it was my fault. I left you for Enid because I thought you needed space and I would never have a chance with you." She pulled me into her bed and wrapped her arms around me under the covers. "I left you because I didn't want to hurt you but instead, I ended up losing you." I kissed her again and wrapped my arms around her. "You'll never lose me."

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