7; Swept away

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(Takes place at prison. Same dialogue but it happens differently)
-Your P.O.V-
Lizzie and some other kids were naming walkers who came up to the fence because one of them had a name tag. Carl and Patrick walked over and Carl looked irritated. "You're naming them?" He asked and Mica answered. "Well, one of them has a name tag, so we thought all of them should." "They had names when they were alive. They're dead now." Carl said back, tossing his soccer ball to his other hand. I stepped out from the shadows listening to the conversation more closely. Lizzie then got defensive. "No they're not. They're just different." Patrick looked at Carl. "The hell are you talking about. okay, they don't talk. They don't think. They eat people. They kill people." He emphasized on the "eat" and "kill" parts. "People kill people. They still have names." Lizzie shot back. "Have you seen what happens? Have you seen someone die like that?" He said even more defensive. "Yeah, I have." "They're not people and they're not pe-" "Carl. Stop being so mean." I stepped out smiling and leaning on a rusty tower behind them. His mouth dropped so much it could touch the floor. "Y-Y/N?" "They're just kids. Just like you and me." "Yea I know but they're naming walkers!" "I know but, imagination is important to have in this world." I winked at the group of kids and they all giggled at him. He looked at them and back to me. "Plus." I started to pick on him again. "You named a pig Violet after your dad told you not to." "You know just how to ruin my day huh?" He smirked and I shrugged. "I mean I've only known you for so long" (ever since the beginning.) "you'd think I know everything about you down to your weaknesses." I stared into his eyes and gave him a smug look and he returned it. "Hm. You know my weaknesses-" mid smirk he was cut off by Mica. "Oooooo! Carl likes Y/N and Y/N likes Carl!" We both turned away "w-what? N-no I don't!" We both said at the same time red as tomatoes. I was faced towards the fence and Carl was looking at Patrick who just egged them on. "If you guys don't want to be teased then stop flirting so much!" He kept snickering at his comment until Carl and I both gave him death glares. The girls giggled at how ridiculous we were all being. "We're supposed to go read. Let's go." Lizzie said and proceeded to move on. They all followed behind her but Mica stayed for an extra second. "You coming to story time tonight?" Mica asked Patrick. "Uh, yeah." He said. Mica smiled. "See you then!" She then walked away. Carl and I turned to him smirking. "What? I'm immature!" "No not that." I said Carl followed up. "What's going in between you and Mica?" He nudged Patrick. "Uh-um. What about you guys! Haven't you two kissed or something?" He yelled out and we went back to stuttering and blushing "uhm I, I have to go take care of the horse! Yeah! See ya!" I jogged off and hopped into the horses pen. "Hey there baby!" I pet her as she nudged my chest and I laughed trying to ignore the fact that I was super red.

-Carl's P.O.V-
Y/N jogged away as I stared at her lost and smiling. Patrick started to wave his hand in front of my face. "Earth to Carl? Helloooo?" I snapped out of my daze. "Um yes?" I looked at him and he laughed. "Dude. Your in love." "N-No I'm not!" "Are you serious? I see the way you look at her! That is not how a friend looks at a friend." I blushed and kicked a pebble "I never said I didn't like her as more than that." I mumbled and he laughed. I looked back up at Y/N. She looked so cute playing with the horse. I guess taking care of the horse was her chore because She started washing it. I didn't know she was so good with horses- I was cut off mid thought again by Patrick. "I'm going to go inside. Not feeling so hot." He said and I told him to get better. A few minutes later my dad called me over to help him. We were feeding the pigs when all of a sudden a blood curdling scream rang through the prison followed by gun shots. Y/Ns head shot up so fast and before I knew it she was sprinting towards the prison and pulling out her silenced pistol.

-Your P.O.V-
I just finished up cleaning the horse just to Michonne needing to take her to go on a run. Great I thought what was the use? She got outside the gates after talking for a few minutes. I looked over and both Carl and Patrick were gone but then I found Carl with his dad and smiled when I saw him helping his dad feed. I got back to cleaning up the supplies when all of a sudden I heard a scream from the prison and a few gunshots. I jumped the pen fence and ran as fast as I could pulling out my gun. When I got up there the prison had a bunch of walkers crawling in it. how?? I asked myself. "Walkers in D!" Everyone was yelling. "What about C?" Rick yelled back "Clear. We locked the gates to the tombs. Hershel's on guard." "This ain't a breach." "We followed the plan." Sasha and Daryl. Everyone was running and I joined them. Walkers were every where. I was running and a kid was looking around scared so I scooped him up and shot a walker. "Hey hey it's okay." I reassured him and handed him to Karen. "You'll be okay I promise." He nodded and Karen helped him inside the cell. I knew something was up because it was all of our people so I grabbed a bandanna and tied it over my mouth so I wasn't so exposed to what was going on. My ears were ringing from all the gunshots but I kept pushing on. When we finished I sat for a sec letting my ears settle. When I could finally hear I ran up the stairs to join Rick, Daryl, and Glenn. "Oh, it's Patrick." Daryl said and I looked in. He was covered in blood and just laying there. Looks like he's been dead for a while but how? The prison was so secure. I examined him some more. "Uh oh." I said as I knelt down next to him. "What's up Y/N?" Rick said. I looked at the three of them and back down at Patrick. "Looks like there's a big storm coming and we just got swept away in it." I said standing up and leaving the cell leaving them all confused. I got Hershel and the doctor and they checked out Patrick. They said it was a case of Pleurisy aspiration and how we were all exposed to it. I still had on the bandanna and Hershel looked at me. "Smart girl." He said pointing at me and everyone looked. "You should be fine since you were masking your face with that." I nodded and we all went our separate ways.

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