17; Forgive me pt. 2

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{here is where Alexandria comes in}
It's been a few years since being kicked out and I was surprisingly still alive. I wandered the woods, in and out of groups for 2 years. Then I found Alexandria. I had just turned 14 when I joined them. I shared a house with a girl my age named Enid. (Let's pretend Enid got there that early lol} She told me how she survived and lost her parents. She even made this thing called JSS which stood for "Just Survive Somehow." We became close and I told her what happened to me. There's never a day I go without thinking of Carl and everyone. I know Rick didn't want to but had to and I forgive him for that. I had been there for a year when a group of new comers came.
I jogged up to Enid where she was standing with everyone else and I was kind of confused. "Hey you made it just in time!" "Just in time for what?" I asked. "The new people!" She said and the gate opened and in they all walked. I stared in horror. "I-I forgot! I have to go take care of something!" I said hesitantly. "Arent you gonna-" "gotta go!" I ran for the wall and as I was going to climb it I looked over at everyone. It was my group and standing at the front was Rick and Carl. I climbed up as fast as I could and got over to the other side.

-Carl's P.O.V-
We made it to Alexandria all gross and scared. We didn't know what we were getting into but it looked safe. Y/N would like it here. I sighed and looked around. I saw a girl who looked like she was about to climb the big Alexandria walls. We made eye contact then she frantically climbed the wall and over to the other side. Something came over me and tears rolled down my cheeks. Those eyes... they look familiar. My dad pat me on the back and I looked at him "Is something wrong Carl?" He asked and I looked down. "It-it's stupid." "Tell me what's wrong." "No you'll just laugh at me." He looked at me and I shrugged. "I thought I saw Y/N..." I said softly.

-Your P.O.V-
I shouldn't of looked for an extra second! He saw me! I hit my head against a tree. Stupid stupid stupid stupid! I leaned against the log and cried. I'm happy they found me but it's too much right now. I sat at the log until night time and snuck back into Alexandria. I almost made it home when I saw Carl walking down the street. He grew up nicely. I shook these thoughts away and hid behind a trash can. When he was gone I peeked out from where I was and ran to the house. I ran inside and slammed the door behind me. My eyes were wide and I was panting heavily because I was horrified. "Are you okay?" Enid said from the kitchen. I looked over and gave her a nod. She gave me a weird look. "You're a little late but here's dinner." She set down my plate and and I sat down. "Can I ask you something?" I nodded. "What's going on? Ever since those new people came you've been distant." I sighed. "I know them." She looked at me shocked. "Remember when I first came and I told you that story?" She nodded. "Those are the people I was talking about.." she looked at me wide eyed. "Wait seriously?!" I nodded. "Ok... what were you just running from?" "C-Carl." "The new kid?" "Yea." "Y/N! These were your people! You need to let them know you're here!" I shook my head "I-I can't do that." She shook her head. "If you can survive in the woods for a few years by yourself you can tell your people- your family that you're here." "You're right, but not right now. The wound is still fresh you know?" She nodded "as long as you tell them I'm fine. Take your time."
             I woke up the next morning with a throbbing head ache. I'm stressing too much. I looked at my alarm clock. It's already 12:30?! I got up and rushed down stairs.
      Went to Rons for a bit. New kids there so unless you want to run into him don't come. Remember, baby steps.
I sighed and went back upstairs. I kept playing different ways in my head that I could reintroduce myself to everyone but nothing good came to mind. I have to do it soon but I don't know when. I decided to run to Deanna's house because maybe she knew what to do. When I got there I knocked on the door and she answered. "Y/N! What a surprise come in!" I smiled and walked in. I looked around at how everything was beautifully placed. We sat down on her couch and drank tea. "So What brings you here?" "There's something bugging me and I have to tell you." She looked at me softer. "I-It's not bad but um.. I figured I would have to tell you one day or another." "I know the new people." She looked at me weird and I continued. "I was with them when this whole thing started. I was close to everyone of them except for this one guy Shane. We hated each other and did everything we could to get rid of the other. Anyways, long story short, I threatened him and out of no where a few hours later the leader kicked me out and I was in the woods for a few years before I found Alexandria." I took a long breath because I kind of just spit it out all at once. "Are you okay with them being here?" "I'm more than ok! It's just, I was so close to them. They were family and seeing them again just kind of.. hurts. I just wanted help on ideas on how I can maybe reintroduce myself." She smiled and chuckled. "Aww Y/N don't be rough in yourself. When the right time comes then you should do it." I nodded and thanked her for everything. "If you ever need anything I'm right around the corner." She smiled and I thanked her again. I hesitantly walked back to the house and when I got back Enid was home and we talked for a while.

A few weeks later

Alexandria got overrun by walkers and no one was around. I ran from house to house looking for people I knew so I had someone to stick with through this. I still hadn't talked to anyone from the group and of course today I was ready. There was a house where the walkers were crowding which was the Andersons household. I ran over and killed every last one with my machete. I opened the door and entered back first. I shut the door and locked it and as I was about to turn around I heard a familiar voice. "Y-Y/N?" Uh oh. My head shot up and I hesitantly turned around. Everyone was staring at me and I just smiled. "Hey."

-Carl's P.O.V-
We've been in Alexandria for a while and I swear I keep seeing her! Or maybe it's someone who looks like her but either way it's driving me crazy! I never see this girl so I can't talk to her and find out if it is. In these few weeks we've been here so much has happened and where we are right now is just another thing to pile on to everything. Alexandria had gotten over run after a failed attempt in luring these walkers away. We made it to the Andersons and in not even 5 minutes the door was crowded by a bunch of walkers. Everyone was off doing their own thing frantically running around for supplies and taking care of Judith until we heard someone outside. Everyone crowded downstairs and watched as a girl with h/c hair entered the house after taking care of the walkers outside. After a second I realized that this was the girl I wanted to talk to. Before I could think I accidentally called out to her. "Y-Y/N?" Her head shot up and tears rolled down my cheeks. She turned around slowly and faced us. "Hey." She said smiling weakly. I looked her in the eyes and she started crying too. She ran to me and hugged me and I didn't hesitate to hug back. "I can't believe it's actually you." I said my voice cracking a little from crying. She nodded and wiped my tears. She rested her head against my chest. "I-I'm sorry for leaving you all of those years ag-" I had interrupted her by kissing her, something I've always wanted to do. I've waited for this moment. To hold her again and to be with her. I hugged her tighter and rested my chin on her head. We were both a deep crimson and could feel everyone staring. We pulled away from the hug and my dad came over and hugged her. "I'm so sorry Y/N. You know I didn't want to do it." He was crying and she nodded. "I know. That made it even harder then it was to leave! A part from the fact that I had to leave Carl.. and everyone else." They pulled away and I hugged her again. I never wanted to let go of her ever again. We all went upstairs and she told us what happened through the years. How she was in the woods for a while and then found Alexandria. How she was freaking out when we arrived and stressed about it for a month and how ironic it was that she came to the house we were in. I sat by her side the whole time and she rested her head on my shoulder. "Why did you stress? Why didn't you just come up to us?" I asked and she shrugged. "I wanted a good "first" impression on you guys.  I wanted to show you that I changed." My dad sighed. "I was afraid you would blame yourself for that." She looked up and my dad continued. "I kicked you out to protect you. Shane said that if I didn't kick you out that he would kill you himself and I didn't want that so I did what he said. I should've killed him right then and there but I didn't. I was a coward. I ended up doing it anyways. He took me to the field and tried to kill me. What kept me going was the thought of Carl and Lori and you. I feel so stupid about what I did to this day and I hope you can forgive me." She smiled at this. "I did a long time ago."

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