11; Just look at me

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-Carl's P.O.V-
It's been a few days after what had happened but I was finally moving around.
-flash back-
We splattered walker guts all over these sheets we found in the Andersons house. Alexandria got overrun after a failed plan to move them somewhere away from us. I looked over at Y/N as my dad helped her put on the sheet. She then grabbed her knife and stuck it in her high top vans. She pulled out her silenced pistol and checked for ammo. She put it back in her holster and went to check on the stairs. I threw the sheet on and joined her. "We'll be ok." I said and she turned. "I don't doubt it." She said smiling. "Get ready you two, remember the plan." We nodded and I grabbed her hand.
We eventually got outside and got in a line. It was My dad, Sam, Jessie, Y/N, Me, Ron, and Michonne in order. Sam then got scared and started to yell for his mom Jessie. Walkers devoured his face and Jessie was screaming. Walkers got her too and my dad was in shock. Jessie wasn't letting go of Y/N's hand and I went into panic mode. I tried pulling her back but it wasn't enough. My dad took an axe and chopped Jessie's arm off causing Y/N to fall back and we landed in a sitting position and my arms were around her. "You okay?" I whispered in her ear." I felt her body shiver a bit. "Y-yea I'm fine. You?" "I'm good." I said and she shifted. I removed my arms from her waist and she got up and pulled me up. We sat there like that for a second until we heard a click from Behind us which was Ron who had his moms gun. He pointed at Y/N and my dad. "No!" I yelled pulling Y/N behind me and Michonne got him in the chest. He shot anyways and got me in the eye. I reached up for where my eye was but when I pulled it away I saw that my hand was red. "Dad?" I said and all I saw was black.

-your side of flashback-
Sam called out for his mom but walkers got him. Jessie screamed and walkers got her too. Rick was in shock but Jessie wouldn't let go of me. "Shit!" I whisper yelled pulling from her. Carl tried pulling me to but her grip was too tight. After a second of this Rick chopped her arm off which sent Carl and I flying. We fell back and he had his arms wrapped around me and we were sitting me on the inside of him. "You okay?" He whispered in my ear. I shivered at this and I looked down at his arms around me blushing. "Y-yea I'm fine. You?" "I'm good." He whispered again and I shifted. He moved his arms and I got up and pulled him up. We sat there me holding his hand close to me and him staring down into my e/c eyes and I stared into his sparkling blue ones. "You." We heard followed by the hammer of a gun clicking. We pulled away and stood there. Ron was pointing his gun at Rick and then me. "No!" Carl yelled pulling me behind him. I couldn't see what was going on but I heard the gun go off. Tears streamed down my face as I saw Carl move his hand and heard him say "Dad?" And his limp body fall to the floor in front of me. I looked up at Rick who rushed over and scooped up his motionless son. He ran to the infirmary as Michonne and I took out as many walkers as we could clearing their path. I ran ahead of them all "get a bed ready for Carl!" I yelled and Denise scrambled around. I helped her get supplies and Rick and Michonne came running through the door. Rick set down Carl on a metal table "is he going to be okay?" Denise checked for a pulse and grabbed supplies. "Yes But you just have to be patient." Rick stepped back and we all watched in horror. I couldn't. "It should've been me." I lost it and ran outside killing as many walkers it took until my heart was content.
-back to Carl-
My dad had his hand in my hand. "Please." I heard him say. "Please stay with us. Y/N is out there killing tons of walkers. She's so torn up about this and we need you here. We miss you. I love you Carl. Please come back." I curled my hand in his to signal that I'm still alive and I could hear him and he broke down crying.

-real time-
I looked in the mirror and slowly took off my bandage. "Damn it." I whispered as I reached my hand up to where my eye was. I was so wrapped up in what I was seeing that I didn't see Y/N in the mirror leaning in the door frame. She wrapped her arms around me and looked up at my face. I looked down at her. "Just look at me." I said looking back at the mirror. "I am." She kissed my cheek and smiled. "and I'm liking what I'm seeing." I looked down at her smiling face. "Your not disgusted by this?" "Of course not Carl!" "I love you too much to be." She mumbled. I wrapped my bandage back and put on my hat. "You love me?" "I-uhm-what?-pshh-i-" I kissed her and she kissed back. When we pulled away she was super red and I laughed at her. "H-hey that's n-not very nice!" "What this?" I kissed her again. "N-No. You laughing at me." She crossed her arms fake pouting . I laughed and pulled her close to me. "I love you too with all of my heart."

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