Chapter sixteen: Little Paper Hearts!

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      My heart feels like it's beating a mile per minute and not to mention that my face feels as if it's next to an open flame. I couldn't bear it anymore as I tried to hide the embarrassment on my face from view with my hands. This doesn't help at all as I can still feel Rin's innocence gaze staring into the back of my head. How I'm envious of her, she doesn't know the awkwardness of the situation that Shino just laid before me. After all, how am I going to explain this to someone young and innocent, like Rin? About how complicated that it would be for someone like myself to be put in that situation?

      I can feel Shino shift ever so slightly on my lap, it's hard to explain, but I could feel that he's frustrated about something. 'Why is he frustrated? I'm the only one who should be allowed to be after what he just threw down!' My thoughts are buzzing around like a dark swarm of angry bees.

      "What's with you human women about overreacting about every little thing?" Shino's small child-like voice reaches my ears for a moment, removing my hands from my face only to glare at him.

      "I'm overreacting?" I shout as Shino's eyes widen with surprise as the fur around his neck and down his spine bristles in alarm. I'm surprised he didn't jump off my lap as he stands up to look me in the eye, his teeth clenched tightly as his nose is inches away from my face.

      "Yes, you are!" He shouts back, his fur refusing to lay back down. I feel his claws digging into my flesh as a low growl emanates from inside his chest.

      "That's because you just said something so, so-" My voice drifts off as my face heats up again. I couldn't cough out the words to express my frustration. "You don't go around saying something like being intimate with another being," I whisper just low enough for Shino to hear me without Rin listening to my distress.

      "I did not say that!" Shino growls back while still keeping his voice down, guessing he also didn't want Rin to hear us bickering.

      Narrowing my gaze threateningly, daring him with my eyes that this ball of fluff for a better expiation. My current thoughts were foggy, as indecent images juggled through my mind. As far as I've been told, I'm not ready for something as lying next to a complete strange. 'What would happen if we were alone? What if something happened beyond my abilities to stop it!' Every thought I had mingled with each other, conflicting with my emotions, I thought I was going to fall off of Ah-Un's back with how dizzy I was getting.

      "You just need to lay at least twenty feet by the target." Shino barks, his fur still slightly bristled while keeping his voice low so only I could hear. "The longer that you stay within range, the better, just like with Nigimitama, when you unlocked the Dancing Lotus." He adds, his beady black eyes darts down towards the bracelet on my wrist.

      "That's the problem I don't even know how I even unlocked the seal in the first place!" I found myself shouting again, frustration and confusion flushing over me.

      Shino only flicked his ear in response. I could feel Rin watching me with a hint of concern while I knew for a fact that Jaken wasn't the least bit interested in my woes. Memories slowly started to bubble up to the surface as my eyes widen with the sudden realization.

      'That time with Shippo and Kirara! They fell asleep next to me when the first seal was awoken and when I first heard Shino's voice.' The excitement and surprise mix together as I quickly steady myself from fall off Ah-Un.

      "I know!" I found myself shouting out loud with excitement, making Shino tumble off my lap as Rin stares in surprise. "I think I figure out what you meant, Shino!~" A vast smile etched on my face as the little white dog shakes off leaves and dirt that clung to its pelt.

      "Great." He grumbles under his breath as he recovers his bearings, scurrying to catch up with the two-head dragon's long strides.

      Leaping on to Ah-Un's long sturdy tail and letting out a long drawn out sigh. Rin rewards his endeavors with long gentle strokes over his head and back, wearing a warming smile as Shino relaxes under her touch. I couldn't help but chuckle at how wholesome the sight taking place before my gaze, turning around. My eyes meet with shimmering molten gold hues.

      'How long was he listening to us? Was he even hearing our conversation, or was he worried about Rin?' My breath is caught in my throat for a moment till he turns his gaze away again, cold as the winter wind, he didn't at all seem the least bit flustered. 'Yet here I am panicking over something so minuscule as him looking over here.' Lightly tapping my knuckle against my chin in thought as I gaze at the flowers blooming along the rolling hills. 'One of the ups of being dragged back into the past, I can see breathtaking sights like these.' Humming softly in delight as I find myself relaxing more. 'This gives me an Idea!'

      "Shino, can I ask you for a small favor?" Speaking softly as his little white head peaks up from Rin's lap, his ear twitched in the interest of what would come out next. "I would like some paper."

      "Paper?" Shino and Rin asked in near-perfect union before the little Inu no Kami leaped to his paws and trotted over to me.

      "Well? Can I not asked for something like that?" Keeping my smile in place as I held out my hand.

      "You can, but what for?" Shino tilts his head with curiosity and innocents that its almost impossible to hold back the need to let out a squealing over his cuteness. Warm amber light glows over my extended palm as a sheet of white paper slowly forms near my hand.

      "You'll see," taking the parchment in between my fingers, I start folding and unfolding the corners with precise alignment as I start humming again. "I've been itching to do something."

      I can feel Rin's and Shino's eyes on me with heated curiosity, I wasn't sure how intently they were watching me, but I somehow knew that their eyes never left me or what I was doing. In a matter of moments, it was completed, an origami heart with a mini heart inside. Brightly smiling more than I thought possible as I turn to show the finished product, Rin's eyes glowed with awe as I handed it to her.

      "Here, it's a paper heart." I couldn't help but chuckle at her sweetness as she held it close to her face, I guess, to see every last detail. Shino also moved closer to stare, his face remained blank, but his wagging tail gave away how he felt. "You can keep it, Rin, a little something as a thank you for saving me." Her smile grew even more prominent as she brought it up to her chest.

      "I'll never let it go!" She beamed, closing her big doe brown eyes as she held it there. "I'll keep it safe forever!"

      I couldn't help but smile back in return. Something so simple as a piece of paper could brighten up Rin's day, even more, seem to make all the bad stuff disappear for a moment. The wind suddenly changes direction as it lashes at my face. It feels thick and heavy as Rin lets out a startled yelp as a shadow descends from above. It was only for a moment that I could forget what I was.

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