Chapter 1

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Alchemy: Magic vs. Science


D/C: I own nothing.


"English and Edward's accented voice."

"Amestrian or another foreign language."

"Written notes."



"It's Equivalent Exchange! I'll give you half my life,  you give me half of yours!"


Edward stared out the window with a wide grin, he hadn't been able to stop grinning for the past couple of hours. How could he? He finally managed to tell the Winry his feelings along with asking her to marry him. What a way to start a journey. Now he just had to get her a ring...perhaps he'd find one in his travels towards the west.

Seeing the sun beginning to set and his first stop still hours away, Edward looked away from the window to catch up on some rest. After this train ride, he would constantly be on the move, learning everything he could about Alchemy outside of Amestris.

Oh, how wrong Edward was about the whole entire journey if you could even call it that.


Edward sat outside of a café with a newspaper in his hand. He glared at it, searching for anything to lead him to what he was looking for. Nothing. From the start of his journey, Edward had found little to nothing about Alchemy in the time he had traveled. It was as if Alchemy didn't exist outside other than from Amestris to Xing.

It didn't help that Edward hardly spoke their native tongue. Little to no people spoke Amestrian, and the only language that was similar to it was German. Somehow, due to miscommunication, Edward had ended up in London. After this Edward decided to use only written and at times non-verbal forms of communication, coming to this conclusion after deciding that verbal communication had only brought stress onto him and the person he attempts to communicate with.

So far in Edward's journey, he found nothing. He hadn't even found anything that had piqued his interest. It was as if Alchemy didn't exist outside of Amestris at all. Many would look at him as if he were crazy, a look of disdain or, what made Edward raised an eyebrow at, panic. Before he could even question the said person, they would quickly run away.

Taking a long gulp of his beverage, Edward slammed the cup back on the table and placed a couple of bills alongside it before he stood up. Picking up the suitcase that he had placed next to him and tucking the newspaper underneath his arm, Edward headed out. There had to be something about Alchemy in this country. If only just something to quench his thirst for knowledge.

Fortunately for Edward, earlier he had managed to get a lead about a bookstore. A small lead, but a lead never the less.

Pulling his coat tighter around himself, Edward cursed the terrible weather. He sped up his pace, wanting to get out of the weather, as well as get the information he was after quicker. Taking note of the street signs, Edward furrowed his brows as he continuously ended up in empty alleyways and seemingly dead ends. Having ended up in front of a brick wall for what seemed like the hundredth time, it was safe to say the former Alchemist was at his wit's end. "Next time, Al is going west while I head east."

Edward turned around and started retracing his steps. 'Nothing...NOTHING! Dead end after dead end. Just like looking for...'

Several loud crashes caught Edward's attention along with loud cursing and apologies. Edward brushed against the wall and slowly approached the end of the alleyway, peaking out he saw a confusing sight. There were three people; all dressed in weird clothing. One of them appeared to be a man with greasy black hair, dressed in a black robe, snarling at the other two who looked around Edward's age. Scattered around the alleyway were books, thick and ancient looking.

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