Chapter ten: Innocents Among Evil!

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      My eyes narrowed dangerously at the little green monster as he waddled back to a resting strange two-headed dragon-like beast. Its body's massive like an Ox with lion-like mighty limbs and four deadly sharp talons on each appendage, elegant yet powerful horse-like heads and necks with flowing dark chocolate brown mane. Its tail held a similar appearance to a snake or a lizard's as every inch of the beast's body is covered with swamp green scales. The creature wore an elegant frilly harness and saddle, while its maws are cover by a beautifully designed muzzle of some sort. Defiantly appeared to belong to someone or something of high social standing in this era, making me even more uneasy about the situation I got myself in.

      "I have no idea who or what these people are, but I have a sinking feeling that I shouldn't be staying..." My thoughts wandered back to my comrades, who are probably looking for me as I sit here.

      I feel so cold as the bitter winds nip at my exposed flesh, along with my body becoming bulky and uncomfortable with my still very damp clothing. All that I wanted to do is change into something dry and warm, "Heck, I wouldn't turn down a hot meal right about now." My mind continued flashing back to Zenki and Houki's battle, the so-called Blackwing brothers caused us so much trouble, and we barely manage to make it out of there with our lives. I felt a small tug on the sleeve of my blouse, breaking my train of thought for a moment. Looking down, I notice Rin's tiny clenched fist.

      "Excuse me." Her small voice soft and full of kindness so similar and yet so distant. "We might not have any clean clothes, but I can build a fire and fetch you a blanket." Her soft doe brown eyes are gazing up at me with worry.

      "You don't need to do something like that," I spoke in return as softly as I could muster. My brow frown in both confusion and contemplating thought, 'I still don't understand why these people are fretting over my well being so much. Are they that worried about my health?' My thoughts continued to worry as I slowly brought myself to stand up on shaky legs.

      "Please, your injuries are bad, and you'll catch yourself death with illness!" Her voice is rising little by little, her soft face pleading to me to listen to her as the grip on my sleeve tightens.

      My body aches all over as I look down at her small form. Relucting, I let myself be pulled along by her. Her little hands are leading me closer and closer to the weird two-headed swamp green creature. Worry starts to gnaw at my belly as the beast lifts its heads to look at me with large yellow almond-shaped eyes with slit pupils. I don't see any hostility within those demonic yellow hues, only innocent curiosity, and mild interest, watching as we approach nearer to its massive body. Noticing that Jaken is no longer nearby but more so sitting idly by his lonesome and in seemingly deep thought, clearly paying us little to no mind.

      "Please remove your clothing while I get a fire going, then later after dinner, I'll attend to your wounds." She spoke as she hurries off to gather up a small bundle of firewood in her little arms, carrying it over to the central clearing. "Ah-Un is very nice, so don't worry about him or Master Jaken, he's too deep in thought right now, and Ah-Un's body makes an excellent wall."

      "Oh, um, okay." I blink at her curiously as a small smile forms while she hums along as she works. I slowly work up the nerve to remove my cold, damp clothes, shivering as I pry the skin clinging fabric, piece by piece. "Tell me, Rin," I speak up once more as I lift my shirt over my head, Rin, who is piling the wood strategically while I notice the ring of stones to keep the fire from spreading.

      "Hmm?" She looks at me with much-heeded curiosity.

      "Are you-" Scratching my head as I try to think of the correct words to said. "How should I put this, are you perhaps human?" I finally manage to spit out the troubling thought that has been bothering me up to this point.

      "Huh?" Her brown eyes grew wide before once more settling. "Yes, as far as I've known myself to be." Her face lit up with a slight tilt of her head.

      "O-oh, I see." I stumble over my words briefly as I smile in return for her early confirmation. 'She is only a child... so maybe what I said to be a bit strange but necessary, after all, a human child among demons? How strange.' My thoughts wander along as I pry down my sobbed skirt.

      I watch her closely as small orange specks of ember spit from the flit and stone in her hands as they fall upon the bark of limber. Soon a welcoming flame erupts to life from the pile as she leans back on the heels of her feet with evident satisfaction on her facial features. Removing my shoes and my socks with a sigh of relief, noticing her skipping over towards me with a welcoming smile.

      "Here, let me get you some blankets." She spoke with much energy and enthusiasm a child at her age could muster.

      "Oh, um, thank you, Rin." I blink as I spoke calmly while watching her hurry off to gather up a large blanket used for horses.

      "Aren't you going to remove the rest of your clothes? They'll dry better along with the rest." Rin innocently asked as she gave me the blanket.

      "Ah! I-I suppose that they would, huh?" As panic bubbles up in my chest, looking around in a fret before settling with a nod. "O-Okay, here I go then." My fingers fumble as I remove my undergarments, blushing like crazy as I bring the blanket around my being. 'It's warm and a little itchy, but it's better than nothing.' Thinking calming as I take a seat next to the welcoming campfire.

      "Jaken and I are going to get something to eat so we'll be right back, Ah-Un, please look after her while we are away." Rin eagerly chirped as she ran off with Jaken, pulling him by his shirt. I felt movement behind me, turning to look over my shoulder as Ah-Un moving to lay closer to me. A soft purring like sound greets my ears as one of the two heads nuzzles my cheek with apparent affection. I chuckle leaves my lips as I lightly pet his nose.

      "Hehe, you're a sweet creature, aren't you?" I spoke lowly as I glance back towards the flame.

      "And just who are you?" A deep chilling voice erupts suddenly as a man's silhouette strolls from the surrounding forest's clearing. My eyes widen with concern as the man approaches closer, listening to his steady footsteps.

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