Chapter five: Awaken Shino, the Inu no Kami!

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      'What's that?' My mind raced as a dark cloud that was hiding not too long ago within the thicket started to charge forward suddenly, and it was gaining speed! It's form started to change just as quickly while my eyes widen. Inuyasha must have sensed its approach as his right-hand shot towards the handle of his sheathed sword. Drawing forth his blade, witnessing it transforming right before my eyes, turning into what looked like a giant fang. Everything happened so fast that just the shock wave from the two drawn swords' sudden impact was enough to knock both me and Kagome about three feet from where we once originally stood, Shippo and Kirara threw further away.

      "What's that?" I screamed as I stared in horror at what was transpiring before Kagome and me.

      "Inuyasha!" Kagome called in fear at the top of her lungs. I try to process who or what the attacker was.

      Dark long hair pulled up into a high ponytail, and porcelain white, almost pasty skin glisten in the sun's rays, the blade that the offender drew was that of a thin and narrow black katana. Just gazing upon it made me feel uneasy as it alone radiated a murderous intent, the strange figure's dark, cold eyes finally glanced away from Inuyasha while their swords pushed against each other. My pulse quicken as my hand darted and grabbed Kagome's wrist, pulling her along with me as I ran deep into the woods with Shippo and Kirara perching themselves on my shoulder.

      "Wait, (___________), what about Inuyasha?!" Kagome protested as she tried to pull her arm away from me.

      "Look, if we stayed, we would have gotten in the way! I don't know what you think you could do to help, but I'm telling you that if we have stayed, we'd both be dead meat!" I half yelled and half spoke, adrenaline was surging through my body as I ran faster than I had before.

      "But what if Inuyasha is in trouble?" Kagome voiced her concern; she's more worried about his safety than her own? Pausing for a moment as she gave me a strange look, my mind raced as I looked around the wooded area before an idea strikes me.

      "Kagome, go and get the others because I doubt Inuyasha is going to be able to handle whatever that was." I started as I handed her Shippo and Kirara, "I think it's after me, to begin with, so please hurry!" I added, remembering how close we were to the village with all the surrounding trees, 'Kagome knows this area better than me, so she needs to be the one to get help.'

      "Alright," She reluctantly agrees, "Kirara, let's hurry back and get Miroku and Sango!" To my surprise, I watch as the cute little kitten gets suddenly enveloped in a giant ball of blazing flames then changes into a massive sabertooth flaming beast. Kagome and Shippo leap onto her back before Kirara flies back towards the village, nodding in satisfaction as I sprint on ahead.

      I remember Kagome telling me about a river nearby in a small clearing away from the village. If that demon is after me like I think it is, maybe there would be safer. 'Please hurry back, Kagome, I don't want to be devoured!' I screamed and begged in my mind that she would make it on time to save me from this bold and yet stupid plan. Breaking free from the forest thick surrounding foliage as I ran into the small clearing with a narrow rushing river nearby, 'Alright now what should I do now?' I cursed myself for being so stupid as not to have some backup plan, that thing is quick, and it has a sword while I'm defenseless! 'Go job, (________) why don't you just say "Come and eat me now demons, I'm dumb and defenseless so have your fill!~" Ugh! Come on, think of something!' Glancing here and there while rattling my brain for an idea or at least a backup plan.

      "My, My, to think someone as precious as you, out in the open like this?" A mellow male voice spoke up from far behind me, turning around to face whoever it belonged. "Your scent is even more heavenly in person, and yet you don't seem to be the brightest, am I right?" The holder of the voice egged on; the figure stood just above my line of sight, perched on a branch before leaping off and landing gracefully before me to add on to my surprise.

      A man with the bright flaming orange hair that went little past his shoulders in the back, yet a couple of small strains were braided from the sides and pulled back. His eyes an eerie dark purple hue that held no emotion what's so ever, yet he still had to be one of the most handsome men I have come across! 'Minus Inuyasha and Miroku, of course, but this guy's complexion seemed equally as sickly as the other guy that was fighting with Inuyasha.' My mind wandered as I step back away from him. His attire held grace as it adored a white base with silver trimming around his kimono sleeves along with blue and red Koi fish decorating it followed with a simple blue obi if I remember correctly. On his feet, he wore wooden clods, 'H-he looks human enough, but he just made a comment about my scent?' My mind raced along with my heart as his head tilted to the side before approaching me.

      "My, My, you wear such a strange outfit, and you look so plain as the Senka Maiden with such a wonderful scent it's a bit of a letdown," He spoke as gain before correct himself and letting out a long drawn out sigh. "Our eldest brother is going to be so disappointed," A 'tsk' left his lips as his brow frown with displeasure while shaking his head. 'Who does this guy think he is!?' I glared daggers at him as I clench my fists, growling and baring my teeth till his gaze landed on me once again.

      "Regardless, I'm taking you with me, and there's nothing you or that 'half-breed' can do about it." He spoke again with a spine-chilling mellow voice as his hand darted out and grasped my wrist! " Come along freely, and I might not need to be aggressive, Milady." I tried to pull myself away, but it felt like it's caged in a steel grip, my wrist wouldn't budge, and it felt like he could snap at any time. 'Kagome or anyone, please, save me!!' my mind raced while a sickling smirk spread across his handsome features as pitch-black wings jetted from his back.

      "No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I closed my eyes tightly, trying to wiggle free even more as I heard quick approaching footsteps coming our way. A warm feeling followed by a pulse from my bracelet as a strange bright light appeared, catching my assailant by surprise. Within a second, it felt like he pushed off of me as I fell to my knees. Wrapping my arms around me as I shivered, yet I felt warm my whole body did.

      "What the hell is this?!" The fiery-haired man asked in a low growl, glancing up with much curiosity what looked to be a strange see-through aqua film of some sort surrounding me in what seemed to be half a sphere-ish about three or so feet from me. His hand reaches out to me once again to only be pushed away to my surprise.

      "What a small and pathetic barrier you've made for yourself, Milady." His smirk is quickly returning as he reached into his kimono, pulling forth a black bladed long knife. "I may not be able to touch you like this, but I can still-" he then quickly jabbed the blade and punctured the thin film-like barrier about a quarter in before slowly slicing it down the middle, my eyes widen at his sudden action as my body started to shake. "Cut through your defenses like melted butter!" his voice had somehow become more menacing as his eyes flashed a demonic red for a moment.

      "No! Just leave me alone!" I screamed as the dog charm glowed this time to add to my and his astonishment, lifting up my wrist to look at it better.

      "Mezame, say Mezame!" A voice beaconed me as I stared at my bracelet.

      "Mezame?" I asked aloud to myself as the charm glowed brighter than before.

      "Just what do you think-" Cut off as the glowing charm flew off my bracelet towards him, knocking him a mile away from me while crimson dripped from an open wound. Deep cuts ran into his shoulder, upper arm, and across his forearm while blood seeped into his once beautifully spotless attire.

      He held his wounded arm while a white long-haired medium-sized dog with bright red coloring adored its tiny paws, a tail is covered with long hair and is carried curled over the back. The coat became shorter on the bottom half of the legs, with breeches on the hind legs and feathering on the forelegs. The ears are small and pointed upright, and the muzzle tapers slightly. The beast protectively stood before me with its lips pulled back, revealing the black gums with bared fangs at the creature before it.

      "I'm Shino, the Inu no Kami of the sacred bracelet!" It barked with an all too familiar voice that I immediately recalled to my surprise. "I won't let you lay a finger on her, you filthy demon!"

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