Chapter twenty-four: To Cry, Wolf!

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      'W-Where am I now?' my mind is yelling with alarms as I wander by myself in the dense forest. 'How did I get here?' looking up, I notice a rather steep slope and a fair drop. 'Did I fall again? All this falling business is getting old,' a heavy sigh leaves my mouth as I stood up, dusting off my kimono in the process.

      "I remember that I was playing a game with Rin, did I lose my footing?" wandering around to find a path back up, hoping to relocate myself once again. "This sucks," pouting as I kick a random stone into a nearby shrub.


      The pebble must have hit something at the other side of the foliage heavy; I blink in surprise as I notice the bush start shaking. A large wolf is peering through the parted leaves, dark amber eyes glistening as drool drips down those large fangs. Snarling with ears perk up with interest. This wolf looked hungry as many more stepped into the opening. Fur raised on the back of their necks and haunches. More growls rose from behind as I raised my hand. I halt while glancing behind me, taking a slow step as I backed away from their glistening teeth as they moved closer.

      'T-this is fine, I've gotten stronger and so has Shino,' gritting my teeth as I bawled my hand into a fist, 'That's right, I'm stronger now!' I glare at the beasts, growling and drooling. 'T-they don't look like the other wolves that attacked our camp; I wonder if they belong to a different pack? Just how many wolves are wandering around here!'

      "What's going on?" a strange voice breaks over the crowded snapping and whining of hungry canines.

      "Did you find something to eat? Huh?" a different voice reaches my ears. I notice two strange-looking young men stepping out from behind some trees.

      One with blue eyes and dual-colored hair, the tuff of black bands among a gray sweep back he didn't have eyebrows and skin's tanned with his attire looked crafted of leather and furs. The other had a thin white mohawk and dark eyes that looked like black marbles. He also didn't appear to eyebrows with tanned skin, only that his attire had fur and iron armor in comparison. Both had pointed ears and looked menacing in away. A wolf barks to the one with a mohawk. He nods as if he could understand what it was saying, narrowing my gaze as I held my arm.

      "Well, we can't eat her; after all, we don't hunt humans anymore," the other response with a sigh as his shoulders slouch.

      "Not mention she reminds me of someone," his companion comments while holding his chin in thought. "Problem is, I can't figure out who," mohawk continues as looks up at the sky.

"She does smell good though, can't blame the wolves for not being tempted. We haven't eaten anything since yesterday," the dual-haired young man comments as his belly makes a low rumble further his claim.

      "I-if you want, I can give you this," awkwardly, I offer them some dried meat and mushrooms. "It's not much, but it should help sate your hunger for a while," their mouths are drooling as I plop the dried food in their hands.

      'Rin went through the trouble of making those for me, but I think she'll understand.' they gobble it within seconds as I look around the thickly wooded area.

      "Thank you!" they both cheered between mouthfuls and occasionally offered the wolves some as I decided to wander down a randomly chosen path.

      "W-wait!" one of the two frantically calls out to me, pausing mid-step as I glance over my shoulder. "We didn't catch your name!" dual-haired fellow holds his hand out to me.

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