Chapter twelve: Not My Clothes!

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      I don't know when I manage to fall asleep or even for how long, but I could feel myself starting to stir from my slumber as the brisk morning air nips at a fair portion of exposed flesh. My eyelids flutter open to the warm, bright light of dawn peeking over the rich, dense canopy of leaves, the slow rising and falling off my body with the steady intake of breathing coming from behind me. The scratchy fabric of the blanket around my person manage to part from my shoulders, a small sigh leaves my parted lips while my eyes blink away the fuzzy images of sleep as I try to adjust to my surroundings. My brain felt foggy for a moment till I felt the smallest bit of movement against my side while the dwindling remains of embers and ash flutter with the gentle breeze that passed by.

      'Huh?' Glancing down while straightening myself up with a better sitting position as I part the blanket, looking over my torso to check over my injuries carefully. 'They don't hurt. I wonder if I can move all right on my own?' My brief thoughts get interrupted by a low animal-like groan, looking over my shoulder only to have Ah-Un's big glowing yellow eyes staring intently at me.

      "Ah-Un?" A familiar small child's voice murmurs, breaking the peaceful silence of the early morning while bringing the blanket back around my form quickly. "Oh good morning Lady (________), did you sleep well?" Rin quickly sits up with a wide grin spreading across her soft round face features, her long dark brown hair sticking up in one particular spot on her head.

      "Mhm. Ah-Un is a lot comfier than I thought!" I reply, softly smiling as I cling to the blanket as tightly as I could muster, feeling the soft, smooth, scaly surface of Ah's nose nuzzling my cheek affectionately. Giggling as I bring my hand up to stroke the beast's muzzle and cheek, noticing the movement to my left as Rin leans in closer to pet her companion also.

      "Isn't he? Ah-Un is the best!" Rin cheers when the dragon creature murmurs a seemly 'thank you' in its way. I could feel the low rumble emanate from within its broad, powerful torso. I could sense Rin moving to get up and attend to the second head, Un giving it an equal amount of attention.

      "Rin! Rin, are you and that woman awake yet?" That annoying squawking voice, which could only belong to the little green imp that I've come to know as Jaken, I could hear the fast-approaching footsteps from the tiny demon. A deep frown on its large bald green head of his, big yellow buggy eyes glaring intently at us, Rin, however, doesn't even flinch at his harsh voice.

      "Oh, good morning, Master Jaken." Her sweet voice greets him, yet Jaken still manages to keep his scowl in place while clinging to his staff of two heads in one tiny three talon hand. "What happens to be the matter? Is it not too early for your usual grumpy squawking? I thought you would like some breakfast beforehand?" Her gentle tone made it sound so innocent while wearing that kindhearted smile.

      "Be quiet, you insolent child, I didn't come here for you! I'm here to ask if you knew where Lord Sesshoumaru went off to." Jaken growled while clenching his fists tightly near his large round head, a clear frown deepening. Again Rin didn't seem to worry about the significance of this little green goblin create in our presence, only noticing the slight tilt to her head like she was thinking for a moment.

      "I do not have the foggiest clue, Master Jaken." Her voice and look on her soft face said it all that she meant every word. She had no clue where that tall, frightfully beautiful creature went off to and what he was doing. My eyes darted over my shoulder to the tree that I remember seeing him last before I went to sleep, only to witness that he is indeed missing from the premises.

      'I wonder where he up and went? Moreover, so early that he didn't leave a note to explain himself?' My thoughts continue to wonder as a slight frown tug at the corners of my lips. 'I wonder if it's natural for him not to feel the need to let his traveling companions know where goes by himself. Then again, who am I to justify what his reasons are? I only knew him for less than a day, and from what I can tell, I should be focusing on getting back to Kagome, let alone how to get back to Kaeda's village.' Glancing back, I notice Rin's gentle gaze staring up at him, which kind of caught me off guard as I meet her gaze with my curiosity. "Rin?" My voice held my lingering unasked question, how long was I dazing off?

      "Are you worried about Lord Sesshoumaru too?" A huge innocent smile graces her rich features while it felt like it took years for that sentence to process through my head. I heard that question correctly, which is harmless enough that she is worried about her lord that she cares deeply about, so why did it make me want to panic and forget about it entirely?

      "W-What makes you say that? I'm a bit curious why he decided to leave on his own, but then again to me, he seems to be super strong, right?" I reply as quickly as I could, glancing over to a limp branch that I remember where Rin left my clothes to dry by the fire last night. "Huh?" My eyes widen when I notice the limb completely bare, my clothes missing from their perch, and my mind is racing a mile per minute.

      "What is the matter Lady (___________)?" Her eyes stare up at me with a hint of worry before glancing over to the same direction that I happen to be gawking at aimlessly. Her eyes also widen with surprise as I hear her take a sharp intake of breath. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach while I clung to the scratchy blanket closer to my body.

      "Where did my clothes go?" A near scream left my gaping mouth. I could feel my blood boiling as I glared at the imp who look remarkably unaffected about the whole situation. "Jaken!" I growl while baring my teeth as threatening as a mortal of my caliber could manage.

      "Huh? Do you mean those strange unsightly rags? I tossed them out. Lord Sesshoumaru should not be seen next to someone in those no matter their position. However, fear not I will retrieve something a little more decent for you to wear and less of an eyesore." Jaken answered with evident smugness laced in every word that left his beak along with a shrug from his shoulders.

      "You little!" I growled as I picked up a decent-sized stone in one hand. It held a satisfying weight behind it as I give it a good toss at the annoying chatty imp.

*THUNK* it hits him dead center of his forehead.

      "Hey!" He shouts before I chuck another stone.

*CLUNK* hitting him in the chin and knocking him on his back in the heat of my frustration.

      "Who died and let you make all of my decisions for me, you little imp? I happened to like those rags, and did it even occurred to you to even ask me if I did or didn't want new clothes, huh?" Shouting louder and louder as I grit my teeth and clenching my fist under the blanket, I wanted to hit that little parasite!

      "Who says you get to make any decisions regardless, Maiden!" He squawked or yelled, it's hard to tell which. "You should be grateful that Lord Sesshoumaru didn't kill you on the spot last night for your insolence." He continued with a huff, a rustling of leaves interrupts us from our bickering as I take notice of the presence of the tall, familiar stature of Sesshoumaru breaking past a barrier of plates in the shadows.

      Clenched tightly within his seemingly deadly claws, bright-colored fabric folded with care while Rin quickly runs up to greet him with a broad, warm, welcoming grin that she does. 'Now where did he get those?'

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