13; I love you

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{after the prison}
-your P.O.V-
I was carrying Rick while Carl was ahead. I spaced out and bumped into Carl because he stopped and he turned and glared at me. They found a neighborhood and there were a few houses that were intact and we ended up in a nice white one. We went inside and Rick told us to stay close. Carl started banging on the wall "hey asshole! Hey shitface! Hey-" "watch your mouth!" Rick snapped at him. Carl rolled his eyes and went upstairs. I helped Rick push the couch against the door so he could lay down. After he was down and sleeping I explored upstairs. I hadn't been up there since we came and it was a pretty nice house. There was 3 rooms a master and 2 regular rooms. There was also a bathroom. I sat down in one of the regular rooms and read a comic. Eventually, Carl came stomping out of his room. I got up and went to my door. "Where are you going?" I asked. He scoffed "I'm going to check out the other houses." "I'm coming with." "No you're not. You're going to stay here with my dad." hes been moody with me so I chose to be moody back. "I'm going with you no matter what." I crossed my arms. He stepped closer to my door and I back up a little. Now he was in the door frame and I was in the middle of the room. "Would you stop being so selfish?!" He yelled and I balled my hands into fists by my side. "Me? Selfish?! Look at yourself! Your yelling at me to stop being selfish after I saved you! You were surrounded by walkers and I stayed by your side! I killed every walker and emptied my clip 3 times over!" "You didn't save my dad or Judith!" He took another step. "I didn't because she was already gone. Mica and Lizzie took her with Tyreese and your Dad was kind of busy trying to kill the governor!" He walked to me and I backed up. "Why did you do it? Why did you stay with me to make sure I was alive?" "You know how much those two words me-" he pushed me to the wall his hands pressing mine into the wall and his face inches from mine. My face got a deep red as I opened my mouth but nothing came out. "Dot try to change the subject! Why did you save me?" He said his tone a little higher. I stared into his eyes. "B-because.." I paused. I finally got the guts to say it. "B-Because I love you!" I yelled looking down tears stinging my eyes and my face super red. He lowered his face to mine and our lips touched. It was sweet and passionate. He pulled away a second later. "That was the answer I was hoping for." He said and I kissed him long and hard. The kiss got heated and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his arms around my waist. His hands made it up my shirt and I knocked off his hat, my hands tangling in his long brown hair. We were interrupted by walkers banging on the front door. Carl pulled away and sighed. He walked out but peeked his head out from the outside of the door. "we aren't done yet." He said smirking and went downstairs. I smiled to myself and laughed. I slid down the wall and sat there waiting for him to return.

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